
Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

author:Colorful little saffron seSCOM


Angelababy's live interaction with Simba

In yesterday's live broadcast, Yang Ying (Angelababy) completed her task and prepared to leave. Simba laughs goodbye in front of the camera, showing the relaxed and happy atmosphere of cooperation between them.

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

When the camera turned to Dandan, she smiled and said to Yang Ying, "Come back early, Master!" This sentence not only shows the intimacy between the team members, but also reflects Yang Ying's popularity in the team. Simba spoke even higher of Yang Ying in the live broadcast, saying that she was the most easy-going artist he had ever seen.

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

This evaluation undoubtedly increased Yang Ying's favorability in the hearts of the audience, and also made the atmosphere of this live broadcast more harmonious.

Angelababy's live streaming performance


In the live broadcast, Yang Ying not only fulfilled the basic responsibilities of the brand spokesperson, but also showed her excellent field control ability. She is easy to answer, and the endorsement and publicity also seem to be easy. When she left, she also shook hands and hugged the staff (girls), and this affinity filled the whole live broadcast with warmth.

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

Yang Ying's good personality, emotional stability, and empathy made her a beauty in the atmosphere group in the live broadcast and won the love of the audience. In addition, her life picture is more beautiful than her face, and this natural beauty is even more impressive.

Angelababy's influence on internal entertainment


Yang Ying's beauty and talent have always been the focus of the entertainment industry. Her presence not only brought visual enjoyment to the audience, but also added a lot of brilliance to the red carpet of domestic entertainment.

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

Some netizens commented: "Sister Nose, come back to save the red carpet of domestic entertainment, her beauty is really a loss for the entertainment industry if she is not used to benefit the audience." This call reflects the audience's expectation for Yang Ying's return.

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

Yang Ying's activity can not only improve the overall level of domestic entertainment, but also give Internet celebrities more opportunities to show themselves, which is what the current entertainment industry needs.

Angelababy's Resources & Controversy


Although Yang Ying's performance in the live broadcast has been widely recognized, there are also voices calling on 208 to put an end to the live broadcast and return the Internet celebrity. This view believes that brand business live broadcast is the most basic responsibility for the spokesperson.

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

But it can also affect the development of other influencers. This controversial point of view sparked widespread discussion among netizens, with some people supporting Yang Ying to continue the live broadcast, believing that her performance was worthy of recognition; Some people also believe that other Internet celebrities should be given more opportunities to make the entertainment industry more diverse.



Yang Ying's performance in the live broadcast undoubtedly won her more fans and support. Her beauty, talent, and affability make her unique in the entertainment industry. In the future, whether Yang Ying can continue to shine in the field of live broadcasting,

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry

There will still be new development directions, which are worth looking forward to. In any case, Yang Ying's existence has brought a lot of positive energy to the entertainment industry, and every time she appears, people expect her to bring more surprises.

Angelababy, the 'nose sister' in the live broadcast industry