
An alternative face of history: the dispute between the government and the court in the early Min Dynasty, Yuan Shikai was bullied by Tang Shaoyi

Survival Wisdom of the Beiyang Era (185): Trapped Beast in a Cage.

In the Beiyang period, when the dispute between the government and the courtyard was mentioned, it seemed that the competition between Li Yuanhong and Duan Qirui could see the cruelty of the temple, not only the front door drove the tiger and the back door to attract wolves, the great president Li Yuanhong only rolled up the scene of going home to do business, but also accompanied by a farce that had been hated for a hundred years. As for the subsequent Beiyang Double Dragon and Tiger Fight between Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui, it was even more disregarded for the love of the robe, and there was a miasma of black smoke above the temple, and acting President Feng Guozhang did not straighten himself out until he was laid off. It seems that the president is always at a disadvantage in the temple competition, but it is also true, even if a strongman of the generation like Yuan Shikai is still bullied by The Cabinet Premier Tang Shaoyi and cannot find the north, so that he can only make concessions again and again, behind which is the strongman who is stubborn again, and in the face of the advanced and reasonable system, he can still be trapped in the cage of the temple.

An alternative face of history: the dispute between the government and the court in the early Min Dynasty, Yuan Shikai was bullied by Tang Shaoyi

Later, although Yuan Shikai had been locked in a cage for forming a cabinet, the princes of the Alliance were still uneasy about this trapped beast, and the reason why they were willing to give up their role to Yuan Shikai was more because the situation forced him to hope that after a smooth transition, he would come back to the bottom of the pot to draw salaries. The bargaining between the two sides directly laid the groundwork for the subsequent dispute between the government and the court of the early Ming Dynasty. At first, Sun Wen insisted that the provisional president be handed over to Yuan Shikai, but the cabinet premier must come from the Alliance, and Yuan Shikai naturally did not care about a vacant president, so he pushed his confidant Tang Shaoyi, and then compromised that Tang Shaoyi first joined the Alliance association and then took over as the prime minister of the cabinet, and for the post of army chief who held the power of the world's soldiers and horses, the north and south were once again in contention, the alliance would push Huang Xing, Yuan Shikai resolutely supported Duan Qirui, and the result was that Duan Qirui won, but the alliance would not only get a general staff of Huang Xing, but also seal Nanjing And plus an important position such as a directly subordinate governor.

An alternative face of history: the dispute between the government and the court in the early Min Dynasty, Yuan Shikai was bullied by Tang Shaoyi

However, on April Fool's Day in the three years of the declaration of reunification, thousands of calls were made for the difficult formation of cabinets between the south and the north, and the southern camp occupied five seats among the cabinet members, but the internal affairs and the two military departments were controlled by the north, after all, the Beiyang Army was built by Yuan Shikai and basically belonged to the private property of the Beiyang warlords. But even so, Yuan Shikai, the great president, was enough to nest, because Tang Shaoyi, who had always been gentle and elegant, broke out directly after becoming the first cabinet premier of the Shangmin Dynasty, and since joining the League, it was like winning the Dafa of Fooling, standing against Yuan Shikai at every turn, completely disregarding the old friendship of more than twenty years, and refuting Yuan Shikai's handwriting was even more commonplace, and yuan Shikai was full of grievances Yuan Shikai once suspected that the Alliance would be some mysterious organization and could win people's hearts in this way.

An alternative face of history: the dispute between the government and the court in the early Min Dynasty, Yuan Shikai was bullied by Tang Shaoyi

Eventually, every time Tang Shaoyi went to the presidential palace, Yuan Shikai's bodyguards would always mutter privately together: "Premier Tang has come to bully our president again today." The old subordinates who were once loyal are now like a changed person, Yuan Shikai repeatedly advised, helplessly Tang Shaoyi said that he would rather resign than quit the alliance. Yuan Shikai, who was embarrassed by the stomach, quickly began to fight back, first Zhao Bingjun disappeared as soon as he held a meeting, Lu Zhengxiang was drunk on dredging the sewers, seeing that it was difficult to maintain under the demolition of the stage, Huang Xing's telegrams asking for money were shot one after another, after all, after the Wuchang Uprising, more than 300,000 scattered soldiers gathered around Nanjing, all of which were a heroic posture, and Tang Shaoyi, who had no money, faced with the constraints of foreigners borrowing money, decided not to borrow in anger. How could Yuan Shikai sit back and watch the Beiyang Dynasty go bankrupt, which would only be in the hands of the League, so he instructed Finance Minister Xiong Xiling to continue to consult with the Bank of the Six Kingdoms, which was tantamount to clearly kicking Tang Shaoyi out of the game.

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