
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!


The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!

The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!
The article "After Lao Wang comes home from work" is so funny, a wonderful and interesting joke, it is worth watching!

"Lao Wang, why did you come back so early today?" My wife asked as she looked up while cooking.

"Today, the unit released people ahead of schedule, so I hurried back." Lao Wang replied with a smile and sat on the sofa.

"That's right, you go check your child's homework." The wife didn't look up and continued to be busy with the things at hand.

Lao Wang sighed and muttered, "It's really not a day to be idle." He got up slowly and walked to the study.

"Xiao Wang, are you done with your homework?" Lao Wang asked his son.

"Soon, there's one last question." Xiao Wang replied without raising his head.

Lao Wang picked up a book, sat on the side and pretended to read, but in fact his ears were pricked up, listening to the movement in the kitchen. It didn't take long to hear his wife's voice: "Lao Wang, come and help cut a vegetable!" ”

Lao Wang complained bitterly in his heart, but he promised happily: "Okay, I'll come right away!" ”

Walking into the kitchen, Lao Wang saw a pile of vegetables on the cutting board, and muttered in his heart: "This is too much." ”

His wife glanced at him: "Don't be lazy, finish cutting these dishes and then go to watch the children's homework." ”

Lao Wang had no choice but to chop vegetables obediently. Cutting and cutting, I suddenly heard my wife say: "By the way, a colleague told me today that his child was the first in the grade." ”

Lao Wang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "What's the big deal about this, isn't our little Wang also quite smart?" ”

The wife snorted coldly: "Smart is smart, but you don't want to work hard." You don't care about being a father. ”

Lao Wang hurriedly changed the topic: "Okay, I'll go and see his homework later." ”

Finally finished cutting the vegetables, Lao Wang quickly slipped back to the study and saw that his son was already playing games.

"Xiao Wang, are you done with your homework?" Lao Wang asked.

"I'm done." Xiao Wang casually handed the homework book to Lao Wang.

Lao Wang opened it and looked at it, his brows furrowed: "How is this question written?" That's not right. ”

Xiao Wang said impatiently: "Oh, the teacher can't see it anyway, just write casually." ”

Lao Wang thought to himself: "This kid is really the same as when I was young." But he still said with a straight face: "No, change it quickly, otherwise your mother will know, and we will both have to be trained." ”

At dinner, Lao Wang ate absentmindedly, thinking about how to fool the past later. Suddenly, my wife spoke: "Lao Wang, your mother will come over tomorrow to stay for a few days, you can prepare." ”

When Lao Wang heard this, his heart tightened: "Mom wants to come over?" Then I'll have to clean up my room. ”

The wife nodded: "Yes, your mother likes a clean and tidy environment the most, don't let her find fault with it when the time comes." ”

After eating, Lao Wang hurriedly began to clean up the room, muttering as he cleaned up: "This day is really endless." ”

After cleaning up, Lao Wang sat down on the sofa and thought, "This day has finally passed." ”

The wife came over and patted Lao Wang's shoulder: "Hard work, Lao Wang." ”

Lao Wang smiled bitterly and said: "What's hard, it's all a family matter, who made me the pillar of this family." ”

The wife smiled: "You have to hold on to this pillar, otherwise what will we do." ”

Lao Wang laughed: "Don't worry, as long as I am here, this family will not collapse." ”

Late at night, Lao Wang lay on the bed, thinking about the busy day, but his heart was full of warmth. Although tired, seeing the smiling faces of his wife and children, he felt that everything was worth it.

The story of "After Lao Wang Comes Home from Work" seems ordinary but full of joy in life. Every joke makes people laugh, but they feel the warmth and happiness. No matter how busy life is, as long as you have family by your side, all the hard work becomes worth it. I hope everyone can find their own happiness in laughter.