
Despite the dissatisfaction of players and developers, Ubisoft's CEO still has to implement the NFT project

Ubisoft began implementing the NFT project Ubisoft Quartz in December, but many players resented it. Not only that, but Ubisoft's own developers are not optimistic about this project. But Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot didn't care, saying at this week's video Q&A that NFTs are still in their infancy and that the company will still pursue relevant strategies.

Despite the dissatisfaction of players and developers, Ubisoft's CEO still has to implement the NFT project

Yves Guillemot

In fact, developers within Ubisoft have always been skeptical of NFTs, including the Ghost Recon Breakpoint team. As the "experimental field" of Ubisoft's NFT, Ghost Recon Breakpoint has launched a number of virtual items. Players who have played for up to 600 hours can claim these items and trade them externally.

Despite the dissatisfaction of players and developers, Ubisoft's CEO still has to implement the NFT project

However, members of Ubisoft Paris are concerned about the promotion of NFTs. After the release of Ghost Recon Breakpoint in 2019, it suffered a lot of bad reviews, and the team spent a long time to improve the quality of the game, and the player's reputation was restored. However, a community report pointed out that the support for Ghost Recon: Breakpoint has now dropped rapidly due to the addition of NFT content.

Despite the dissatisfaction of players and developers, Ubisoft's CEO still has to implement the NFT project

Faced with the concerns of the development team, Yves Guillemot traveled to Ubisoft Paris to talk to the employees. Guillemot assured developers that NFTs would become more acceptable over time, but his appeasement did not convince others. Members of the Paris studio asked Guillemot for more information, but refused. Guillemot describes the future of NFTs in broad terms, with references to the "metacosm" and Roblox.

Employees are also concerned that NFTs will have a negative impact on their own work and Ubisoft's business scope, with some pointing out that the NFT economy will certainly consume more resources and time for teams. Guillemot did not respond to these comments, he simply re-painted the outlook for NFT technology.

Despite the dissatisfaction of players and developers, Ubisoft's CEO still has to implement the NFT project

For now, Ubisoft's leaders still believe that NFTs are feasible. Ghost Recon Breakpoint's virtual items are just the beginning, and players may find NFT content in more games at Ubisoft. On the other hand, the nature and future of NFTs are unclear, which is a challenge that Guillemot and others must face.

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