
The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

author:Lao Cui focus


On June 28, 2024, an incident about the mysterious disappearance of bank deposits appeared on the hot search, causing widespread attention. In Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, a woman reported that her late husband's 130,000 yuan deposit with the Agricultural Bank of China had disappeared and that the account had been cancelled without warning.


Details of the event

The incident dates back to April 30, 2018, which was the end of the world for Ms. Tang. Her husband died suddenly due to illness, leaving her and her two young children to face this cruel world. During those dark days, Ms. Deng felt like she had stepped into a low point in her life, full of gray and hopeless.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

However, when she sorted through the belongings left behind by her husband, she unexpectedly found a glimmer of hope - a passbook hidden in the pocket of old clothes, showing that her husband had a deposit in the Agricultural Bank of China, totaling more than 130,000 yuan. For her, who has just lost the breadwinner of her family, this money is undoubtedly a fire in the ice and snow.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

In order to ensure the safety of this accidentally discovered inheritance, Ms. Deng has visited the Agricultural Bank of China several times since 2018 to confirm the status of the deposit. Especially in November and December 2020, she went to the bank twice in person, and each time the bank confirmed that the money was indeed there. On December 17, 2021, ABC also officially issued her a deposit inquiry information sheet, which clearly showed that there was 133,900 yuan in the account.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

Under the guidance of the bank, Ms. Deng took her family to the Pingli County Notary Office in accordance with the prescribed procedures to handle the notarization of inheritance, and the specific amount of the deposit was clearly recorded on the notarial certificate. I thought everything would go smoothly, but I didn't expect that on February 16, 2022, everything changed dramatically.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

On that day, Ms. Deng went to the Pingli branch of the Agricultural Bank of China with all the supporting materials to withdraw the money, but was told that the money had disappeared and the account had been cancelled. This sudden news was like a bolt from the blue for her. She couldn't give up, so she rushed to the neighboring branch of the Agricultural Bank of Zhenping County on February 23 and submitted an application for deposit inquiry again, but the reply was that the account had been closed and the money had been withdrawn.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

At this moment, Ms. Deng was really anxious. She really couldn't figure out why the Agricultural Bank of Pingli County could still find the money before, and could also issue a query receipt of more than 130,000 yuan, why did she suddenly say that the money was gone and the account was gone? Her heart was full of questions and uneasiness, and she kept asking herself, "Where did the money left by my husband go?" ”

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

Faced with the bank's puzzling response, Ms. Tang was both disappointed and angry. Although she tried to communicate with the bank several times in the hope of finding the problem, each time to no avail. In the end, she decided to expose the matter through the media, hoping to use the power of the public to recover the legacy that belonged to her and her children.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

Just when this matter was getting bigger and bigger, there was a puzzling episode. Late at night on June 26, a bank employee named Wang Chao suddenly came to Ms. Deng's door with two men and began knocking on the door, saying that they had come to negotiate the matter.

According to the surveillance video of Ms. Deng's home, Wang Chao and the two men were still at the door until 11:20 p.m., knocking endlessly, insisting on seeing Ms. Deng. This behavior not only did not help the matter to be resolved, but made Ms. Deng feel very scared. She said: "At night, at 11 o'clock, two people came to knock on the door, and said that they would die at the door of my house, as a single mother with children, how dare I open the door." ”

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

This situation makes one have to ask, what kind of negotiation is this? Bringing someone to the door so late at night is not only rude, but also scary. This made Ms. Deng feel even more that her safety was not guaranteed after going through so many things, which was really worse.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

The bank responded

Sure enough, after this incident was exposed, Gao Zonglin, the person in charge of the Ankang branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, quickly stood up and responded. Gao Zonglin explained that the whole oolong incident was due to a mistake made by the bank staff in the operation. He elaborated that it turned out that when checking the deposit, the staff read the wrong number, which led to an error in the amount recorded on the document, and finally made this big mistake.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

Netizens are hotly discussed

As soon as this incident was reported by the media, the Internet immediately exploded. After reading ABC's explanation, many netizens felt dissatisfied and suspicious, and expressed their opinions on the Internet.

Some netizens directly expressed their doubts: "The staff read the wrong number? It's incredible that something went wrong! Doesn't the work of the bank need to be reviewed? This kind of blunt skepticism is becoming more and more popular on the Internet, and many people feel that the bank's explanation is too far-fetched to accept.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

Everyone thinks that as a place that manages everyone's hard-earned money, every operation step should be rigorous, especially when it comes to customers' money, and there should be a strict review process to prevent the occurrence of such low-level errors. In fact, the dissatisfaction and doubts of netizens also reflect everyone's expectations for the professionalism and sense of responsibility that banks should have. This incident is not just a mistake on the part of the bank, but also about the credibility of the bank and the trust of the public.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

Some netizens shared an interesting story, saying that in their village, some elderly people have always insisted on a point of view: the old age subsidy given by the state must be withdrawn as soon as possible, otherwise the money may disappear after a while. This netizen has always felt that these old people are too superstitious, and even often jokes about it, thinking that these old people are too worried, after all, how can the money in the bank disappear for no reason?

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

But now, seeing such news, he began to reflect on his opinion. It turned out that the worries of those old people were not unreasonable, nor were they groundless. The sudden disappearance of deposits at the Agricultural Bank of China is a good example. This made him realize that sometimes the experience and intuition of the elderly may be more reliable than he thinks.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

Some netizens shared their views on the Internet, reminding everyone: "Don't save all your money for a fixed period!" Once a person unfortunately dies, then the trouble behind it can be big. He went on to tell the story of his godfather, saying that when his godfather died, his sister went to the bank to withdraw her godfather's fixed deposit, but ran into a lot of formalities and troubles.

His sister went to the bank again and again, and the bank asked her to provide proof of kinship, and then she had to go to the notary office to apply for a notarial certificate. The whole process was not only time-consuming, but also all kinds of tossing and turning, which made his sister tired enough. Through this example, this netizen wants to tell everyone that sometimes the way to save money also needs to take these potential problems into account.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff


In this series of discussions and sharing, we can see that whether it is the operational errors of banks or the complex procedures for dealing with inheritances, they have a profound impact on the lives of ordinary people. These events not only shed light on the problems in the financial system, but also underscore the need for more caution and foresight in our financial decisions. As consumers, we should strengthen our awareness of self-protection, better understand and grasp the relevant financial knowledge and legal provisions, so that we can effectively protect our rights and interests in the face of problems. At the same time, it is also a warning to banks and related institutions to strengthen internal management and improve service quality to rebuild public trust and security. Hopefully, everyone can learn from these stories to make their finances safer and their lives smoother.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled"! Bank: There was a mistake on the part of the staff

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