
Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

Author: Jin Lun, financial columnist

Yesterday, there was explosive news: Via was chased for tax evasion and fined 1.341 billion yuan!

A lot of people are shocked, I'm not too shocked, because I watch more similar news, such as celebrities, Internet companies have been fined for various reasons, so I have "gradually" become immune.

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

Some professionals have calculated that the new banknote of 100 million yuan weighs 1.15 tons, and 1.341 billion yuan is 15.4215 tons. This weight is still quite shocking, if you need to carry, it is easy to have a safety accident.

Of course, now is the era of big data, all wealth is just a few numbers crossed. This is the key word I want to talk about today: "big data era" and "wealth".


The anchor faces two big data systems

I recognize the strict implementation of the tax law, so There is nothing to sympathize with when Via evaded taxes and fined 1.341 billion yuan, and many people are surprised: why Wei Ya is so rich, taking the initiative to pay back 500 million in cash, saying that she took it out.

This shows that the head anchor has become rich first.

The head anchor actually faces two big data systems every day, one is the fourth phase of the golden tax, and the other is the big data system of the platform.

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

Before talking about the fourth phase of the golden tax, let's talk about the third phase of the golden tax: the third phase of the golden tax has realized the consolidation and unification of the national land tax data, and also opened up the information of relevant departments such as industry and commerce, taxation, and social security through the Internet, which is a comprehensive monitoring of the business process of the tax system.

On the basis of the third phase, the fourth phase of the golden tax is even more powerful, and the "non-tax" business is also included to achieve more comprehensive monitoring of the business, plus the channel of information sharing and verification between various ministries and commissions, the People's Bank of China and the bank and other participating institutions, so as to realize the three functions of mobile phone number, enterprise tax payment status, and enterprise registration information verification of relevant personnel of the enterprise.

In professional terms, it is to realize the "cloudification" of "tax" full data, full business and whole process, and provide conditions and foundations for intelligent tax handling and smart supervision.

A more popular saying is that any tax evasion is theoretically difficult to evade the fourth phase of the golden tax. In particular, if the amount is large and some regulatory data cap is touched, the tax officer will focus on checking the relevant data.

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

Let's see how powerful the fourth phase of the Golden Tax is, the tax department said:

Between 2019 and 2020, Huang Wei falsely declared and evaded taxes by concealing the commission income obtained from the live broadcast platform; through the establishment of a number of sole proprietorships and fictitious businesses such as Shanghai Weihe Enterprise Management Consulting Center and Shanghai Dusu Enterprise Management Consulting Partnership, she converted the income from labor remuneration such as commissions and pit fees obtained by her personal participation in live streaming into business income for false declaration and evasion of taxes; engaged in other production and operation activities to obtain income and failed to declare and pay taxes in accordance with law.

The money, the company involved, the ins and outs of the clear, there is no other way but to fu fa.

And a very bad point is that "after the tax big data analysis and assessment found that Huang Wei is suspected of major tax evasion problems, and after repeated reminders and supervision by the tax authorities, the rectification is still not complete", where did Wei Ya have the courage to continue to evade taxes in the case of being reminded? What is the nature of the question?

The law-abiding awareness and public opinion judgment ability of Via's team are really too much.

In addition, it is the big data system of the platform where the anchor is located, you claim how many hundreds of millions of goods you bring every day, and even tens of billions of dollars at some times, of course, the tax personnel have to ask: "Have you paid taxes?" Have you paid enough taxes? "And the platform's data can also be checked as long as it goes through the corresponding process."

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

In short, the anchors are actually naked in front of the two big data systems, so it is important to understand big data and read more books, so that you can know how far the tax audit system has evolved and remain in awe of it.

I am an old friend, do business on my own, for anyone through WeChat transfer payment is very resistant, he is a code farmer, know that big data is really big, can not afford, can only honestly let the other party to send money to the company account, the tax should be paid on the tax.

Remember that pompous, high-profile, showy-off micro-business godfather Gong Wenxiang? He was also punished for tax problems some time ago, the company went bankrupt, quit the micro-business industry, and big data also made great contributions.


