
TIM Tim Horoscope 6.30-7.6

author:Susan Miller constellation

Translator: @玥家樂

This week's "hands-off time" is very short, except for Sunday, the remaining six days add up to only 23 minutes (or only 23 minutes out of 8,640 minutes). It's fair to say that a lot can be done in a week, and a lot of ongoing work will be progressed.

【Aries】Translator: @c4ndy

This week, we continue to focus on home, family, security and belonging. Take breaks and think about what to do next. Now is the perfect time to take care of your own back garden – prune the dead branches, cut off the stale relationships, and put an end to the things that have no end in sight...... Plant the seeds for new content, new relationships, new things, and the like. Family members are still friendly and reasonable; But from Monday onwards, there will be more and more communication outside of the home – a microcosm of the year ahead – which will unfold in terms of travel, errands, communication, paperwork, which will also help you pursue more important things. (This year is extremely conducive to further study and pursue a degree.) (There's so much to do!) Fortune continues to improve. The progress of the government or administration is still slow, but the only thing that matters: is this situation good or bad for you?

Sunday through Tuesday morning, money, buying/selling, physical touch, mastering something – (PT) after noon on Sunday will be better and more productive. From around 9 a.m. on Tuesday to the first half of Thursday afternoon, the errands, communications, and things like that mentioned above continued. Tuesday went well, Wednesday and Thursday were prone to problems. From late Thursday night to Saturday, the family side still needs attention, but things are good and good for you.

【Taurus】Translator: @玥家樂

Taurus, the next few weeks will be full of short trips, chores, communication, and paperwork. These things will get luckier and luckier from Thursday afternoon to Saturday, so go out for a walk, chat, make phone calls, visit, submit reports, and talk about yourself.

A little earlier, between Sunday and Tuesday just after breakfast, my personal form and charisma improved dramatically. There may be obstacles before 9am on Sunday, and for the rest of this time slot, you're destined to succeed – push your way through! Tuesday morning through the first half of Thursday afternoon, buying/selling, learning things, and engaging with people in non-romantic relationships – schedule the main action on Tuesday as things are less rosy on Wednesday/Thursday. (I said that after Thursday.) )

Your bold, sexually charged situation will continue until July 20th. A relaxed and friendly relationship may begin, but a relationship in a relationship may start to decline. Until June of next year, your best luck will be in terms of possessions, physical relationships, money. It's time for a part-time Taurus to get a raise.

Gemini Translator: Some things and some things @minki

Twins, from now until July 20, stay away from dangerous places and avoid confrontation with people; During this period, the focus is on income, possessions, physical relationships, rote memorization of mechanical learning (what is already known to be mastered). Luck in these areas is good until July 11, and you will get satisfactory results, which is suitable for buying luxury goods (or love tokens), asking for a salary increase (raising the offer), and clarifying your mind during this time. (Be honest and relative, don't play with feelings.) Your communication skills are being restored quickly, and you're starting to feel like you're going around and want to travel. This aspect will be favored in the coming year, and your luck will fall in these areas. The happy state is the best proof of this. Also in this year, the leaders will also pay attention to your progress and output and give you a "score". This has the potential to have a beneficial impact on your long-term growth and asset accumulation – provided that you can "share the same weal and woe".

Sunday morning to Tuesday (Pacific Time) is a little past breakfast time, low-key, rested, and thoughtful. This time is a good time to engage with the government, governing bodies, higher authorities, and also to meditate, seek spiritual guidance, and understand the cause and effect of good and evil. From Tuesday day to the first half of Thursday afternoon, personal form and charisma picked up - Tuesday has a high success rate and can go all out; On Wednesday and Thursday, be cautious. From Thursday afternoon to Saturday, making money, physical contact "just for the sake of momentary gratification", shopping - all will have good results!

Translator: @魔法信使4168

The general situation of the next few weeks can be glimpsed from Thursday afternoon to Saturday: Cancer's personal state, charisma, and efficiency are at their best. It's a good time to start doing something new and to push forward what is already underway. From now until June next year, management (layer) will be the key to your success in terms of work. The cancer of civil servants will be busy, but there will also be a lot to gain. Rewind the clock a little further, Sunday to Tuesday (Pacific Time) for breakfast, wishes come true, networking broadening, and social fun, ambiguity, optimism. This time period is very good. (But take care of your relationships on Sunday morning.) Tuesday daytime to the first half of Thursday afternoon, away from the crowds, this time of day when fatigue hits and you will also have the need to be alone. It's okay to reach out to government or higher authorities on Tuesdays, but on Wednesdays/Thursdays be cautious – protect your privacy, take breaks, and think deeply. Late Thursday night to Saturday, suddenly there was a good movement.

