
Are the rivers and lakes really gone? After Xiaoxian, there are no waves? The sophistication of human feelings is the real Jianghu

author:Guo Xiaofat


In the hot land of Changchun, there is a blood-boiling name - Sun Shixian. He is not a hero in a movie, nor a hero in a novel, but a legendary big brother who really lives in people's mouths. Some people say that he is righteous, and some people say that he is full of pride, but what more people remember is his "work" that makes people's blood boil - his life. Today, let's unveil the mystery of this legendary big brother and find out.

Are the rivers and lakes really gone? After Xiaoxian, there are no waves? The sophistication of human feelings is the real Jianghu

First, at the beginning of the storm, Sun Shixian's rivers and lakes road

Sun Shixian, a native of Changchun, has been working on this land since he was a child. He wasn't the kind of person who was born with an aura, but his tenacity and courage made him stand out from the crowd. In those years, he wandered the streets and alleys and made a group of like-minded brothers. They drank together, sang together, and worked hard for their dreams together. However, the road to the rivers and lakes has never been a smooth road, and a sudden turmoil pushed Sun Shixian to the forefront.

It is said that at that time, the Nanguan District of Changchun was a place where people from all walks of life gathered. With his extraordinary courage and pride, Sun Shixian soon made a name for himself here. He valued love and righteousness, stuck a knife in the ribs for his friends, and won the respect of everyone. However, the tree is very popular, and the rise of Sun Shixian has also attracted many people who are red-eyed. A casino dispute forces him into a bloody conflict. Although he managed to defuse the crisis with great resourcefulness and courage, he also paid a heavy price for it, as he was forced to leave this familiar land and seek refuge in a foreign country.

Are the rivers and lakes really gone? After Xiaoxian, there are no waves? The sophistication of human feelings is the real Jianghu

Second, he is still a teenager when he returns, and Sun Shixian's legendary life

A few years later, Sun Shixian returned to Changchun again. At this time, he is no longer the young and vigorous teenager, but a man who has experienced wind and frost and is more calm and introverted. He opened a restaurant and tried to create a bright future for himself and his family with his hardworking hands. However, fate does not seem to favor him. Because he was too benevolent and generous to his friends and relatives, he did not reciprocate anything, which led to the poor management of the restaurant and its eventual closure.

However, Sun Shixian did not give up because of this. With the persuasion and support of his fellow inmates, he once again set foot in the rivers and lakes. This time, he was more cautious and sensible. With his extraordinary courage and pride, he once again set off a storm on the rivers and lakes. He led a group of brothers to work hard and struggle in the streets and alleys of Changchun. Their name has become one of the loudest labels in the city.

In the process, Sun Shixian also left many unforgettable "works". Once, in order to help a brother get ahead, he single-handedly broke into the enemy camp and beat the other leader's leader; Another time, he did not hesitate to make enemies of the entire gang in order to help a bullied orphan...... These deeds and these "works" have become the talk of people after dinner.

Are the rivers and lakes really gone? After Xiaoxian, there are no waves? The sophistication of human feelings is the real Jianghu

3. The sudden change of wind and clouds, Sun Shixian's tragic song

However, just when Sun Shixian's career was in full swing, a sudden change pushed him into the abyss. He and his former friend Qiu Gang formed a bond because of a misunderstanding. Although the two sides have had a friendship, the misunderstanding and hatred are like a flood of beasts. In a fierce conflict, Qiu Gang was tragically killed, and Sun Shixian fell into endless grief and self-blame.

After Qiu Gang's loyal subordinate Pang Yi learned the news, he vowed to avenge his eldest brother. He lurks in the shadows, waiting for his moment. Finally, one night in 1997, he and two of his men, armed with weapons, launched a deadly attack on Sun Shixian. Sun Shixian was shot down by indiscriminate gunfire in an unsuspecting situation, and a generation of legendary big brothers fell.

Although Pang Yi's actions avenged Qiu Gang, it also plunged the entire Jianghu into chaos. People speculated, discussed, and even began to question Sun Shixian's benevolence and pride. However, in my opinion, these doubts and arguments are superfluous. Because Sun Shixian has proven his worth with his actions - he is a true hero, a person worthy of respect and remembrance.

Are the rivers and lakes really gone? After Xiaoxian, there are no waves? The sophistication of human feelings is the real Jianghu

Fourth, the legend is immortal, and the spirit of Sun Shixian lives on

Although Sun Shixian has left this world, his legendary story will remain in people's hearts forever. His benevolence and pride, his tenacity and courage, have become examples for people to follow. Although his restaurant went out of business, his spirit lives on forever.

In the streets and alleys of Changchun, people are still singing the legendary story of Sun Shixian. His deeds have been passed down by word of mouth and have become a spiritual force that inspires people to move forward and pursue their dreams. His "work", his life, has become one of the city's most valuable treasures.


The legendary story of Sun Shixian is not only a piece of history, but also a spirit and a strength. He proved a truth with his actions: in this world, nothing can stop us from pursuing our dreams. As long as we have firm faith and courage, we will be able to create our own legend. Although Sun Shixian has left us, his spirit will always live in our hearts. Let's always remember the name of this legendary big brother - Sun Shixian!