
Diabetic friends have high blood sugar in the winter, what is the situation? What to do?

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Recently, there are many diabetic friends to consult: how to get high blood sugar in the winter, and it is not easy to come down, what is going on?

With the advent of cold air, the breath of winter is getting closer and closer, snow has been widespread in the north, and the chill is getting stronger in the south. At this time, there may be a lot of sugar that usually measures blood sugar and is stable, huh? Why does blood sugar rise as the temperature decreases? Today I will tell you about it:

Here's a look at what factors can cause blood sugar to rise:


Seasonal changes, the human body will produce a series of physiological changes due to the decrease in temperature

At the turn of the seasons, the biggest change in sugar friends is the increase in blood sugar, on the one hand, because the temperature decreases to excite the sympathetic nervous system, stimulate the increase in adrenaline secretion, increase the output of liver sugar, reduce the uptake of glucose by the muscles, and increase blood sugar; on the other hand, the cold stimulates the skin receptors, causing vasoconstriction, the skin blood flow is reduced, the energy loss is reduced, and the storage increase makes the blood sugar rise. In particular, when it suddenly becomes cold, the increase in blood glucose and blood pressure is more obvious, and it is easy to have myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.


Eat high-calorie foods when you're cold

Due to the low temperature in winter, people will unconsciously want to eat some high-sugar, high-fat, high-energy foods. For example, lamb stew, hot pot and other diets.

Secondly, hot noodles, hot porridge, and hot soups and waters are all foods with high glycemic index and can't stop eating.

In addition, winter supplements are also one of the triggers, jujube, ejiao, guiyuan, etc., a variety of hidden sugar-rising supplements have been eaten until the New Year's Day Spring Festival, so that blood sugar rise to a peak.

The cold of winter stimulates the secretion of epinephrine, and epinephrine can promote the release of sugar stored in the liver, so that the absorption and utilization of sugar by muscles and other tissues is reduced, resulting in increased blood sugar.


The low outdoor temperature significantly reduces the amount of activity

Outdoor temperatures are low in winter, and diabetics, especially middle-aged and elderly patients, tend to spend less time out exercising. If in the south, even in winter, the clothes are still more, heavier, and not very moving at home. This causes blood sugar, especially after a meal, to rise.


In winter, because of the need to resist the cold, some diabetics may eat some hot pot or beef and mutton and other foods, and some people will drink alcohol to warm up, which will also lead to the aggravation of dietary oil and salt, so that blood sugar rises.

How can diabetics control blood sugar in winter?

Winter is a cold season, but also a season when diabetic patients have aggravated their condition and have more complications, so diabetics should pay attention to strengthening self-care in winter, and the following points can be done.

1. Increase the number of blood glucose monitoring

Winter sugar lovers need to monitor their blood sugar more closely than usual. Patients with milder diseases require weekly blood glucose measurements, and in severe cases, daily monitoring is required. In this way, you can grasp the blood glucose status at any time and adjust the treatment plan in time.

2. Eat a sensible diet

Under the guidance of a doctor, diabetics should formulate a healthy diet plan according to their own situation, control staple foods, and avoid eating desserts. When eating, eat less and eat more meals, which can reduce the high peak of blood sugar after meals, which is extremely beneficial to hyperglycemia control. Dietary therapy is the basis for the treatment of all types of diabetes, regardless of the severity of the disease, whether there are complications, we must strictly implement the principle of dietary therapy.

3. Reasonable exercise

Exercise time should not be too long: it should be adjusted according to your physical condition and learn to master the rhythm of exercise. Make an exercise plan based on your physical fitness. Exercise while also paying attention to keep warm.


After entering the winter, the blood glucose index is unstable and difficult to control, so sugar friends should prepare a blood glucose meter at home to facilitate their own blood glucose testing every day, timely grasp the changes in their blood sugar and make records, which is conducive to our daily diet control. Here to tell you a little tip, winter has come to reduce the temperature, you can use warm water bubbles before testing to wait for blood vessels to expand, so that blood collection will be much easier!

Sugar friends, are you ready for this winter? Let's spend the winter together in good health and wellness!

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