
Why do people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard

I am Xiaoyuan, an emotional creator who loves words and reading, I hope to bring you warmth, and I welcome you to tell me your story!

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Marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the integration of two families. Of course, it is also the ultimate attribution of love.

Even in real life, many of the cases that occur make people afraid of marriage. However, not all marriages are full of misfortune.

A few days ago, Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei officially announced their divorce, which not only made netizens feel sorry. It turns out that the love presented in front of the outside world is just a scene, and behind it is a place of chicken feathers.

As adults, we are used to joy and sorrow. However, when you see the news of the breakdown of the marriage, you will still feel it.

After all, we all dreamed of going into marriage with our loved ones. It can be said that this is a compulsory course in life.

Someone said, "You can't get married because you're married." ”

Indeed, marriage is not a child's play. Therefore, we do not need to sacrifice our happiness in order to meet the eyes of the world.

For us, it is true that marriage is not going to be true, and it is also true that we want to get married. So why do so many people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard.

Why do people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard

1, encounter things, you can have a personal consultation

Some people said: "Whatever you have in mind, you can't forgive, and after a long time, everything is easy to discuss." ”

Deeply believed, in marriage, even more so.

We fall in love with someone and then choose to marry each other, not only emotionally, but also between husband and wife.

Each of us is doing our best to make our lives better. Therefore, if we want to get married, we can also let the ideas of two people be combined, and when we encounter things, we can also have a personal consultation, so as not to be confused.

When the actor Wu Jing was preparing to shoot "Wolf Warrior", he once said to his wife: "Wife, if I lose money as a director this time, there will be nothing." ”

However, his wife Xie Nan said that there was no need to worry, it was a big deal for her to raise Wu Jing.

Because the two are married, they need to pay for their own money, and they will definitely discuss and act. Therefore, when Wu Jing proposed that he be the director, Xie Nan agreed to Wu Jing's approach without saying a word.

It has to be said that the mutual trust and support of two people in marriage is of great help to the growth of a person.

It can be seen that marriage is not just a contract. It's more about responsibility and responsibility. When you make a commitment to each other, it means that you are a community.

This is also the meaning of marriage.

Why do people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard

2, when bored, there is someone who can talk

When do you feel lonely?

Someone once made a loneliness scale, from 1 to 10, from a person eating to a person going to the hospital, these are the times when loneliness is strongest.

In this fast-paced society, it seems that social interaction between people has become no longer real. Everyone is living in a mask and it's hard to hear real conversations.

Therefore, after getting married, you can still have someone to talk to yourself and eliminate your troubles, which is the reason for marriage.

Some people say: "There is no boring life, only a boring attitude towards life." ”

It is true that after marriage, because of companionship, a person's life will become more exciting. In this society, it is a very happy thing that someone can talk.

Why do people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Previously, Wang Ke had a huge debt, because of failure, and all day long, he was secretly depressed in his room.

As his wife, Liu Tao did not complain about the world, but worked hard to cheer and encourage Wang Ke, and promised that he would accompany him and pay off his debts together.

Liu Tao impressed Wang Ke with firm language and gave him confidence. Later, with the support of Liu Tao, the husband and wife worked together to pay off their debts.

Just think: if Liu Tao hadn't encouraged her husband with positive words when he was in trouble, perhaps their marriage wouldn't have lasted so long. And a family will also fall apart.

I have to say that marriage can make us grow, but also let us out of the loneliness of darkness.

Perhaps, we want to get married, not only to give ourselves a belonging, but also to establish a firmer foundation for ourselves.

Why do people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard

3, come home from work, can have a happy meal

Miyazaki wrote in Spirited Away: "No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as the direction is right, no matter how bumpy, it is closer to happiness than standing where you are." ”

It is also true that in this life, from birth to leaving this world, a person is just trying to be happy and happy. Even if you encounter difficulties, you have never forgotten this original intention.

After marriage, the most direct change is that two people who once lived in different residences will become a family. Experiencing the marriage together, walking the road for the rest of your life together, this is the breath of fireworks in the world.

Before, I saw that a friend in my circle of friends sent out a set of love photos, and it seemed that the couple really had a "husband and wife".

At that time, I was thinking: Is it difficult to look like love?

Later, I learned that it turned out that this was because two people had lived together for a long time, because they ate and drank together for a long time, and the microflora structure in the body would be similar, so it would be "longer and more like".

It can be seen that the most beautiful thing after marriage is to be able to eat the hot meals that the other party has made for themselves, the taste of this poet.

We often say: only love and food can not be disappointed.

Indeed, the reason for marriage includes being able to have a happy meal with your lover after work.

Why do people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Xiaoyuan's message: Marriage has different meanings for different people.

Some people will feel that marriage is unreliable, and some people will feel that marriage is a compulsory course in our lives. Either way, it's our choice.

Perhaps, in the general environment of society, we will choose to be single because of economic factors. However, this is not an excuse for us to reject marriage.

In this life, people always have to work hard for something. Whether it's life or work. If we all have the motivation to pursue it, why exclude the matter of marriage?

For the rest of your life, I hope you can enter into marriage with the person you love. Share!

Why do people want to get married? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Topic: Why do you think we want to get married?

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