The tax order in the Internet era has accelerated its regulation

In addition, I would like to talk about the macro level.

China is now in a stage of rapidly establishing various norms, which is a good thing, you make hundreds of millions of dollars and pay very little tax, which is not fair to society in itself.

Now the situation in China is more complicated, in a transition period, some industries encounter difficulties, the state also needs to collect the tax through the legal tax channels, to solve the problem of infrastructure construction, to solve some problems involving people's livelihood.

Previously, it was also rumored that some jobs have canceled some work allowances, which are understood as "salary cuts", and the discussion is very hot.

Previously, some people also listed the positive and negative contributions of provinces and municipalities directly under the central government to the national finance (which can also be understood as the central fiscal revenue and expenditure), and concluded that "four provinces and three cities support the whole country".

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

2019 ranking of positive and negative contributions of provinces and municipalities directly under the central government to the national finance

In any case, it is a reality that everyone's hands are not as loose as before.

Then, since the decision-makers set the tone for "seeking stability" in 2022 and "making progress in stability", of course, it is necessary to plug all loopholes, so that the big ship can continue to move forward steadily, and the tax is the fuel for the big ship to move forward.

In my opinion, the act of making money, especially a lot of money, but not wanting to pay taxes well, is actually a relatively large loophole in the ship of the Chinese economy, and it is indeed necessary to take action, and it must be bold and crisp.

High-income people who try to evade taxes, especially celebrities, network anchors and various micro-businessmen, should have a clear understanding of the future: only by working hard and seriously, can you go long and continue to make money by paying taxes, and every penny of your income and transfer is actually under the monitoring of the fourth phase of the golden tax, don't struggle, don't play smart.

Don't say that high-income people, that is, the tax payment norms of ordinary small businesses are also being rebuilt, which is the micro-details that should be paid special attention to in the big era.

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

As we know, "from March 1, 2022, personal collection codes are banned from commercial services" and "personal static collection barcodes are prohibited from being used for remote non-face-to-face collection", which shows that the tax audit work has been done very meticulously, on the one hand, to prevent money laundering and various risks; on the other hand, it has effectively blocked some loopholes for tax evasion.

If small street merchants must change to business collection codes, celebrities and celebrities who often earn hundreds of millions of dollars also try to use fictitious business methods to evade taxes, which is really a futile and unwise behavior.

In the Internet era, the tax payment and tax inspection order is being standardized, newly built and even torn down and rebuilt, and every day iterative progress is made on the basis of big data, and the speed of evolution is getting faster and faster, to some extent, it also applies to "Moore's Law".

Via said, "I'm willing to bear all the consequences for my mistakes, I'm sorry." This consequence is likely to be very serious: some time ago, Shirley was exposed to the news of tax evasion and tax evasion, after the relevant departments verified, Shirley's tax evasion amount was as high as 30.3695 million, and she was chased according to law, charged late fees and fined 65.5531 million, and on December 10, Shirley's social account was completely banned.

Fine 1.341 billion yuan! What is the tax big data system that makes anchors tremble?

According to the China News Network, the current Taobao APP has not been able to find The Via live broadcast room. In this regard, Taobao customer service said that the anchor account has been frozen due to violations of relevant regulations. And last night, Wei Ya's Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu and other platform accounts were also blocked, that is to say, Wei Ya was blocked by the whole network.

Wei Ya not only has to admit mistakes and admit punishment, but also to re-understand the power of big data, after this penalty, she not only faces a huge amount of money losses, but more fatally, in a short period of time, she may no longer be able to live stream the goods.

Musk also confirmed on social media that he will pay more than $11 billion in taxes this year, and you are the richest man on the earth, and you also have to pay taxes according to law, which is the right way.

There are not a few days left in 2021, someone on the Internet posted a head anchor income chart, at least 27 people over 100 million, a considerable number of people work in Hangzhou, Hangzhou Municipal Taxation Bureau Inspection Bureau will not make a contribution? At this moment, how many head anchors are trembling?

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