
Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

author:Colorful little saffron seSCOM


Li Yitong encountered a centipede

Li Yitong recently shared a terrifying experience on social media. At a shooting location, she accidentally noticed a large centipede crawling on her lap.

Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

When fans saw this scene, they left messages in the comment area to remind her to pay attention to safety. Li Yitong thought at first that fans were praising her beauty, but it wasn't until the centipede was discovered that she suddenly realized.

Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

Netizens have a lot of discussions about this, and some said: "Li Yitong's blunt sensitivity is too strong, and the centipedes have crawled on their legs and haven't found it yet." Some people also joked: "It seems that Li Yitong's legs are more attractive than centipedes, and even centipedes can't help but climb up to take a look." ”

Liu Yuning's heroic rescue


In this centipede horror, Liu Yuning's timely rescue became the focus of heated discussions among netizens. Hearing Li Yitong's exclamation, Liu Yuning immediately reacted, quickly searched for the whereabouts of the centipede, and successfully shook it off.

Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

This move not only showed his wit and bravery, but also made fans shout "full of security". Some netizens commented: "Liu Yuning can score full marks in this wave of operations, and he deserves to be our male god!" Some netizens joked: "Liu Yuning is proving with practical actions that you have to rely on men at critical moments." ”

The centipede incident sparked controversy


Although the interaction between Li Yitong and Liu Yuning was full of drama, some netizens questioned the authenticity of this centipede incident. It is believed that the appearance of centipedes on the shooting site is unlikely,

Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

I wonder if this was deliberately arranged by the crew in order to create a topic. In this regard, some netizens said: "Whether it is posed or not, Li Yitong and Liu Yuning's reactions are very real and worthy of praise." ”

Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

Some netizens also disagreed: "If it's a posing shot, it's a bit excessive, I hope the crew can give a reasonable explanation." ”

Ending: The truth about the centipede incident


Li Yitong's encounter with a centipede has attracted widespread attention on the Internet, not only showing her sense of humor and Liu Yuning's heroism, but also sparking a discussion about the authenticity of the incident.

Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

No matter what the truth is, this incident has become a topic of conversation among netizens after dinner. In the comment area, everyone expressed their opinions, some supported Li Yitong and Liu Yuning, and some expressed doubts about the authenticity of the incident. In this entertainment industry full of variables, every accident and controversy is a test of the stars' adaptability and public image.

Centipedes crawling on his legs, Li Yitong can still laugh?

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