
Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

author:New people and new words

There is a saying that you don't know which comes first, accident or tomorrow, some people always think that the years are quiet, but they don't know that sometimes disasters fall from the sky, and they are afraid after looking back.

Life seems uneventful, sometimes like a drama. Recently, there was a video on the hot search, and the man in the video was scared to the core.

The man in black was driving normally on a motorcycle when he was hit by a car behind him at an accelerated pace

Recently, a man dressed in black drove a white motorcycle, he drove slowly on the wide country road, there were no people near the country road, and some trees were planted on both sides of the cement road.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

On both sides of the road were some local factories, and the man drove casually to the gate of his factory, and he turned the front of the car without turning on the turn signal, trying to drive the motorcycle into his factory.

Before he could pay attention, a speeding car came from behind him, and the dog in the factory suddenly barked wildly. At that time, the man had turned the motorcycle to the factory gate and gradually deviated from the center of the road.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

The black car behind sped up and crashed directly into the man's electric car, but fortunately only hit the rear wheel part of the electric car, and under the impact of the huge impact, the man and the motorcycle were knocked over to the ground, and the motorcycle that was hit was thrown out a few meters.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

Fortunately, the man's legs are relatively long, and the moment the motorcycle was hit, he stood up slightly, and the person was just taken down by the motorcycle, fell to the ground, and dropped a slipper. Before he could figure out what was going on, he stood up a little confused, turned to look at the car that had hit him and the motorcycle that had been knocked off.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

The scene was captured by a surveillance camera across the factory, and a violent crash sounded in the footage, the sound was like thunder, and the bewildered man stood up and put on a shoe, and then walked over to check the situation.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

There was a violent impact, and the picture was covered with smoke. The man squatted on the side of the road and picked up his slippers and walked over to the motorcycle, trying to lift the smashed motorcycle up.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

Suddenly, the man in the picture accelerated and ran into the factory, and as soon as he entered the door, he quickly closed the somewhat rickety iron door, and not far behind him, a man in white rushed over with a kitchen knife, he was the driver who had just driven.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

The door that had just been closed, under his violent push, quickly opened a big crack, and after the man carried a kitchen knife around the factory gate, he ran to the factory and chased the man in black, and the man in black had already slipped away.

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

Such a terrifying scene happened, and there were still good people standing at the gate of the factory to watch, the video just stopped abruptly when this section was filmed, and we don't know what the result of the man in white chasing and killing the man in black was.

But seeing this surveillance video, netizens were terrified, and netizens talked about it.

Netizens said: "This should be a grudge, the sedan is still not ruthless!" But I must have gone in. ”

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

The netizen said: "The village road drove fast first, then hit someone behind, and then chased the owner of the electric car with a knife after parking, and was convicted of three crimes, at least ten years to start." ”

Netizens said: "This is to put people to death, what hatred? ”

Netizens said: "Attempted intentional homicide? ”

Terror! The man was hit by a speeding car and just stood up to see the driver rushing towards him with a kitchen knife in his hand

Judging from the video surveillance, the man in white who drove the car obviously had a tendency to take the life of the man in black. There are a few guesses:

1. Suddenly accelerate and drive fast and hit someone

The location of the incident seems to be on a village road in the countryside, and everyone understands that the speed limit for driving on the village road is generally within 40, and suddenly speeding up on the village road has violated the road traffic rules.

And this acceleration was obviously purposeful, because the man in black had turned towards the factory gate and had left the middle of the village road on his black motorcycle, and the car deliberately hit his rear wheels, apparently coming at him.

Second, the man in white who drove the car picked up a knife and slashed people

If the two do not know each other and are passers-by A or B, then it is very likely that the driver of the black sedan drove out of control and crashed into the man in black.

But judging from the video surveillance, the man in white and the man in black should have a certain grudge, he obviously wanted to hit the man in black, but he didn't hit anyone, but just crashed his motorcycle.

The man in black was still a little confused at the time, but after seeing the face of the man in white clearly, and seeing the knife he was carrying, he immediately withdrew his legs and ran away, which shows that the two may have known each other before.

3. The man in black ran into the factory, and the man in white followed closely

If it was just a misunderstanding, there was no contradiction or dispute between the two, and the man in white was just out of control for a while, when he saw the man in black running away, he should give up the chase and would not push the door to enter the chase.

But now, he not only pushed the door open, but also walked into the factory to chase the man in black, obviously, there is a certain contradiction and dispute between the two, and it has reached the point where provoking the other party has to cause the black man to die.


In short, seeing such a terrible picture, you can guess that the reason for the matter is not simple, in today's society, the contradiction between two men is not related to money, but related to love, and they may be in debt or cuckolded.

Of course, these are just speculations, and as for the cause of the incident, further investigation by the police is still to be made.

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