
The warm care of Kuanda Smart Property - remember the red good neighbor action of the Sunshine Management Office on the left bank

author:Yelang reads

In a busy corner of the city, Building 6 of the Sunshine Community on the left bank, there lives an old man. Uncle Li's children are all working in Chongqing, and they can only come back for reunions during the Chinese New Year. On weekdays, he can only spend every long day and night alone. However, fortunately, the staff of Kuanda Smart Property have brought warmth and care to Uncle Li's life with their practical actions.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the customer service of Sunshine on the Left Bank suddenly received a call for help from Uncle Li. On the other end of the phone, Uncle Li's faint voice came, and he fell to the ground, unable to get up. The situation was urgent, and the customer service staff immediately reported to Zhang Lian, the person in charge of publicity, and Zhang Lian quickly organized Wang Huamo, the squad leader of the security service department, to go to Uncle Li's house.

The warm care of Kuanda Smart Property - remember the red good neighbor action of the Sunshine Management Office on the left bank

Zhang Lian, head of the Left Bank Sunshine Publicity

After a while, Wang Huamo, the security squad leader, and several other personnel rushed to the door of Uncle Li's house. After the door opened, I saw Uncle Li lying on the ground, his face pale, but his consciousness was still quite clear. Wang Huamo squatted down and asked softly about the old man's physical condition and whether he needed to go to the hospital. Uncle Li shook his head, saying that he had just fallen and would get better after taking the medicine.

The warm care of Kuanda Smart Property - remember the red good neighbor action of the Sunshine Management Office on the left bank
The warm care of Kuanda Smart Property - remember the red good neighbor action of the Sunshine Management Office on the left bank

The staff of the security service department mops the water stains on the ground

Wang Huamo carefully helped Uncle Li up and let him sit on the sofa to rest. At the same time, they also called Uncle Li's family, explained the situation in detail, and hoped that they would come back to see the old man more often and give him more care and companionship.

Soon after, Uncle Lee's family hurried back. When they saw that the old man was safe and sound, their gratitude was palpable. Accompanied by his family, Uncle Li went to the hospital for a check-up and was in good health. The old man's face showed a smile that he had not seen for a long time, which was a smile of deep gratitude to the staff of Kuanda Smart Property.

The red good neighbor action of Kuanda Smart Property not only made Uncle Li feel the warmth of home and the care of the society, but also made his family deeply realize the importance of companionship and care for the elderly. This care and love from the property is like a ray of sunshine, illuminating Uncle Li's lonely life and warming the hearts of the residents of the entire community.

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