
Susan Miller_ Horoscope for December 20-26, 2021


Your self-expression and your professional ideas can have a positive impact on your finances. In an informal conversation, you might come up with a great idea to the top that will surprise the ta. This could lead to a lump sum of money that will bring good news for your vacation plans. Or, discussing the future of your career may lead to some opportunities that may lead to a good income. Or your boss might conduct a comprehensive review of your salary structure. Anyway, this should be good news for you.


An idea that involves international travel, higher education, or overseas markets may excite you today. With Mercury traveling through your palace on long journeys, and Uranus in your identity palace, you may feel particularly wanting to expand your horizons in some way. This can be manifested by planning a trip to a country you haven't already visited or by enrolling in a continuing education course that will revitalize your career. Whatever it is, make sure it's something you love.


Unexpected changes beyond your control can affect your common finances or variable income in a positive way. The vagaries of Uranus are passing through the hidden palaces in your astrolabe, which means there may be some events that you can't predict or prepare for. Since Uranus will be in harmony with Mercury in your other people's money house, you may get a windfall. Alternatively, a new investment idea may emerge, and the results are quite profitable.


When you're most casual, you might have some very rich conversations. Today, you might meet someone through a friend or like-minded group, and that person might make a point you've never explored before. So your perspective on many topics may expand, and you may find it very exciting. Or, if you're in a personal or professional partnership, you may explore the future of your relationship, which will bring you closer together.


You may be ready to change your work environment and daily activities, and it looks like your superiors will do the same. In your company, management shifts may bring about some changes, or changes with your colleagues or managers. This should make things more exciting. Today is also a good day to organize drawers and cabinets. In fact, this is beneficial on both a personal and professional level. Maybe you'll benefit from tidying up your wardrobe.


If you've been looking to vacation overseas but are held back by visa or immigration documents and need to process them longer than expected, you might be pleasantly surprised today. Uranus' trek through your palace will coincide with Mercury located in your house of fun, which means the good news is coming. On the other hand, if you are a parent and your child has been waiting for a reply from a university they applied to, they may receive a message that will make the whole family happy.


Keep an open mind when you're chatting with your parents or other relatives. With bright Uranus paired with witty Mercury, the idea of a joint venture or real estate investment may sound appealing. If the investment sounds good and can provide a guarantee, or if the goods are involved, be sure to listen carefully. Or, you might hear wonderful news about a loan application, or you might receive unexpected cash that will make your vacation happier.


The changes in your plans brought by your significant other may allow you to travel together during the holidays. You may decide to visit your siblings, or you may want to be alone for a few days instead of going to a family gathering. No matter what you do, the less organized your plan is, the more likely you are to have fun. Maybe you will have the opportunity to visit a dear friend or relative in a neighboring city.


Changes in the work environment can have a beneficial effect on your income. If one of your leaders is reassigned to a new position, you may be invited to take over his or her previous position. If that's the case, you'll have more room to make decisions for yourself and your team, and you'll get a raise. Isn't that a nice Christmas gift? Alternatively, you can use this time to start developing habits to boost your self-confidence.


Invitations to a unique social gathering will be able to help you relax. With the non-traditional Uranus passing through your palace of fun and romance, and with Mercury thought and located in your identity palace, you may be playing with interesting people from different backgrounds. Or, if you are a parent, your child may invite you to share an unusual activity with them. No matter how strange it sounds, consider their proposal. You might be surprised at the fun it can bring.


Temporary changes to family members or holiday plans may require you to adjust your plans for the gathering. With Uranus conjunct Mercury in your family palace, you may find an unexpected guest attending the party. Or, you may need to change the location of the party because of something unexpected. If the distractions affect your plans, rest assured that everything should go smoothly. You're sure to come up with creative solutions to get your arrangement on track – and maybe make your arrangement more enjoyable.


Talking to friends can lead to interesting ideas like writing, communication, social media presentation, and the way you communicate with others. Whether it's personal or professional communication, can your communication style accurately convey the information you want? As an idealist, a few days will be a good day to express your opinion on the things you care about. In addition, someone might introduce you to attractive, open-minded people who will be able to help you think differently.

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