
The general was buried in the rubble because two flies were rescued and never hit a fly again

As we all know, the battlefield is a very cruel place, and if you are not careful, you will be wrapped in a corpse. Some generals, on the other hand, are lucky enough to always have an opportunity to escape. What Xiaobian introduces to you today is the battlefield adventure of General Wang Fuzhi, the founding major general of our country.

Born in 1923, General Wang Fuzhi was a native of Shaanxi and joined the Red Army at the age of 12, becoming a young soldier in the Red Army. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he joined the Chinese Volunteer Army in 1950 and was the first to enter the Korean War on October 21 of the same year. At that time, he was the deputy commander of a division, and this team played a heroic role in the Korean War. In the late summer and early autumn of 1952, General Wang Fuzhi led his troops to hold the position east of the Linjin River.

The general was buried in the rubble because two flies were rescued and never hit a fly again

At that time, he was studying the battle situation with his staff officers in a cave, while Liu Ming, a reporter from xinhua News Agency who accompanied the army, was catching up with the latest war reports. In order to seize the position, the enemy threw tons of bombs on the position of the volunteer army. A muffled sound sounded, and the top of the cave was bombed by enemy bombs, and 7 people, including General Wang Fuzhi, were buried in the cave. Due to the suddenness of the incident, General Wang was hit by a drop in the cave and lost consciousness.

When he woke up, it was pitch black all around. After a few shouts, it was learned that only three people were alive. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ming and three other comrades from the division were killed on the spot. General Wang and two other comrades helped each other and struggled to get out of the mound. And it was this seemingly simple action that took them three full hours. But climbing out of the mound of dirt and rock does not mean that they have won, and there are still greater difficulties waiting for them to challenge.

The general was buried in the rubble because two flies were rescued and never hit a fly again

At that time the whole cave had been buried, and the comrades outside did not know what was going on inside. They knocked on the washbasin, buckets, lunch boxes, etc. to no avail, and there was no noise outside. What is even more desperate is that there is no water or food in the cave, and the air is getting thinner and thinner. They know the importance of water to life, so they concentrate their urine together so that they can use it in the most difficult times. They were not afraid of death, but they died in a cave like this, which seemed too depressed.

Just when they were almost desperate, they suddenly heard the sound of comrades digging outside, and they plucked up the courage to survive. The commander in charge of the excavation on the periphery told the soldiers to pay attention to all signs of life. Originally, the warriors were discouraged by the long-term excavation and lack of response, but the appearance of two flies made them feel refreshed. It turned out that these two flies flew out of the cave, and since the flies were inside, it meant that there was air inside, and General Wang's hope of survival would be very great.

The general was buried in the rubble because two flies were rescued and never hit a fly again

After more than 30 hours of continuous excavation, General Wang Fuzhi and two other comrades were finally rescued from the cave. It can be said that if it were not for the appearance of those two flies, General Wang Fuzhi would probably have his life hanging in the balance. Therefore, later, for the flies that people hated, General Wang regarded them as "life-saving benefactors" and never harmed them.

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