
78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

author:Lao Zhe tea party

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78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Editor: Lao Zhe Tea Party

The difficult years of entering the showbiz

Liu Dan's decision to change careers from seafarers to the entertainment industry was not impulsive, but the result of careful consideration. At that time, the competition in the entertainment industry was fierce, and Liu Dan was not optimistic when he first entered the industry. At first, he could only take on some small roles and had a meager income, but he was never discouraged. For every small role, Liu Dan goes all out, figuring out the inner world of the character with his heart, and strives to show real emotions in the performance. This dedication and love for acting has gradually won him the recognition of directors and audiences.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

The creation of classic characters

With the continuous improvement of his acting skills, Liu Dan gradually got more opportunities to perform. His role has also gradually moved from a supporting role to a leading role, whether it is a positive role or a villain role, Liu Dan can interpret it vividly. He has played villains in many film and television dramas, and these characters have distinct personalities and rich layers, which are deeply imprinted in the minds of the audience. Through the nuanced portrayal of the role, Liu Dan has successfully created one classic role after another, making him famous in the entertainment industry.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Faced with the trough and persistence

Despite a lot of achievements, Liu Dan's acting career has not been smooth sailing. He has also experienced a low period, facing difficulties in role selection and bottlenecks in career development. Whenever he encounters difficulties, Liu Dan always faces them with an optimistic and positive attitude. Acting career is like life, there are peaks and valleys, the important thing is not to give up when the trough is low, and to persevere. It is this spirit of perseverance that allows him to constantly sharpen himself in the trough, accumulate experience, and lay a solid foundation for later success.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

The spirit of never giving up

Liu Dan's success lies not only in his talent, but also in his never-give-up spirit. He always firmly believes that as long as you stick to your dreams and work hard, you will be able to overcome difficulties and achieve success. This spirit is reflected not only in his acting career, but also in his life. Liu Dan is an optimistic and cheerful person in life, no matter what kind of difficulties and setbacks he encounters, he can face them with a positive attitude. This positive attitude towards life has also deeply infected the people around him.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Liu Dan and Li Fuying's half-century love

Speaking of Liu Dan, I have to mention his wife Li Fuying. The two have been in love for more than half a century and have become a recognized model couple in the entertainment industry. Liu Dan and Li Fuying's love story began with a photo, through a friend's introduction, the two experienced tension and anticipation when they first met. They fell in love and entered the marriage hall two years later.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Liu Dan is grateful to his wife for her dedication to the family and her tolerance for him, especially in the emotions he brought home when he played the role of a villain, and her forbearance kept the family harmonious. Whenever Liu Dan recalls these bits and pieces, he can't help but sigh that without his wife's understanding and support, he would not have been able to go so smoothly in the entertainment industry. Li Fuying is not only Liu Dan's partner, but also his strong backing.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Thoughtful before heading north

Before Hawick Lau decided to go north to develop in the mainland, Liu Dan had many in-depth exchanges with him. As a veteran actor, Liu Dan is well aware of the changes and challenges in the entertainment industry. He understands the broad prospects of the mainland market and sees the rapid development of the mainland's film and television industry. Liu Dan believes that although Hong Kong's entertainment industry also has good resources, the mainland market undoubtedly provides more opportunities and platforms. For the sake of his son's long-term development, he encouraged Hawick Lau to try bravely and open up new horizons.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

The hardships and persistence of life in Beipiao

In the early days of his development in the north, Hawick Lau also faced many difficulties. The new environment and new ways of working require him to adapt and learn. Although he was occasionally homesick, he never complained to his father. Liu Dan also understands the hardships of working alone outside the home, but he chooses to give his son enough trust and support, rather than intervening too much. He believes that Hawick Lau is capable of overcoming these difficulties and gaining a firm foothold in the mainland.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

