
While doing business, he chose a son-in-law for his daughter: Tang Shaoyi visited the United States in 1908

Mr. Tang Shaoyi was one of the young children sent by the Qing government to study in the United States in 1872, and among his classmates were Zhan Tianyou and Liang Ruhao.

While doing business, he chose a son-in-law for his daughter: Tang Shaoyi visited the United States in 1908

After returning to China, due to the appreciation of Yuan Shikai, he was promoted quickly: when Yuan Shikai was stationed in Seoul with the official title of "Premier of Korean Trade Affairs", Tang Shaoyi held the posts of customs and consul;

In 1900, Yuan Shikai was appointed as the governor of Zhili, and Tang Shaoyi was sent to Tianjin Customs Road;

Later, Yuan Shikai went to the central government as the minister of military aircraft, and Tang Shaoyi was promoted to the post of attendant (deputy minister) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

While doing business, he chose a son-in-law for his daughter: Tang Shaoyi visited the United States in 1908

In 1908, Tang Shaoyi was sent by Yuan Shikai to visit the United States as a special envoy of the Qing Empire, and there was a lot of speculation outside the country: some people thought that Sino-US relations would be further deepened; some people said that China and the United States would conclude a new agreement.

To Tang Shaoyi's embarrassment, he was still on his way to the east, and Empress Dowager Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor died on October 25. The new emperor Puyi was young, and Guangxu's younger brother Zaifeng the Prince of Alcohol was regent, and his first edict was to depose Yuan Shikai, who had betrayed the former emperor and was attached to the party. For Tang Shaoyi, the backer of the chaoli fell.

During the "national mourning" period, the people of the Qing Dynasty were not allowed to cut their hair and trim their faces. After Tang's party arrived at Washington Union Station, one by one, they were disheveled, dressed in a dull manner, and their appearance was very unbearable, which attracted the attention of passers-by.

While doing business, he chose a son-in-law for his daughter: Tang Shaoyi visited the United States in 1908

Tang Shaoyi came with Yuan Shikai's mission, and Yuan had already stepped down, and Tang seemed to have no plan and stayed in Washington for a long time.

Tang Shaoyi studied in the United States with Rong Hong in her early years, and has always believed in and respected American education, coupled with the love and support for international students in the United States. Therefore, before Christmas, he asked Yan Huiqing, a staff member of the legation, to inform all students studying in the United States that all students in the United States should come to Washington for Christmas, and all the expenses required would be borne by Tang Shaoyi.

When the students in the United States heard this news, they all cheered and cheered and rushed to the party from all over the world.

In fact, Tang Shaoyi's move also has selfish intentions in it. He had several daughters still in the middle of the sentence, and he wanted to get to know these young talents through this gathering, and choose a dragon-riding son-in-law for his daughter.

Not to fail with Tang Shaoyi's painstaking heart, Zhang Qian, who is studying at the University of Pennsylvania, and Gu Weijun, who is studying at Columbia University, are quite into Tang Shaoyi's legal eyes. Later, they were both recruited into the East Bed.

While doing business, he chose a son-in-law for his daughter: Tang Shaoyi visited the United States in 1908

These two monarchs are also very competitive, becoming a rising star in China's diplomatic circles. Both have served as ambassadors abroad, and Gu Weijun has even served as prime minister.

It can be seen that the vision of old Taishan is indeed not bad.

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