
"The monthly salary of 3,000 is not worthy of me", the 30-year-old leftover woman insulted the blind date man and was harshly taught a lesson

"The heart is higher than the sky, the life is thinner than paper" This sentence must be heard by everyone, it is right to live a good life, but they must also have the ability to match it. Especially in the marriage and love market, you must have self-awareness, don't always feel that no one is worthy of themselves, and over time they will become the leftover women in everyone's mouth.

In addition to door-to-door pairs, marriage pays more attention to parity. So, don't always fantasize about things that don't belong to you, even if you get lucky, it won't last long.

"The monthly salary of 3,000 is not worthy of me", the 30-year-old leftover woman insulted the blind date man and was harshly taught a lesson

Narrator: Sun Qing

I am 30 years old, my family is not very good, after graduating from college, I followed my parents' advice to enter the civil service, and I also have a relatively stable job. I have my own ideas about marriage. I don't want to find someone to marry, I want to find a rich man, change my destiny, and live a life of a superior person. Therefore, in the process of blind date, I did not look at the age and appearance, mainly focusing on the financial situation of the other party.

But things do not go according to people's wishes, and the people I look up to can't look at me, and I can't look at me. Zhao Qiang is my 5th blind date, he is tall and handsome, he speaks with humor, and most importantly, he has a good economic situation, whether it is the clothes he wears or the watches he wears, he is an internationally renowned big name, and he seems to have a good feeling for me, I thought that this blind date would come naturally, but what happened after that caught me off guard.

"The monthly salary of 3,000 is not worthy of me", the 30-year-old leftover woman insulted the blind date man and was harshly taught a lesson

Talking about his job, I learned that he worked in a bank, only 3,000 yuan a month. In this way, I felt that the hands he was wearing should be fakes, so I immediately said that the two people were not suitable and wanted to end this blind date. He also understood what I meant, and directly said: "It turned out to be a gold worshipper, yes, my salary is not high, but my parents are in business, the family situation is not bad, and you are an older leftover girl, why do you dislike me?" "Say goodbye and leave."

I was stunned, on the one hand, I felt that this man was not graceful, and on the other hand, I regretted that I had missed such a high-performing stock.

"The monthly salary of 3,000 is not worthy of me", the 30-year-old leftover woman insulted the blind date man and was harshly taught a lesson

In our country, the proportion of men and women is very different, it is not difficult for girls to marry out, they are afraid that they will always have luxury that do not belong to themselves, and they will not be able to match themselves. Therefore, I advise you to be sensible when choosing a mate, you can have requirements for your future partner, but you must first become excellent, only in this way can you get what you want, otherwise you are just daydreaming.


If you have a story, tell me.

I don't know what I'm going to do with your story. Maybe it's a manuscript, maybe a paragraph or a movie clip, I can't guarantee anything, but I know I'm here when you want to talk.

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