
Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

author:Brush strokes floating dust

Recently, according to a Japanese media report, Germany will return Chinese cultural relics looted during the war of aggression against China by the Eight-Nation Coalition more than 100 years ago. As soon as this news was reported, it immediately attracted wide attention in the global community. People are wondering why Germany has made such a decision and what the implications are.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

In fact, Germany's decision to return cultural relics has far-reaching historical roots and practical significance. From the perspective of history, this not only marks that Germany is facing up to its past, but also greatly promotes the in-depth development of cultural exchanges and friendship between Germany and China.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

Face history squarely and face the facts

The Eight-Nation Allied War of Aggression against China, which took place in 1900, was the beginning of humiliating events in China's modern history. In this war in which China and foreign affairs collided, the Eight-Nation Alliance, including Germany at that time, invaded Beijing by force, looting and plundering countless cultural relics and cultural treasures in North China at will.

This period of history is like a river flowing in the hearts of every Chinese, and it also caused Sino-German relations to fall into a historical shadow at first.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

As time passed, the pain of this history faded, but it did not really heal. Germany's decision to return the looted cultural relics can be said to be an official recognition and responsibility for Germany's actions in the war, which shows that the German government has faced up to and accepted this painful and true history through practical actions. Only by facing history squarely and facing history can we carry out new friendly exchanges.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

Reflect deeply and continue to improve

In the early 90s of the 20th century, with the development of the times and the improvement of social and cultural levels, Germans reflected deeply on the history of their country. Several previous German leaders have apologized to China on various occasions and promised to return looted cultural relics. This shows that German society has established a correct understanding of history and is sincerely engaged in deep reflection.

The restitution of cultural relics is a manifestation of the German government's serious implementation of this important national policy, and it also marks a change in Germany's view of history. This not only shows that Germany is responsible for historical events, but also shows that it cares about and upholds the values of the international community for the fair judgment of history. Under the new historical conditions, the relations between the two countries have moved to a deeper level.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

Promote cultural exchanges and expand cooperation

Cultural exchange is an important link in state-to-state relations. The return of cultural relics as a carrier will greatly promote the Chinese and German peoples to deepen their understanding of each other's cultures. It is believed that with the return of more long-standing cultural relics, the cooperation between China and Germany in the fields of technology, education and art will usher in a new momentum and appearance.

The flow of cultural relics represents the healing of history. China and Germany will walk side by side in a more friendly attitude and jointly compose a new beautiful movement of human civilization. Only by inclusiveness, joint efforts and mutual trust can China-Germany relations warm up day by day and contribute China's strength to regional peace and development.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

Germany's move shows that it has a serious attitude towards history and its willingness to deepen cooperation, which not only promotes the comprehensive and deepening of relations between the two countries, but also sets an example for the international community to correctly handle issues left over from history.

With the continuous infiltration of time, the misunderstandings and estrangements of the past are gradually disappearing. Both China and Germany are well aware that only through joint review and reflection on history can the shadow of the past finally be dissolved.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

Germany's decision to return the looted cultural relics has to a great extent narrowed the distance between China and Germany in terms of historical understanding and cultural exchanges. This will undoubtedly further boost the development of bilateral relations. As more friendly interactions unfold, the Chinese and German people will surely cultivate deeper mutual trust and understanding.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

The repatriation of cultural relics not only represents the restoration of history, but may also be a good cornerstone for the future. It has made the wider international community aware of the importance of addressing issues left over from the past in a positive and responsible manner. At the same time, it also shows that only through mutual tolerance and listening can a lasting friendly cooperation mechanism be established between different countries and peoples.

I believe that in the days to come, China and Germany will accept each other in a more open and pragmatic manner. Through in-depth exchanges in the fields of culture and education, we will surely witness the Sino-German friendship set to a new height and provide more sources of peace and progress to the world.

Japanese media said that Germany will return the cultural relics looted by the Eight-Nation Coalition during its invasion of China. Why is Germany doing this?

Although the return of cultural relics is a beautiful end to history, it is only the beginning of long-term cooperation between China and Germany. At a new starting point, we look forward to more and more friendly fruits to be harvested in the future. #头条创作挑战赛#

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