
The division commander took the ox cart home and talked with the coachman all the way, but he was his father, whom he had not seen for many years

In May 1953, Wang Fuzhi, then commander of the 115th Division of the 39th Army of the Volunteer Army, returned from the Korean battlefield to recuperate, and he decided to use this rare vacation to return to his hometown to visit his father, whom he had not seen for 18 years. Wang Fuzhi was a native of Shaanxi, and his father made a living as a sharecropper for the landlord's family, and his life was very hard. At the age of 5, Wang Fuzhi's mother died of illness, which made life at home even more difficult. In order to support his family, Wang Fuzhi's father decided to go out to earn a living.

In the years that followed, Wang Fuzhi lived with his grandfather, who only returned for a few days during the New Year. In the summer of 1935, the Red Army in northern Shaanxi led by Liu Zhidan came to Wang Fuzhi's hometown, which was a team that fought for the poor people, and Wang Fuzhi felt very kind and planned to join the Red Army. At that time, he was only 12 years old, in order to become a Red Army, Wang Fuzhi falsely reported his age, so he became an ordinary soldier in the 78th Division of the Red 26th Army.

The division commander took the ox cart home and talked with the coachman all the way, but he was his father, whom he had not seen for many years

Don't look at the young age, Wang Fuzhi fought a battle but was particularly brave, less than three months after joining the army, he captured a long gun with a shuttle dart. After that, Wang Fuzhi participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and followed the troops in the southern conquest of the northern war, and made many military achievements. After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Fuzhi followed the first batch of the 39th Army to fight in Korea and was promoted to division commander after accumulating battle merits. At the end of July 1952, the "United Nations Army" launched the Autumn Offensive under the command of Ridgway, and the 39th Army and the enemy engaged in a bloody battle.

On the morning of August 2, when Wang Fuzhi was thinking about combat deployment at the division command post, a heavy bomb of the enemy landed just above the command post and blew up the small cave. At that time, there were 7 people in the command post, including Wang Fuzhi, and 4 of them died on the spot. Wang Fuzhi, staff officer Chen Zhimao, and Operations Section Chief Su Shengshi were buried in the cave. Wu Xinquan, commander of the 39th Army, learned of this situation and immediately sent sappers to the rescue.

The division commander took the ox cart home and talked with the coachman all the way, but he was his father, whom he had not seen for many years

Wu Xinquan

At that time, the enemy and us were fighting fiercely, the battlefield was full of bullets, and the sappers lacked effective tools in their hands, so the rescue operation was very slow. After more than 30 hours of digging, the soldiers still did not completely empty the rubble, and many people believed that the chances of Wang Fuzhi and others surviving were already very small. Just then, the crowd saw two flies flying out of the collapsed crevice. Since the flies can live, it means that there is still air inside, and Wang Fuzhi and others still have hope of survival.

The warriors continued to dig hard, and finally rescued Wang Fuzhi's three men from the collapsed cave, a full 38 hours after they were buried. When Wang Fu later recalled this incident, he said with great emotion: "If it were not for the two flies flying out of the cave, my little life might be over", and wang Fuzhi would not fight flies for the rest of his life. In May 1953, Wang Fuzhi returned to China to recuperate, and he decided to use this rare vacation to return to his hometown to visit his father.

The division commander took the ox cart home and talked with the coachman all the way, but he was his father, whom he had not seen for many years

Wang Fuzhi

After joining the Red Army in 1935, due to frequent wars and frequent changes in the army, Wang Fuzhi never had the opportunity to go home, and he had not seen his father for 18 years. At that time, Wang Fuzhi's position was the commander of the 115th Division of the 39th Army, and he was already equipped with a small jeep and a full-time driver, but Wang Fuzhi believed that his return home was a private matter and could not take advantage of the public family, so he embarked on the journey back to his hometown alone. Along the way, I took the train first, then the passenger car, and it was difficult to get to the county seat, but the county town did not open to the hometown. With more than a dozen miles left, Wang Fuzhi decided to walk.

After walking for more than a mile, Wang Fuzhi encountered an ox cart, and the uncle who drove the car warmly greeted him to get on the car and wanted to take him for a ride. Wang Fuzhi was also not polite and sat on the ox cart. Along the way, the two talked very speculatively, and finally the old man said that he had a son who joined the Red Army at the age of 12, and there has been no news in these years, and he does not know whether he is alive or dead. Out of concern, Wang Fuzhi asked the old man what his son's name was and what year he joined the Red Army. The old man said that his son's name was Wang Fuzhi, and he joined Liu Zhidan's team in 1935.

The division commander took the ox cart home and talked with the coachman all the way, but he was his father, whom he had not seen for many years

Wang Fuzhi was shocked to hear that this coachman turned out to be his father, whom he had not met for 18 years. In the past 18 years, the appearance of both father and son has undergone great changes, and Wang Fuzhi has changed from an ignorant teenager to a division commander of the volunteer army, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist. His father, due to long-term fatigue, looked very old, and his face was already covered with wrinkles. Because of this, the two did not recognize each other. Wang Fuzhi did not expect to reunite with his father in such a special way, and his heart was very emotional. Soon after, he took his father out of his hometown, lived with him, and accompanied him to enjoy his old age.

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