There is a chance to meet a new male friend or reach out to someone who will help you in your career by July 20. Your glamorous appearance will continue until July 11th.

【Leo】Translator: @隐风挽枝

Low-key, Lion - rest, meditate, make plans, seek spiritual sustenance, contact with local governments or management departments. July is usually the worst month of the year, but this time your mind is full of great plans (especially when it comes to emotional, creative or speculative matters) – and allies who want to walk with you "pop up". So, this is the most relaxed and socially active "low tide July" in recent years! It's all thanks to Jupiter – it'll be your social and romantic stay all year round until next June. It is possible to face a "legal" or moral trial from those in higher positions before July 20.

Sunday through Tuesday around 9 a.m. (Pacific Time) focuses on ambition, career, and worldly status. During this time period, after 8 a.m. on Sunday, everything is going well, progress can be made, and there is good luck. Tuesday had a chance to make it happen, but not Wednesday, including the first half of Thursday. In the same way, romance, popularity, social fun - good Tuesday, bad Wednesday/Thursday. Thursday afternoon through Saturday late night, away from the crowds. Personal status and charisma fade, away from the competition. However, you will still be able to deal with matters related to the government, administrations, and institutions, and you can ask for advice, and things will develop according to your heart.

【Virgo】Translator: @Zakia Zakia

For Virgos, the overall vibe is festive, fun and provocative – optimism, popularity, social fun and friendly "emotional exchanges" throughout July – especially from late Thursday night to Saturday. This is a time of good dreams and aspirations – opportunities for dreams to come true. Until July 20, strictly avoid lawsuits – and a lawyer – unless the person can help you in matters such as investment, research, relocation (immigration) or intimacy (physical contact). And these things — love, sex, research, law, travel, further education — are good from Sunday to Tuesday (Pacific Time) for breakfast, and you can give it your all. There is a chance to start a friendly relationship before July 11. From Tuesday day to the first half of Thursday afternoon, focus on ambition and reach out to the top of the hierarchy. Tuesday was great – all in the cast – but on Wednesday/Thursday, focus on protecting what you've gotten and not just rushing at it. Although you will encounter obstacles in these two days, in the next 11 months, you will have two, or even four, opportunities to accelerate the pursuit of personal fame, ambition, and career. (Clues related to this — including tips on how to resolve a certain obstacle — will appear around 7 p.m. PT on Wednesday.) )

【Libra】Translator: @行走的柠檬红茶

In the coming weeks, Libra's libido will remain unusually high. Important lifestyle changes can now be made through others, whether it's a relocation or simply a change in wealth and security. However, until the end of July, the focus is basically on ambition, career, prestige, and worldly status. All of these areas will be blessed with good fortune before July 11, so don't miss the opportunity and act as soon as possible. There may be someone you can talk to (re)enter your life; This man came with a romantic/creative agenda. (Or maybe that's something that changes the other person's life.) )

I've said it before, but I'll repeat it: it's much better for you to pursue a (cooperative) relationship than to be alone until January of next year. Libra, who is single, has the opportunity to meet a smart, cute and gentle person in the next 11 months, who may be a perfect match for you.

Sunday to Tuesday just after breakfast time, sensuality, secrets, subconscious cues (intuition), medical issues, lifestyle choices, major financial actions/opportunities. You're lucky enough to be bold enough to do all of the above things at this time. From Tuesday day to the first half of Thursday afternoon, the themes of tenderness, travel, law, further education, media, and religion come into view. The lucky day for these aspects is Tuesday, not Wednesday and not Thursday. (But every day for the next 11 months will be a lucky day for these things.) Thursday afternoon to Saturday, ambition: you can go further!

