
Xu Huang dared to fight Against Guan Yu, Zhang Gao was not afraid of Zhang Fei, why did they not dare to fight Against Zhao Yun in the Battle of Hanshui?

The main line of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the three-legged Dingli, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan are the core figures of the Three Kingdoms period, and they each have their own proud generals, but to say that they are particularly famous, they have to look at cao Cao's five sons and five tigers under Liu Bei, which represent the highest level in their respective armies. The five sons will have Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Yu Ban, Xu Huang and Zhang Gao.

The reason why he did not dare to challenge Zhao Yun

Xu Huang dared to fight Against Guan Yu, Zhang Gao was not afraid of Zhang Fei, why did they not dare to fight Against Zhao Yun in the Battle of Hanshui?

The Five Tigers rode Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others, all of whom were first-class talents. But the gap in the strength of these people is also very large. Due to the hostile relationship between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, there were often wars between generals and generals, and it was common to single out. Xu Huang and Zhang Gao were the best in Cao's camp, they had followed Cao Cao in the southern expedition to the north, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had all fought, and they had not failed, which showed their strength.

Xu Huang dared to fight Against Guan Yu, Zhang Gao was not afraid of Zhang Fei, why did they not dare to fight Against Zhao Yun in the Battle of Hanshui?

But why didn't they dare to challenge Zhao Yun alone? In the Five Tigers, Zhao Yun's ranking was higher than That of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, and it was reasonable to say that they would not dare to face the battle, but why was the truth the opposite? However, daring to fight does not necessarily mean that it will definitely win, just like Zhang Gao, although he has been clamoring not to be afraid of Zhang Fei and boasting about Haikou, but in the end he was wiped out by Zhang Fei because of the light enemy, and he did not dare to say such a big word after that time.

Xu Huang dared to fight Against Guan Yu, Zhang Gao was not afraid of Zhang Fei, why did they not dare to fight Against Zhao Yun in the Battle of Hanshui?

As for Xu Huang, he dared to fight Guan Yu only because he had figured out the situation at that time, knew that Guan Yu had been injured, his strength had weakened, and he had the ability to fight with him. Therefore, Xu Huang is a smart person who knows how to judge the hour and size up the situation. Therefore, the two of them dared to provoke Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, not to say how strong their own strength was, but to rely on some external factors, so these were the reasons why they did not dare to face Zhao Yun in the Battle of Hanshui.

Xu Huang dared to fight Against Guan Yu, Zhang Gao was not afraid of Zhang Fei, why did they not dare to fight Against Zhao Yun in the Battle of Hanshui?

But there are some other factors, such as Zhao Yun single-handedly broke into the Cao camp, killed many fighters to rescue Liu Adou, and retreated from the whole body, from here it can be seen that his martial arts are very strong, and later in the Battle of Hanzhong, he also rescued Huang Zhong, and a myth was formed in the Cao camp, Zhao Yun was a changsheng general, and many people fled as soon as they heard the slogan of Changshan Zhao Zilong, which showed his influence, so Zhang Gao and Xu Huang did not dare to confront him hard. In addition, Zhao Yun once killed Gao Lan in seconds, and Gao Lan's strength was not much different from Zhang Guo's Xu Huang, which also meant that if the two of them went up, they were bound to be killed by Zhao Yun in seconds, and they could only be shrunken-headed turtles.

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