
Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

Sydney pear is a common fruit all year round With the effect of quenching thirst, moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm, it is a good choice to use juice to share four delicious and beautiful fruit and vegetable juices with Sydney today The method is simple, slimming and detoxifying, and drink a good body together this summer! !️

By Loving Life Drop Two Treasure Mom


Fruits several

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

1, 1⃣️ purple cabbage pear juice ✅ anti-cancer liver protection

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

2, purple cabbage has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect, is an important liver protection food, with Sydney pear can promote gastrointestinal digestion, eliminate harmful substances

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

3, 2⃣️ Carrot and pear juice ✅ moisturize the lungs laxative

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

4, carrot has to moisten the intestines laxative, Sydney clear lungs cough phlegm, the two together with juice can play a role in clearing heat phlegm, moisturizing the lungs and reducing cough

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

5, 3⃣️ Blueberry Sydney juice ✅ to protect the eyes and moisturize

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

6, blueberries have the effect of protecting the eyes, Sydney pear is rich in moisture, sweet taste, the two are squeezed together to be rich in nutrition, beauty and beauty, protect vision

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

7, 4⃣️ cucumber and pear juice ✅ clear heat and moisture

Homemade slimming fruit and vegetable juice is a collection | the fairy combination of almighty sydney pear

8, cucumber has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, cool blood detoxification, and juice with Sydney pear can moisten the intestines and laxative, lose weight and go to the fire


Juice tool: Mofei bubble juice machine original taste, no pomace, juice is super delicate, better than the juicer squeezed, like to drink soda sisters can directly use the bubble machine to hit the juice, bubble bomb one at a time will not be wasted

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