The first taste of success

After a period of hard work, Hawick Lau finally made his mark in the mainland film and television industry. With his strength and hard work, he gradually gained the recognition of the audience. Whenever Liu Dan sees his son's performance on TV, he feels extremely proud. Liu Dan knows that Hawick Lau's success is not easy to come by, and it is the result of his countless sweat and hard work. As a father, he is sincerely pleased with his son's every progress.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

The silent support behind the success

Hawick Lau's success in the mainland is inseparable from the silent support of Liu Dan behind him. Whenever Hawick Lau encounters confusion and challenges, Dan Lau always gives him pertinent advice and encouragement. Liu Dan knows that as an actor, in addition to acting skills, he also needs to have a strong psychological quality and perseverance. Through his own experience, he has helped Hawick Lau continue to move forward in his career. He also taught his son to remain humble and calm in the face of success, not forgetting his original intention, and continuing to work hard.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Liu Dan's expectations for his son

Hawick Lau's success not only made Liu Dan proud, but also made him see his son's potential in his acting career. As a father, Liu Dan has high expectations for Hawick Lau. He hopes that Hawick Lau can continue to work hard in the mainland, continue to break through himself, and become a better actor. Liu Dan believes that as long as Hawick Lau maintains his love and dedication to acting, he will definitely be able to achieve greater achievements. Dan Lau's full support and guidance have laid a solid foundation for Hawick Lau's road to success.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

The arrival of small glutinous rice

After Hawick Lau and Yang Mi got married, they gave birth to their lovely daughter "Little Glutinous Rice" Liu Yixin. Although the two later divorced, Xiao Nuomi became the greatest joy in Liu Dan's life. Whenever she mentions her granddaughter, Liu Dan always smiles and thinks her jokes are particularly cute. Since Xiao Nuomi was born, Liu Dan and his wife have been taking care of her personally, especially after the divorce of their son and daughter-in-law, they have devoted more time to their granddaughter.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Now that Xiao Nuomi is 10 years old, Liu Dan is gradually letting go and letting her build her own life. In this process, Liu Dan not only enjoyed the time with her granddaughter, but also saw hope for the future in her growth. The arrival of Xiao Nuomi added endless joy and warmth to Liu Dan's later life.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

The spirit of never giving up

Liu Dan's success lies not only in his achievements in the entertainment industry, but also in his spirit of never giving up. Whether it is the challenges encountered in his career or the responsibilities in family life, Liu Dan always adheres to his beliefs and strives to be the best. It is this spirit that makes him an ageless legend in the hearts of the audience, and also makes him the most solid support in the family.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Through Liu Dan's story, we not only see the acting career of an old actor, but also the multi-faceted life of a husband, father and grandfather. Liu Dan's every role is full of vitality, and his role in the family is full of responsibility and love. His story is worth learning and learning from each of us.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Liu Dan's multi-faceted life

Liu Dan's story is full of warmth and tenacity. He is not only a great actor, but also a good husband, a good father and a good grandfather. Whether it is the challenges faced in his acting career or the responsibilities in family life, Liu Dan has always faced them with a positive attitude. His story not only allows us to see a successful acting life, but also allows us to see a family life full of love and responsibility.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Liu Dan's multi-faceted life has both the glory of his acting career and the warmth of family life. It is this multi-faceted nature that has made him an ageless legend in the hearts of the audience. Whether it is in front of the screen or in life, Liu Dan uses his actions to interpret what real success and happiness are.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Liu Dan's legend continues

Liu Dan's story continues. As a veteran actor, his acting career is still writing new chapters. As a husband, father, and grandfather, his role in the family continues and enriches. Liu Dan used his actions to show us what is the spirit of never giving up, what is the responsibility and love of family.

78-year-old Liu Dan regards his granddaughter as his life, and after his son divorced, he and his wife took the big "little glutinous rice"

Through Liu Dan's story, we not only see a successful acting life, but also a family life full of love and responsibility. Liu Dan's legend continues, and his story will always inspire each and every one of us.

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