
Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

As one of the founding lieutenant generals, Li Zuopeng was once a well-known genius god of war on the battlefield and a pioneer in the liberation war.

After being sentenced to seventeen years in prison, he changed his name to Obscurity in his later years, and even the funeral required his family to keep a low profile. But at the 94th birthday party, a gift made him cry and difficult to control. What was this gift, and what special significance did it mean to him?

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

Friends for a while and friends for a lifetime

Born in Jiangxi in 1914 and raised in war and turmoil, Li Zuopeng was very sad about the suffering of his parents and fellow villagers, and even more sad about the humiliation suffered by his own country.

In 1930, at the age of 16, Li Zuopeng joined the army, but because he was too young, he was only a messenger, and at this time Li Zuopeng began to show his talent.

In the Red Army, everyone knows that there is a young soldier who runs fast, has a brain, does not like to talk, but does things steadily. In this way, he was appreciated by the chief and began to serve as a squad leader, a secret agent and other positions.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

In 1932, Li Zuopeng became a member of the Communist Party and began the Long March with the troops.

Later, he also insisted on studying and took the initiative to enter the Military and Political University to improve his ability.

During the War of Liberation, Li Zuopeng was transferred to the northeast and became a war miracle that fought from the northeast to Hainan, fighting more with less and defeating the strong with the weak.

For people on the battlefield, Li Zuopeng is a god of war, but in his psychology, he will always be a person's subordinate. That's Lin Zong.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

During the Long March, he and Lin Zong were superiors and subordinates, and Li Zuopeng, as Lin Zong's deputy, was also a teacher and friend, and had a close relationship.

For Li Zuopeng, this friendship with Lin Zong made him cherish it very much, and he also embarked on the wrong path.

In 1981, Li Zuopeng was sentenced to seventeen years in prison, and the organization took into account Li Zuopeng's health, not only allowed him to seek medical parole, but also let him live with his family, and paid him a certain fee to take care of his family.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

In the days that followed, Li Zuopeng lived a low-key life, basically having no leisure activities except reading and studying.

But the name Li Zuopeng will always provoke some people with bad intentions, hoping to dig up the repeated prohibition of big news, Li Zuopeng repeatedly refused to be interviewed, there will still be media coming, he finally changed his name,

Change "Li Zuopeng" into "Li Ming" and live a more low-key life.

In his later years, Li Zuopeng lived under the name of Li Ming, longing for light and peace, but as a friend, he always had nostalgia for Lin Zong, did not say bad things about his friends, and saw some false descriptions of Lin Zong, and he would be very angry.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

A gift for a friendship

Li Zuopeng lived a low-key life in his later years, and his children were very filial, not only taking good care of him, but also hosting a birthday party for him when he was ninety-four years old.

This year happened to be the Beijing Olympics, Li Zuopeng's body was already in trouble at that time, and his only wish was to see the Beijing Olympic Games.

When Li Zuopeng was ninety-four years old, the eldest grandson also brought a girlfriend to see him, and the family went to worship Mrs. Li Zuopeng, who had died. At the birthday party, he who valued his friends saw many friends and was very happy.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

At this time, a special little friend appeared,

It is Lin Doudou, the daughter of Lin Zong and Ye Qun.

Lin Doudou, formerly known as Lin Liheng, was born in 1944, working in Zhengzhou Automobile Factory, in the early years, her life was bumpy, because of family reasons received a lot of criticism, but Lin Doudou still harvested a happy life and love, grew up healthy under the care of the organization, in the face of a friend's daughter, Li Zuopeng sighed with emotion.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

Later, Lin Doudou went to the hospital alone to visit Li Zuopeng again and gave him a birthday gift, which was a very special gift.

The first time Li Zuopeng saw the gift, he couldn't control his tears.

Lin Doudou sent a bust of Lin Zong's early years,

The craftsmanship of the statue is exquisite, and the characters are portrayed very vividly, Li Zuopeng holds the statue, the old tears flow, and the family persuasion refuses to give up.

Years of friendship are in this tear.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

In his later years, the funeral was canceled

In his later years, Li Zuopeng's health was very bad, and before he was ninety-four years old, he already needed to go to the hospital every year for examination, but Li Zuopeng was very repulsive, so the problems in his body were discovered very late.

In 2007, when Li Zuopeng was ninety-three years old, he broke one of his ribs at home.

During the treatment in the hospital, the liver cancer was detected, which was already very serious at this time, and then the liver cancer turned into lung cancer, and at first the family still hid the condition from him, and it turned out that Li Zuopeng refused to cooperate with the treatment, so he could only tell, but he still had a certain resistance to hospitalization.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

In 2008, Li Zuopeng fulfilled his wish to see the Beijing Olympic Games, celebrated his last birthday, and met his old friends.

In November of the same year, Li Zuopeng could only lie unconscious in the hospital, during which Time Lin Doudou often came to visit, but rarely saw a sober Li Zuopeng.

In early 2009, Li Zuopeng passed away.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

After his death, Li Zuopeng's family consulted and decided to hold a low-key funeral ceremony in accordance with Li Zuopeng's style and ideas before his death, so there was originally a farewell ceremony for the body, which was also canceled at the request of his family.

Li Zuopeng left surrounded only by family and friends.

For Li Zuopeng, although the funeral was canceled, he walked very peacefully, he had meritorious deeds in his life, but he also attached great importance to friends and family, and in his later years Li Zuopeng acted in a low-key manner, which was very in line with his style of conduct.

Li Zuopeng passed the 94th birthday, and Lin Doudou carefully prepared a special gift that made him cry silently

brief summary:

Everyone has their own cherished friendships, family affection, love or friendship, and this complex human feeling constitutes a person's experience of living in the world.

In human society, too much friendship is carried in a person's life, in order to outline the living people, in order to let these people piece together a warm society.

For the cherished friendship, some people can give their lives at all costs; some people are willing to go to the soup and not be afraid of hardships; some people miss it all their lives and refuse to forget it, which is also the precious and lamentable friendship.

Li Zuopeng cherished his friends and family, and in his later years he cried when he saw gifts, which also reflected his cherishing of this friendship.

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