Scorpio Translator: @肉包好吃w

Scorpio, if you are an investor, researcher, therapist or medical worker, you will surely fall in love with the year of good fortune ahead. This month, that is, July, is good for travel, deep ideas, planning for the overall situation, tenderness and sweetness, social customs and ceremonies (weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies, etc.), further study, and legal affairs. Taurus or potential objects may be involved in these things in a way that benefits you. The exchanges that begin now will surely be very warm; It doesn't matter if you get married in the end or not, but it must be hot and sexy. Before July 20th, be sure to use your communication skills, others may have other plans. Before the end of July, the senior will communicate with you – probably about a promotion.

From Sunday to Tuesday morning, the network expands and someone shows up who ignites the fire of your romance and sensuality. Take advantage of every opportunity. During the week, Tuesday daytime through the first half of Thursday afternoon, focus on physical, desire, financial, medical, and lifestyle decisions – get things done on Tuesday and make no progress on Wednesday and Thursday. Late Thursday night to Saturday are the key themes of the month – the big picture, tenderness, law, learning, travel, ...... – all good influences, so be engaged.

Sagittarius: Orange sheep princess

You are facing the deep problems of life, shooters - physical, gestation, investment, finances, medical issues, lifestyle choices - this is the moment of commitment and the corresponding consequences. These areas will be blessed with good fortune this weekend, which is Thursday afternoon to late Saturday night, so be prepared to dive in – do your research first.

A little further forward in the timeline, a little past the dawn from Sunday to Tuesday, tedious chores, mechanical, minor ailments like headaches. Your efforts will be accompanied by good luck, and you can devote yourself to your work. Midweek, Tuesday day through the first half of Thursday afternoon, networking, opportunities, long-term vision, public image – all of these things went well on Tuesday, but not so well on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. (If you stretch the timeline though—until next summer, all these things are going to be exceptionally smooth for all these relationships, opportunities, and the like, and most of your luck falls on those lines.) )

Before July 20th, be enthusiastic about work. Before July 11, the investment is profitable and the desire is satisfied. Until February 2026, the family side will not be able to "exert its strength".

Capricorn Translator: @Zakia Zakia

Relationships, opportunities, public image, and relocation will be the theme of these weeks. Good luck will be in place from Thursday to Saturday in these areas. A Capricorn (careerally or emotionally) a person with the opportunity to meet the right person. The beginning of the week is also full of luck, and the period from Sunday to Tuesday just after breakfast time will be a sweet journey in romance, learning, children, art, creativity and speculation. Take care of household chores during the week, but be careful during the day Tuesday through the first half of Thursday afternoon. These things start to be dealt with on (lucky) Tuesday and take their time by Wednesday/Thursday, and there will be a lot of obstacles in the way on both days.

In the long run, everyone will be friendly to you until July 11; Before July 20, the romantic (creative) aspect, strong, impulsive, bold; There's already a lot to do until June next year – but if you ask for yourself, you'll get something out of it.

Aquarius Translator: @时光且短我心且长

Dear Aquarius, there is a whole lot of things to do in front of you. Put your head in it and dive into it. The situation will ease around 22 July. In the meantime, this Thursday to Saturday, the focus is on work, tools and equipment – these days are good for buying and repairing machinery and getting to work. A few days before that, Sunday to Tuesday morning, it's best to stay at home, remember to cuddle up with the kids, start repairs or renovations, increase safety precautions, or be out in nature – it's a good time to be productive. Midweek (Tuesday day to the first half of Thursday afternoon Pacific Time) is romantic and creative, but it may be difficult to produce satisfactorily after Tuesday, so remember to act early.

In the longer term, before July 11, there will still be good luck in the actions of work and equipment; Before July 20, it is easy to have family friction; Before June next year, there is a possibility that the emotional aspect will come true.

Pisces Translator: @山师傅1019

In the coming weeks, single Pisces will have romantic encounters, while married Pisces will be creative, child-related things. All Pisces are capable of pleasure, beauty and adventure. These aspects, before July 11, are more related to the flesh; Before July 25, it was more about partnerships; From Thursday afternoon to Saturday, you will be blessed with good luck. Before July 20, you will be given a lot of points when it comes to emotional or monetary pursuits. So if you have something to say, just say it! -- Especially from Sunday to Tuesday (Pacific Time) for breakfast, communication, travel, and paperwork will be carried out smoothly with good fortune. You're in good luck with your family for the next 11 months, especially when it comes to buying and selling homes, property, family, and parenting. If you encounter any injustice this Wednesday to Thursday morning, don't forget your luck. (So the action started on Tuesday, and the day went well.) Easy week, lucky month!


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