
Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

author:Colorful little saffron seSCOM


Yu Zheng's response sparked heated discussions among netizens

Recently, Yu Zheng has once again been in the spotlight because of his remarks on social media. Some netizens questioned that Yu Zheng only helped Wang Xingyue speak and did not help Wu Jinyan speak, Yu Zheng responded that he didn't understand what grievances Wu Jinyan had suffered, and he was very happy to see her in the past few days.

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

also said that the golden six years gave her Yanxi Raiders, Heirlooms, Shangshi, Ink Rain Clouds, and Haolan, which was almost half of his career. This response immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens said that Yu Zheng's remarks seemed to imply that Wu Jinyan was not wronged, but that he gave her a lot of opportunities.

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

Some netizens ridiculed: "Is Boss Yu showing off his merits?" Some netizens also said that Yu Zheng's response made people feel that he was shifting his focus and was unwilling to respond to Wu Jinyan's question head-on.

Wu Jinyan's silence and the solidarity of netizens


In this turmoil, Wu Jinyan himself did not respond publicly, which made many netizens feel distressed. Some netizens pointed out that Wu Jinyan has always been filming in his own right, and even if he is misunderstood and accused, he rarely defends himself publicly.

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

This silent attitude made some netizens stand on her side more firmly, believing that she is a respectable actor. Some netizens commented: "Wu Jinyan is really too low-key, obviously a good actor, but he is always ignored." ”

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

Some netizens also expressed their hope that Yu Zheng can treat every artist more fairly and not affect the image of the artist because of temporary remarks.

Wang Xingyue's situation and Yu Zheng's defense


At the same time, Wang Xingyue was also affected by Yu Zheng's remarks. Some netizens believe that Yu Zheng roasts Wang Xingyue on public opinion every time he replies, which is not helping him.

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

Some netizens commented: "Is Boss Yu helping Wang Xingyue or harming him?" Every time he was pushed to the forefront. Some netizens also expressed the hope that Yu Zheng can deal with these problems more rationally.

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

Don't let the artist's image be unnecessarily damaged. Yu Zhengze responded that he was helping Wang Xingyue to purify, hoping that he could be more mature and stable.

Controversial summary


This turmoil about Yu Zheng, Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue has undoubtedly once again pushed the complex relationship between the entertainment industry and the pressure of public opinion on public figures to the forefront.

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

Whether for or against, this discussion reflects the current society's concern about the internal operation of the entertainment industry and the image management of artists. Some netizens humorously concluded: "It seems that being a star not only has good acting skills, but also has to learn how to 'swim' in the field of public opinion, which is really full of skills!" ”

Yu Zheng's 'eccentricity' test: Wu Jinyan's grievances, Wang Xingyue's purification

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