
The founding lieutenant general was sentenced to 17 years in his later years, and after his death, he buried Babaoshan with the highest standard, but the memorial service was stopped halfway

Our Party also suffered many hardships before the founding of the Country, and during the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, our Party achieved good development, but the defeat of the Great Revolution left serious wounds and damage to our Party organization. The artillery fire of the Nanchang uprising fired the first shots of our Party's independent armed resistance against the reactionaries. Since then, although several uprisings have not been successful, we have not been discouraged, found the reasons in the failure, made up our minds to overcome difficulties, and finally realized the magnificent scene of thousands of troops crossing the Yangtze River and successfully built a new China.

The founding lieutenant general was sentenced to 17 years in his later years, and after his death, he buried Babaoshan with the highest standard, but the memorial service was stopped halfway

At the ceremony after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the conferment of titles was to praise those generals who had made contributions to the revolutionary cause, but no one was perfect, and some of these commended generals may have made mistakes. The man mentioned in this article, a founding lieutenant general named Li Zuopeng, was sentenced to 17 years in prison in his later years for committing a crime, but this does not erase his great exploits in the revolutionary cause for decades.

In 1914, Li Zuopeng was born in Ji'an, Jiangxi, and his hometown was in Jinggangshan. Jinggangshan was the first place to receive the baptism of revolution, and the local people were also very dedicated and did their best to support the Red Army. In 1930, at the age of 16, Li Zuopeng joined the Red Army without hesitation.

The founding lieutenant general was sentenced to 17 years in his later years, and after his death, he buried Babaoshan with the highest standard, but the memorial service was stopped halfway

Li Zuopeng studied for several years before joining the Red Army and was diligent and studious. After joining the army, his daily performance is very calm and rational, and he looks different in training, very heroic and courageous, very brave in combat, and not afraid of the stage.

Li Zuopeng is usually silent and reticent, but when he encounters very important things, he can always be unhurried, wise and constructive, and various outstanding performances make him quickly appear in the team. After joining the army for two years, he not only joined the party, but also transferred to the Central Military Commission as a staff officer. At the time of the Red Army's Long March, Li Zuopeng was already at the level of section chief.

After the Long March successfully arrived in northern Shaanxi, Li Zuopeng was transferred to the newly established Anti-Japanese University as the leader of the training team, that is, the instructor of the Anti-Japanese University. At that time, the president of the Anti-Japanese University liked Li Zuopeng's work style. It is particularly worth mentioning that the principal and Li Zuopeng are also very close in personality and interpersonal style. Later, Li Zuopeng was favored by the principal, and after the principal served as the commander of the 115th Division, he transferred Li Zuopeng to the post of section chief of the investigation section.

Before the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Li Zuopeng was in charge of staff officers and other work, and rarely had the opportunity to lead the troops in combat. However, in the years of war and chaos, there were often moments of dealing with the enemy.

The founding lieutenant general was sentenced to 17 years in his later years, and after his death, he buried Babaoshan with the highest standard, but the memorial service was stopped halfway

On one occasion, our army annihilated a brigade of the Japanese Kou, but the Japanese army quickly gathered more than 5,000 puppet troops to counterattack our army. At that time, Li Zuopeng led a small team to drag the enemy and cover the retreat of the cadres of the headquarters. During the battle, the front line was suddenly filled with thick smoke and a foul smell, and Li Zuopeng's smoke suddenly felt pitch black, and nothing could be seen. When he retreated to the rear, he realized that it was a Japanese gas bomb.

Since his right eye was almost blind, Luo Shuai asked him to go to Beijing for treatment. Unfortunately, the surgery did not restore the light to his right eye, and the general's right eye was completely invisible. In May 1947, Li Zuopeng led the Sixth Army to a great victory. He picked out a pair of sunglasses among many of the booty and has liked to wear them often ever since.

The founding lieutenant general was sentenced to 17 years in his later years, and after his death, he buried Babaoshan with the highest standard, but the memorial service was stopped halfway

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Zuopeng served as commander of the 43rd Army. In 1950, he and Han Xianchu led the 43rd Army and the 40th Army to launch a war to liberate Hainan Island. In 58 days of fierce fighting, they eliminated 33,000 enemy troops and fought a beautiful battle, which Li Zuopeng also considered the proudest victory of his military career.

In 1955, Li Zuopeng was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. He also served as deputy commander of the Navy, political commissar of the Navy, and deputy chief of staff. However, in 1971, he was dismissed from all positions because of his misconduct. In January 1981, he was sentenced to 17 years in prison. However, given the general's outstanding military exploits and his advanced age at the time, he was released on medical parole and recuperated in Taiyuan. The leaders are still relatively caring and caring for Li Zuopeng, and Li Zuopeng himself is very pleased with such arrangements.

The founding lieutenant general was sentenced to 17 years in his later years, and after his death, he buried Babaoshan with the highest standard, but the memorial service was stopped halfway

On January 3, 2009, Li Zuopeng died of illness at the age of 95. When the news of the general's death came out, his former comrades-in-arms came to mourn. On the 8th, Li Zuopeng's eldest son set up a spiritual hall at home, and the local department then came to discuss the aftermath with his son, and decided to start from Jane. The farewell ceremony for the remains, which was scheduled for the morning of the 17th, was also cancelled the day before. On the morning of January 18, Li Zuopeng's hearse arrived at Babaoshan, and six people carried the spirit, which was the highest standard of treatment.

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