Once the emperors of ancient times were the supremacy of imperial power, almost all the power of life and death was in the hands of the emperor alone, and the head could fall to the ground under an order, but for some founding heroes, the emperor was very caring, so giving some ministers who had made great contributions a gold medal to avoid death, which was not only a tool to save their lives, but also an unparalleled honor.
Deathless gold medal and shang fang sword, these two things appear in a lot of costume TV series, shang fang sword, the legend of the upper slash of the emperor, the next beheading of the traitor of a god artifact, but this should also be just a statement, can you really cut off the emperor's head with a knife? And the death-free gold medal, but also by a lot of TV series blown very mysterious, many netizens have speculated that the death-free gold medal can really be exempted from a death, can be exempted from their own, or can be exempted from others?
Zhu Yuanzhang is a very typical example, Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a grass people, after experiencing many ups and downs, he also ascended to the throne, his experience is also more wonderful than Liu Bang, but some of Zhu Yuanzhang's practices are also as inhuman as Liu Bang, and the former founding fathers were almost killed clean, cunning rabbits and dead lackeys, cooking birds and birds to hide well. There was once a hero named Li Shanchang, who was a veritable founding hero.
Zhu Yuanzhang is also in order to appease the heart of the subject, awarded him a gold medal for avoiding death, after getting the gold medal for avoiding death, even walking with the wind from the killing payment, such an honor is not something that ordinary people can get, but also reflects how important Li Shanchang's position in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart is, but the world is unpredictable, when he was 77 years old, because his nephew Ding Bin plotted against him, involving Li Shanchang, he was ordered to be executed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and as a result, Li Shanchang took out the gold medal for death, and the emperor let him look at a few words behind him, and the result was written, Avoid death and eliminate rebellion, these seven words.
These seven words are also very helpless, but it can also be seen from the side that the deathless gold medal really sometimes fails.