
Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

After the founding of New China in 1949, the chairman said that cadres must be able to move up and down, no matter what position they are in, they can radiate their own light, and they can do things for the people. There is a person who once served as a cabinet premier and a county magistrate, and even if he fell from a high position to a small county town, he still lives his own life, and he is Tang Shaoyi, who became the premier and then became the county chief. As a famous political activist in the late Qing Dynasty, Tang Shaoyi was also a generation of diplomats, the first president of Shandong University, and the first cabinet premier of the Republic of China.

Born on January 2, 1862, Tang Shaoyi was born in a tea merchant family in Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province, and showed a rare talent for reading from an early age, after which the Qing government implemented the Foreign Affairs Movement, and worked hard to select 120 intelligent children from all over the country to study in the United States, and then returned to serve the motherland. Tang Shaoyi successfully entered the 120-person team to study in the United States, and at a young age, he became a liberal arts student at Columbia University, and then the Qing government recalled these students, and he stayed in the Western Affairs Academy after returning to China.

Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

Tang Shaoyi

In 1881, he began to go to Korea as a German attaché to assist in customs affairs, and later left a deep impression on Yuan Shikai with his excellent ability to handle affairs. In 1895, tang Shaoyi, who officially became the consul general in Korea, became minister plenipotentiary to India to negotiate with british representatives on the Tibet issue, and has held various important positions ever since. Until the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, Tang Shaoyi became the plenipotentiary of the Qing government and negotiated peace with Wu Tingfang.

Later, Yuan Shikai stole the presidency of the Republic of China, thought of Tang Shaoyi, and appointed him as the first cabinet premier of the Republic of China to stabilize the situation. Although Tang Shaoyi was a Qing court official in his heart, he highly respected democracy and republicanism. "The Qing court is not enough to preserve, and democracy should be promoted." After that, Yuan Shikai began to restore the imperial system, which made Tang Shaoyi very angry, and if it did not conform to the concept of democracy and republicanism, he parted ways, and many ideas between Tang Shaoyi and Yuan Shikai were not harmonious, and Tang Shaoyi, who had served in the government for many years, made many contributions, but became a constraint for Yuan Shikai.

The relationship between Yuan Shikai and Tang Shaoyi became more and more tense, so he resigned after being prime minister for 3 months. Tang Shaoyi was not greedy for power, and as a senior figure in the Kuomintang, he constantly refused to be co-opted by some warlords. Later, after disagreement with Sun Yat-sen, he chose to serve as the county chief of Zhongshan County. The final result was that Zhao Lijun, a Dai Kasa-pai agent under Mr. Jiang, was assassinated at home on September 30, 1938, at the age of 76.

Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

Tang Shaoyi married 4 wives and gave birth to 19 children in his lifetime, of which six sons and thirteen daughters added a lot of family warmth to Tang Shaoyi. What was the life course of nineteen children after their fathers were assassinated?

Sending his wife Zhang Shi, the godson has a fang

Tang Shaoyi's first wife, Zhang Shi, gave birth to 4 sons, two daughters and two sons for Tang Shaoyi. The eldest daughter Tang Baozhu married Zhu Changnian, and the second daughter Tang Baozhang married Zhang Qian. The eldest son, Tang Liuyu, was born in 1899, and like his father Tang Shaoyi, he showed outstanding learning since he was a child, graduated from Fudan University majoring in literature, and then went to the United States to study like his father. After returning from his studies, he engaged in foreign affairs, successively serving as an attaché in the United States, a secretary in the United Kingdom, a secretary to the Ministry of Justice, and a secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dedicating his life to China's diplomatic cause, and died in 1979. The second son, Tang Dong, was very unfortunate and died of illness at an early age.

Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

Tang Liu

A concubine gave birth to a diplomat's wife

After Tang Shaoyi took a concubine, a certain clan, and a certain clan gave birth to three daughters, but unfortunately the first two daughters died early. The only fifth daughter is also the only daughter Tang Baoyue, as the pearl in the palm of tang Baoyue in 1914 married China's modern diplomat Gu Weijun, after marriage gave birth to a pair of children, Tang Baoyue died of illness in 1918.

Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

Tang Baoyue with his family

Daughter of Joseon Jung, mother of four sons

Tang Shaoyina's second concubine was the Jeong clan, and unlike her, the Chung clan was a Korean. After Tang Shaoyi lived and worked in North Korea in his early years, he must have had this reason. The Zheng clan gave birth to four sons for Tang Shaoyi, three daughters and one son. The sixth daughter, Tang Baoyi, was accused of marrying Liang Baochang before she was born, and then obeyed the orders of her parents and married Liang Baochang. The seventh daughter and the brothers and sisters in front of them had the same result and died early. The eighth daughter, Tang Baomei, was born in 1902, and her marriage was not smooth, first married to Gan Jianxian, then to Cen Deguang, and finally ended her life in 1941. The third son, Tang Zhu, was born in 1912, and his life was relatively smooth, and he lived until his death in 1976.

He continued to have 8 sons, Wu Weiqiao, his wife

The two concubines, A Certain Clan and The Zheng Clan, were not tang Shaoyi's official wives, and then Tang Shaoyi chose to continue the string and took Wu Weiqiao as his wife. When she married Tang Shaoyi, she was very young and gave birth to 8 sons, five daughters and three sons for her husband Tang Shaoyi. Among them, the ninth daughter, Tang Baolian, was born in 1914 and died in a hurry during the flower season. The tenth daughter, Tang Baoyue, was born in 1915 and died in 1923, unable to escape the end of her early death. The eleventh daughter, Tang Baoyao, was born in 1916 and had two marriages, first married to Zhu Changling, and then married She Shoulian.

Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

The fourth son, Tang Liang, was born in 1916 and lived a low-key life, and died in 1969. The twelfth daughter, Tang Baozhen, was born in 1920, married Li Chengyi to spend this life, and died in 1987. The end of the fifth son Tang Que is also an early death, the thirteenth daughter Tang Baoshan was born in 1930, life experience is relatively rich, at the age of five, he came to Shanghai with his parents to settle down. After that, he went to Europe to study nursing, became a doctor in a hospital in Hong Kong after completing his studies, married the famous Western doctor Cao Peiqing, lived a very happy life, lived in Australia in his later years, and died in 2013. The last son, Tang Yu, was born in 1935 and spent his life in a low profile.

Tang Shaoyi's life is very legendary, grew up in a tea merchant family in Guangdong, he has a more stable childhood than ordinary people, but also more capital to learn knowledge, Tang Shaoyi is not willing to live in a small place, with outstanding talent, for his life to win a way out, became a student of the school. After returning from school, he always kept in mind his mission, spent the country's money, and did practical things for the country, and Tang Shaoyi's work ability was obvious to countless people.

Tang Shaoyi, a political activist at the end of the Qing Dynasty, was assassinated at the age of 76, leaving 19 children behind.

After painstakingly working his life from prime minister to head of a county, Tang Shaoyi was not shocked, and he always calmed his mentality. Even if he was in a high position, he did not get carried away, and even if he became the county magistrate of a small county, he never complained about himself and sank. This state of mind is worth too many people to learn, there are always bumps in the road of life, in that era of change, Tang Shaoyi let people always control their lives in their own hands, this ability is enough to make people admire. Right and wrong are left to posterity to comment, doing a good job in the present and taking the current road is the most important.

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