
Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

Every time I don't know what to do with a good dish, I like to make sauce roast, generally can not go wrong, in my mother's words: delicious, next meal! Well, it is really under the rice, but where there is a dish with sauce, the rice must be cooked more, otherwise it is not enough to eat.

By Nicole 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


8 chicken wings

1 onion

Ginger 1 piece

Sweet noodle sauce 1 tbsp

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

1. Prepare the materials

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

2: Cut 2 knives on each side of the chicken wings, cut the onion into pieces and slice the ginger

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

3: Add a little oil to the pot, heat it up and add ginger slices to stir-fry

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

4: Place the chicken wings in a pan and fry over low heat until golden brown

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

5: Turn over and fry the other side until golden brown

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

6: Add a large spoonful of sweet noodle sauce

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

7: Stir-fry until the chicken wings are covered with sauce

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

8: Add the onion

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

9: Add water to 1/2 of the ingredients

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

10: Simmer for about 20 minutes

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

11: Remove from the pot and sprinkle with a little sliced almond

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

12, the color is bright red, the taste is rich

Lazy people must have this sweet noodle sauce roast chicken wings, a few simple steps, ten minutes to the table

13, salty and delicious, very under the rice ~


1, sweet noodle sauce contains salt, no need to add other condiments, a sauce into a dish, simple and convenient; 2, out of the pot sprinkled with white sesame seeds or almond slices can be.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of chicken wings</h2>

Chicken is flat, warm, sweet, into the spleen, stomach meridians; can be beneficial, sperm, add marrow; used for fatigue and thinness, less food, diarrhea, dizziness and palpitations, menstrual irregularities, postpartum milk less, thirst, edema, frequent urination, sperm retention, deafness and tinnitus, etc.

1. Strengthen your body

Chicken has a high digestibility, is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body, and has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body.

2. Improve immunity

In modern society, white-collar workers who are busy every day and are often in a sub-healthy state are best to eat more to enhance immunity and reduce the chance of disease. Chicken meat has the effect of warming up the qi, replenishing the essence and filling the pulp, benefiting the five viscera, and replenishing the weakness, and is used to treat symptoms such as fatigue and thinness, lack of food, diarrhea, dizziness, palpitations, menstrual irregularities, postpartum milk, thirst, and edema.

3. Tonify kidney essence

It can alleviate the symptoms of frequent urination, deafness, and cold sperm due to insufficient kidney sperm.

4. Beauty

Chicken mid wing is rich in collagen content relative to the tip and root of the wing, which is good for maintaining skin radiance and enhancing skin elasticity.

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