
He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, but was saved by two flies, and then never hit flies for the rest of his life

After the founding of New China, many people shed blood and sacrificed, and some generals had very risky experiences. For example, the founding major general Wang Fuzhi, his experience is very special, how can we not think that Wang Fuzhi, who was buried alive for 38 hours, was not only saved, but also saved him by two flies.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, but was saved by two flies, and then never hit flies for the rest of his life

This was the time of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, when Wang Fuzhi, then the commander of the division, was working at the headquarters, and who knew that when the BOMBers of the US army attacked, Wang Fuzhi was directly buried alive. Although he was not injured by the explosion, he was hit by the stone and was a little dizzy, and he woke up in the dark and could not move.

The troops anxiously searched for the news of Wang Fuzhi, and did not find his shadow by digging three feet into the ground, everyone felt that it was likely that the division commander had been sacrificed, and everyone was disheartened and ready to give up the search.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, but was saved by two flies, and then never hit flies for the rest of his life

At this time, a comrade-in-arms said that the division commander was probably still alive, because he saw two flies flying out of the buried hole of the division commander, and the fact that there were flies flying out meant that there was air in the hole, which indicated that the division commander was probably still alive.

Finally, everyone began to dig along the hole where the flies flew out, and after 38 hours, Wang Fuzhi was finally rescued, his body was not in serious trouble, but he was relatively weak.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, but was saved by two flies, and then never hit flies for the rest of his life

After Wang Fuzhi recovered, he learned that he was rescued in this way, regarded flies as his savior, and later did not fight flies for the rest of his life.

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