
After Li Zuopeng was released from prison, his wife was unwilling to accompany him, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall on the ground and started a family, and later became a rich businessman


Time flies, and most of the founding generals who made great contributions to the founding of New China have left us, but we will always remember the brilliant achievements they have made in their military careers; when this great country was born in the midst of war, it was still poor and white, full of rubble, and the smoke from the founding heroes has not yet dissipated, so they plunged themselves into the construction of the motherland and contributed the rest of their lives to the development of the motherland, and only then did they have China, which stands at the top of the world today.

After Li Zuopeng was released from prison, his wife was unwilling to accompany him, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall on the ground and started a family, and later became a rich businessman

When we indulge in a happy life, do not forget the efforts of our ancestors, perhaps their lives have also been wrong, but compared with the contribution of this life can be small and unspeakable, and today we introduce the founding lieutenant general Li Zuopeng.

The Long March was neutral and meritorious

Many of the founding generals were born of "little red devils", and General Li was one of them, before joining the army, he actively participated in the peasant movement, and also served as a model captain of the Young Pioneers, and at the age of 16, he led more than 30 small partners to sign up for the Red Army.

After Li Zuopeng was released from prison, his wife was unwilling to accompany him, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall on the ground and started a family, and later became a rich businessman

Before joining the army, Li Zuopeng had read books for several years, could read and hyphenate, and had leadership ability, and soon stood out among the new recruits and was sent to the Confidential Section of the Central Military Commission as a section member, at that time, the telegrams of the Central Soviet District and the Shanghai Headquarters were translated by him, but this job was only a few months, and he was transferred to the Second Bureau of the Central Military Commission as a staff officer, and served as the chief of the Second Section during the Long March.

According to General Li's recollection, he deciphered the enemy's code during the Long March, and since then he has been familiar with the enemy's marching movements, and can adjust the marching route at any time to avoid encounters with the enemy.

"Lee Pot" and "Lee Blind Man"

Many of the founding generals had nicknames, such as General Chen Xilian's "Small Steel Cannon", General Qin Jiwei's "Qin Big Knife", Li Zuopeng also had many nicknames, and the more famous ones were "Li Burning Pot" and "Li Blind".

"Burning pot" is General Lee's good drinking, good drinking. But "Li Blind" is blind in his right eye, which starts from a battle during the War of Resistance.

After Li Zuopeng was released from prison, his wife was unwilling to accompany him, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall on the ground and started a family, and later became a rich businessman

After the Eighth Route Army entered Shandong, it once won a great victory at Liangshan and completely annihilated a squadron of the Japanese army, but the enemy reacted quickly, and quickly dispatched more than 5,000 Japanese puppet troops to start counterattacking.

When blocking the enemy, the position suddenly smoke billowed and the stench was so foul that his eyes were blurred, and when he was rescued by his comrades to the rear, his right eye could no longer be seen clearly, and it turned out that the Japanese army had fired a poison gas bomb. Later, with the consent of his superiors, he was escorted to Shanghai for treatment, but unfortunately the operation was not successful, and he has been blind in his right eye since then, which is also the reason why Li Zuopeng wears sunglasses for many years.

After his release from prison, he settled in Taiyuan

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Zuopeng was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and also served as deputy commander of the navy, political commissar of the navy, deputy chief of the general staff, etc., but General Li was sentenced to 17 years in his later years for taking the wrong road, and in 1981, General Li was released on medical parole and placed in Taiyuan.

After Li Zuopeng was released from prison, his wife was unwilling to accompany him, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall on the ground and started a family, and later became a rich businessman

Since General Li was given limited freedom, his superiors also considered letting his family accompany him, but his wife Dong Qicai was not willing to go at first, and she proposed a complete rehabilitation before going with Li Zuopeng, and when the staff asked Dong Qicai to sign the conversation record, Dong Qicai was afraid to sign, and finally compromised.

General Li and his wife Dong Qicai had five children in their lifetime, and most of them joined the army when they grew up, but since their father's accident, their work and life have been affected, especially his eldest daughter Li Dazheng and son-in-law Liu Weiqin.

The two married in 1970, when one of them worked in the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, the other worked in the Military Museum, and in the second year after marriage, the husband and wife were implicated by their father and were sent to a study class for four years, and later Li Dazheng was assigned to the hospital as a doctor, while Liu Weiqin fed pigs on a farm, and the treatment was much worse than before, and in 1979 the two went to Shenyang together.

After Li Zuopeng was released from prison, his wife was unwilling to accompany him, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall on the ground and started a family, and later became a rich businessman

Came to Shenyang, the organization also gave them a place to live, a 15 square meters of small house, the work problem was also solved, Li Dazheng or as a doctor, Liu Weiqin went to the cultural center, although the work and life problems were solved, but the two had a meager income, a year later Liu Weiqin handled the suspension of pay and stayed in the sea.

Liu Weiqin, who has been engaged in artistic creation, initially just set up a stall to sell some couplets and calligraphy and paintings written by himself, the money did not make much money, but accumulated some experience, and later caught up with the wave of reform and opening up, the business also improved, and then Li Dazheng also resigned to help her husband, in the 80s their family became a "10,000 yuan household", and then the business became bigger and bigger, and in the 90s, he lived in a large villa in Shenyang, and also took his parents to live around.

Li Dazheng once said: "Wherever someone lives, I can live!" It is precisely because of their husband and wife's unremitting self-improvement, with a later rich life, but also let their father enjoy the joy of heaven, on January 3, 2009, Li Zuopeng died of illness at the age of 95.

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