
Hunan found thousands of bamboo janes, the content subverts history, experts: don't let Qin Shi Huang back the black pot anymore

Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor in Chinese history, when he was in power, he unified the six kingdoms, pioneered the emperor system, and built the Great Wall, which can be said to have made a thousand achievements, but the controversy over Qin Shi Huang in later generations is relatively large, and the struggle is to fight over whether Qin Shi Huang has done more than he has done, or whether he has done more than he has done.

Hunan found thousands of bamboo janes, the content subverts history, experts: don't let Qin Shi Huang back the black pot anymore

The reason is very simple, although Qin Shi Huang has made great achievements, many records of Qin Shi Huang in the history books mention how tyrannical he was. For example, the "Records of History" compiled by Sima Qian during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gave a detailed description of the various atrocities committed by Qin Shi Huang, and here we will only take one example.

The "History of Qin Shi Huang Benji" records: "(Qin Shi Huang) is the southwest crossing of HuaiShui, Hengshan Mountain, Nan County, Fujiang River, to Xiangshan Ancestral Hall. When there is a strong wind, it is almost impossible to cross. The doctor asked, "Xiangjun He God?" The doctor said to Him: "Smell it: Yao's daughter, Shun's wife, and bury this." "So the First Emperor was furious and ordered the three thousand prisoners to cut down the Xiangshan tree and ochre the mountain."

Hunan found thousands of bamboo janes, the content subverts history, experts: don't let Qin Shi Huang back the black pot anymore

It is said that this Qin Shi Huang went out on a tour and arrived at the Xiangshan Ancestral Hall in ancient Hunan, and he had just crossed the river, but he encountered a strong wind head-on, which hindered his progress. So Qin Shi Huang asked the people around him what gods were offered in the Xiangshan Temple. People around him told him that here were the "Xiang Lady" Empress Dowager and The Female Ying, who were Yao's daughter, Shun's wife, and the god of Xiangshui.

Qin Shi Huang felt that they were the ones who were doing the trick and blocked their way, so he lost his temper and ordered 3,000 prisoners to cut down all the trees on The Xiang Mountain and expose the reddish-brown land. Doing so would be tantamount to indirectly removing the clothes of the two "Xiang Ladies", who let them trick the ghosts and harm themselves from crossing the river smoothly?

Hunan found thousands of bamboo janes, the content subverts history, experts: don't let Qin Shi Huang back the black pot anymore

The so-called "Ochre Mountain", in the Qin Dynasty, the prisoner's clothes were ochre (reddish brown), so Qin Shi Huang did this, which was equivalent to reducing the two Xiang ladies from gods to prisoners. From this record, the tyranny of Qin Shi Huang can be seen, he not only traveled around to toil the people and hurt the wealth, but also was very arrogant, and did such a despicable thing to the gods.

However, the contents of the thousands of bamboo tablets found in Hunan in recent years have subverted history. This batch of precious Qin Jian collected by Yuelu Academy, a total of 2174 pieces, recorded many historical materials of the Qin Dynasty, including "Quality Day", "For the Officials and Qianshou", "Zhanmeng Book", "Book of Numbers", "Book of Songs", "Qin Law Miscellaneous Copy" and "Qin Ling Miscellaneous Copy" 7 major articles.

Hunan found thousands of bamboo janes, the content subverts history, experts: don't let Qin Shi Huang back the black pot anymore

Some of the records about Qin Shi Huang in this batch of Qin Jian are very different from what Sima Qian said in the "Records of History". For example, Qin Shi Huang's attitude toward Xiangshan was completely different. Qin Shi Huang not only did not let people cut down trees, but because he admired the beauty of Xiangshan Mountain, he ordered the protection of the Xiangshan forest, so he issued an edict that "Qin Shi Huang banned Xiangshan Mountain":

"Since I have merged with the whole world, I have personally touched the obscure (sea) to the south to Cangwu, ling waded into the water of the dongting, climbed the Xiang (Xiang) Mountain, Ping Shan, and its trees are wild and beautiful, and the trees are □ and beautiful, and they are forbidden to be cut down." It should be noted that Sima Qian's writing of the "Records of History" was a hundred years after Qin Shi Huang, and in contrast, this batch of Qin Jian was the most original historical material.

Hunan found thousands of bamboo janes, the content subverts history, experts: don't let Qin Shi Huang back the black pot anymore

Therefore, many historians believe that Qin Jian's record is more credible than that of the "Records of History". The history books written by later generations, for various reasons, will always exaggerate some of the mistakes of the previous dynasty. Sima Qian was a historian of the Han Dynasty, and the "Records of History" he compiled was very personal, and his heart hated the violent Qin.

Hunan found thousands of bamboo janes, the content subverts history, experts: don't let Qin Shi Huang back the black pot anymore

Moreover, the xiangshan area was the old land of the Chu state in ancient times, and the hatred of the Chu people for Qin Shi Huang was the deepest, and it was normal for the rumor that "Qin Shi Huang cut down the trees". Therefore, experts also call for the evaluation of Qin Shi Huang, as little as possible by film and television dramas and inertial thinking, should respect objective historical facts, and do not let Qin Shi Huang carry some strange black cauldrons!

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