
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

Recently, the entertainment industry can be described as unprecedentedly lively, following Li Lianglei's derailment of Wang Lihong, a few days ago, Wang Lihong finally officially spoke out, but instead of publicly apologizing to his ex-wife, he refuted Li Lianglei's statement, and showed that he did not have any marital cheating, Wang Lihong's attitude completely angered Li Lianglei, and Li Lianglei then posted evidence, directly making Wang Lihong, who tried to argue, powerless to refute.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

From Li Lianglei's post on the 20th, we got more information points, in which Li Lianglei first angrily rebuked Wang Lihong for talking nonsense in order to save his reputation, and then elaborated from Wang Lihong's marital infidelity and the issue of divorce property division that everyone is most concerned about. In the latest developments, Wang Lihong has publicly apologized to Li Lianglei and raised three children together.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

In the previous long article, Li Lianglei revealed that Wang Lihong had a private relationship with a married and childbearing actress in the circle, and after the examination and investigation of netizens, the target spearhead was finally aimed at Xu Ruoxuan, but for the suspicion of netizens, Xu Ruoxuan quickly issued a clarification, and also called Wang Lihong to send a statement not to continue to involve innocent people.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

Xu Ruoxuan's post was also supported by sisters in the circle, Lin Xinru and Wang Xinling have praised it, and the two choose to believe in the innocence between Xu Ruoxuan and Wang Lihong.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

Seeing that Li Lianglei became more and more courageous, on the 20th, Li Lianglei's brother also publicly spoke out, reprimanding Wang Lihong for his intention to reverse right and wrong, and also refuted Wang Lihong's statement that Li Lianglei was prevented from visiting his children. The words imply that Wang Lihong's relationship with Xu Ruoxuan is extraordinary.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

According to netizens, after Jay Chou took Wang Lihong, Karen Mok also followed close behind and cancelled his attention to Wang Lihong.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

It is reported that Karen Mok and Xu Ruoxuan had a good relationship before, and earlier, Xu Ruoxuan was suspected of interfering in the relationship between Mo Wenwei and Feng Delun, resulting in the two eventually breaking up.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

According to media reports, Xu Ruoxuan filmed advertisements and Feng Delun had a close personal relationship, the two had been romantically traveling in Happy Valley, Xu Ruoxuan also did not shy away from sorting out backpacks for each other, and then Xu Ruoxuan also came to the villa where Feng Dedong lived to continue the secret meeting, and when the relationship was exposed, the two had developed an underground romance for a year.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

Feng Delun's betrayal caused Mo Wenwei to be disheartened, and in 2007, the two once-seen model lovers broke up, for which Xu Ruoxuan also carried the insult of "Little Three".

Given that Xu Ruoxuan was previously suspected of having a "previous conviction", and also added more credibility to the rumors of her and Wang Lihong's marriage, can Karen Mok's cancellation of attention to Wang Lihong now explain anything?

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

In addition, some netizens also combed the relationship between several people, I don't know if you can see it? Your circle is really not an ordinary mess.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

Because of this storm, Xu Ruoxuan's wind evaluation fell sharply, and her post clarified that she did not get the trust of brand owners, and the street advertisements about Xu Ruoxuan have been replaced, and it seems that brand owners have also drawn a line with them in order to take into account their own image.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

Before Li Lianglei's post was actually quite directed, and Wang Lihong had an affair with a husband with a wife, when Wang Lihong also violated the epidemic prevention regulations to go to the other party's home to party, and Xu Ruoxuan had also posted a group photo with Wang Lihong before, the time and place and other details can be matched, Li Lianglei also revealed that after marriage, Wang Lihong also invited the woman to come to the home as a guest, after she refused, Wang Lihong was also furious, and the two also joined forces to deceive the woman's husband.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

At the same time, Xu Ruoxuan's neighbors also broke the news that they had seen Wang Lihong visit Xu Ruoxuan's home many times, which was enough to see that the relationship between the two was extraordinary, and Xu Ruoxuan also issued a statement again, swearing that he had never done anything to apologize for her husband.

Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun
Your circle is really messy! Karen Mok took Guan Wang Lihong, and was once exposed to be interfered with by Xu Ruoxuan, resulting in a breakup with Feng Delun

At present, Li Lianglei has listed evidence of heavy hammer By2 group sister Sun Yu, I don't know if the next will come up with supporting evidence to fight back against Xu Ruoxuan, and let us continue to wait and see the follow-up development of this matter!

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