
Debunking rumors: Dogs cannot be buried after death is the superstitious saying of the elderly? There is a scientific basis for it

author:Veterinarian Xiaoming's apprentice

The ancients once said: "There is no ultimate in heaven and earth, and human life is like a morning sun." "A person's life is only a few decades, just like the morning sun, even if it is brilliant, it will pass away in a flash." The question of how to resettle deceased relatives has been one of the most important events in the Chinese from ancient times to the present. From the burial in ancient times to today's cremation, sea burial, etc., all show our importance to the burial of this matter. In the impression of veterinarian Xiaoming, the funeral is a serious and extremely ritualistic thing, and what can be done and what cannot be done is clearly arranged.

Nowadays, not only humans, but also dogs, how to place the deceased has become a very important thing. This is also due to the change of everyone's concept, the dog is no longer the so-called livestock, but has become a member of the family, for the dog after the death of how to bury has also become a topic of concern to many shovelers, veterinarian Xiaoming has heard a saying: dogs can not be buried after death, because the burial will make the dog can not be reincarnated, this is the superstitious saying of the elderly? Veterinarian Xiaoming wants to tell everyone that the first half of this sentence is actually scientifically based, although the second half of the sentence is superstitious, it is also reasonable.

Debunking rumors: Dogs cannot be buried after death is the superstitious saying of the elderly? There is a scientific basis for it

The life span of dogs is usually about ten years, which is much shorter than that of humans. For shovelers, the dog's departure is the last thing they want to face. Veterinarian Xiaoming has a friend, her dog died in a car accident, in order to commemorate the dog, she chose to bury the dog in the grass of the community, and planted a tree, if you miss the dog, it is good to have a sustenance.

Veterinarian Bob can understand that this is a nostalgia for the dog, but from a rational and objective point of view, this is actually an incorrect approach.

1. Pollute the environment and spread germs

We know that dogs are very active and active, and it is easy to carry parasites and other bacteria when rolling outside, even if it is regular deworming, it is inevitable that these substances will remain on the dog. If the dog is buried not too deep underground, the parasite and other bacteria may contaminate the environment.

And if the dog dies because of the disease, there is not only a danger of polluting the environment, but also the possibility of transmitting diseases. Because some diseases are zoonotic, burying dogs in crowded places such as communities, dogs themselves are a pathogenic agent.

Debunking rumors: Dogs cannot be buried after death is the superstitious saying of the elderly? There is a scientific basis for it

If the dog dies of illness is suffering from canine plague, small and other fatal diseases, buried in the soil, some pathogens will disappear naturally, but some stubborn pathogens can still survive in the dog's bone marrow for a year, and even can survive in the soil for several years, if the water source is polluted, it may pose a great threat to human health.

2. Irregular management is easy to cause dissatisfaction

From a rational point of view, burying dogs in the ground will pollute the environment and spread germs, and we can also know from the emotional aspect that burying dogs in the ground will also cause some physical and mental distress to others.

Those who have children at home will not let children run around on the grass, and their hearts will always have diaphragm responses, after all, they may be stepping on a certain dog, and it is inevitable that they will be a little uncomfortable.

And the shoveler may also want the dog that has accompanied him for many years to have a quiet place to go, rather than being trampled on randomly, or even dug up and destroyed by naughty children.

Debunking rumors: Dogs cannot be buried after death is the superstitious saying of the elderly? There is a scientific basis for it

In fact, for dogs, they should leave this world with dignity, rather than being arbitrarily discarded in garbage cans or deserted grass, in Hong Kong, China, if the owner is found to have abandoned or buried a pet at will, it is punishable by law. In fact, there are still many ways to make dogs walk with a sense of dignity without causing trouble to others, but they have not yet been popularized on a large scale.

1. Cremation

This is actually a harmless treatment that can completely eliminate the germs and parasites that dogs may carry to avoid harming other humans and animals. Many countries abroad have clearly stipulated that pets must be cremated after death. The owner can also take the ashes left over from the cremation of the dog home as a souvenir. Recently, it is not also popular to make the ashes of dogs into necklaces and other decorations, which are both beautiful and commemorative.

But at present, our country is not very perfect for pet cremation, professional pet cremation centers are not very many, and the price is not too cheap, but this is a good way to deal with after all, and with the development of the pet funeral industry, the price will gradually decrease.

2. Petting Zoo

Pet cemeteries can meet the desire of some shovelers to keep the complete body of dogs, and their management is also more standardized, will be professional treatment of dogs, when the shoveler misses the dog, there is also a place for them to visit, but as with cremation, the price of pet cemeteries is still relatively high, for some owners whose families are not rich.

3. Deep burial

If you choose the burial method, veterinarian Xiaoming recommends that the shoveler choose a deep burial method, at least dig to a depth of more than 1 meter, but also sprinkle lime powder in the hole, and wrap the dog in a cloth and put it in the pit, the most important thing is to avoid burying the dog near the water source, especially those dogs who die of illness should pay more attention to this problem, if the germ accidentally enters the water, it is dangerous.

Debunking rumors: Dogs cannot be buried after death is the superstitious saying of the elderly? There is a scientific basis for it

4. Hand over to the pet hospital

Many pet hospitals today offer services to house deceased dogs, and the prices are not high, and the doctors in pet hospitals are experienced, and they can take professional and humane measures to place deceased dogs and minimize the sadness in the hearts of shovelers.

Veterinarian Xiaoming watched a program in the animal kingdom some time ago, when talking about the episode about the death of the dog, veterinarian Xiaoming can deeply feel the sadness and reluctance of the shoveler when the pet leaves, in the owner's heart, the dog is not just a dispensable animal, but a family member that cannot be replaced in life.

All shovelers always say these words when faced with the death of dogs: "I don't want to have dogs again, I don't want to experience the sadness of sending them away again." "Veterinarian Xiaoming wants to talk to these shovelers, although it is sad to leave, but the memories that dogs once brought to us are beautiful and happy, there is no unbroken feast in the world, as long as it has been had, isn't it enough?

The picture is the original copyright image of Veterinarian Xiaoming, and the theft must be investigated.

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