
Hubei unearthed Qin Jian and uncovered the truth of Chen Sheng's uprising, old professor: We misunderstood Qin Shi Huang in 2000

The King of Qin harbored a greedy heart, established private rights, banned documents and tortured the law, first deceitful force and then benevolence, and took tyranny as the beginning of the world - Sima Qian's "History".

Sima Qian was a person during the period of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, because he was punished by the palace and began to write historical records, his era was too far away from the Qin State, coupled with the shackles of the times, it was very difficult to objectively evaluate a person, so he only recorded the first year of the Han Wu Emperor Yuan Hunt.

Hubei unearthed Qin Jian and uncovered the truth of Chen Sheng's uprising, old professor: We misunderstood Qin Shi Huang in 2000

In fact, not only Sima Qian said that Qin Shi Huang was violent, most of the history books say that the Qin King was tyrannical and died twice, but from our point of view, Qin Shi Huang also had "merit" in addition to "tyranny", and no one can surpass this point of unifying the world and unifying the writing.

On the other hand, the construction of the Great Wall of Qin was "suffering in the contemporary era, and the merit is in the thousand autumns", but in the history books, his merits have been inundated with negative comments, and in the anti-Qin, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's sentence "The prince will have a kind of Hu" has been remembered to this day.

Hubei unearthed Qin Jian and uncovered the truth of Chen Sheng's uprising, old professor: We misunderstood Qin Shi Huang in 2000

Chen Sheng's experience with Liu Bang was very similar, and even the process of the two men's uprising was almost the same, but in the end Liu Bang unified the world, while Chen Sheng died at the hands of Ma Fu and Wu Guang was killed by his generals. What is the gap between them?

In the first year of Qin II (209 BC), the imperial court recruited Han to defend Yuyang, Chen Sheng was appointed as the commander of the team, he and more than 900 poor peasants escorted by two Qin officials, set off overnight, but when they arrived in Daze Township, they encountered heavy rain, the road was blocked by floods, and they were forced to stay in Daze Township.

Hubei unearthed Qin Jian and uncovered the truth of Chen Sheng's uprising, old professor: We misunderstood Qin Shi Huang in 2000

According to the Qin law at that time, if the date was delayed, they would be beheaded, Chen Sheng did not want to die, so he found another tun commander Wu Guang to discuss, although the two knew each other for a short time, but they both had a heart of ambition, the two of them prepared for the uprising, anyway, before and after are dead, it is better to fight.

Chen Sheng Wu Guang gathered 900 people together, "cutting wood for soldiers, unveiling poles for banners" Under the leadership of Chen Sheng Wu Guang, he captured Daze Township, all the way to the breaking of bamboo, after the capture of Chen County, Chen Sheng established the Zhang Chu regime, and Wu Guang was a false king. In just half a year, Zhang Handan broke Chen Sheng's Wu Guang rebel army.

Although Chen Sheng's Wu Guang rebellion was defeated, it also ignited the wolf smoke against Qin, Liu Bang called the empress dowager, and also posthumously named Chen Sheng the "Hidden King", from these points of view, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were different from the violent Qin, so is this really the case?

In 1975, Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, unearthed a Qin tomb (Sleeping Tiger Di Qin Tomb), archaeologists excavated 1100 Qin Dynasty bamboo janes from the tombs, according to expert research, these bamboo janes record the Qin Qin law.

Hubei unearthed Qin Jian and uncovered the truth of Chen Sheng's uprising, old professor: We misunderstood Qin Shi Huang in 2000

Among these bamboo janes, experts have found this sentence:

Imperial Expedition, Lack of Fu Xing, Zhao Erjia. Three to five days of loss of time, slander; six days to ten, one shield; ten days, one shield; after ten days, one shield. Its gain, and its attainment. Water and rain, except for excitement

What this sentence says is that if the conscripted team is three days to 5 days late, scolded, six days late, handed in a set of armor (a shield), more than six days must hand over a shield, if it encounters force majeure factors such as rain, the punishment can be avoided.

From this point of view, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's late arrival is definitely without any punishment, and there is no "missed time to be killed", although the complete Qin Law is harsh, but this article is still relatively humane.

Hubei unearthed Qin Jian and uncovered the truth of Chen Sheng's uprising, old professor: We misunderstood Qin Shi Huang in 2000

As for Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, it may be that the anti-Qin forces are pushing, the old professor consulted a lot of information, found that they misunderstood Qin Shi Huang for more than two thousand years, Chen Sheng Wu Guanghui uprising was to listen to the words of a Taoist, the Taoist priest also wrote chen Sheng "Chen Sheng Wang" three big characters in the silk pa, the two stuffed the silk paw in the belly of the fish, from the conscription to dissect the fish, just found this silk paw, for a time the camp have been discussed.

In the middle of the night, Chen Sheng imitated the voice of a fox and shouted loudly, "Great Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng."

At that time, the folk have always been circulating: "Although Chu has three households, the death of Qin will be Chu" Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are all Chu people, and although Chen Sheng is not a Chu person, he still has to bear the banner of the Chu state.

After the establishment of Zhang Chu, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang began to enjoy themselves, excluding dissidents, and as long as they did not go well, they would basically be severely punished, which also caused dissatisfaction among the generals, and when Zhang Handan attacked the city, Chen Sheng was killed by his own coachman.

Hubei unearthed Qin Jian and uncovered the truth of Chen Sheng's uprising, old professor: We misunderstood Qin Shi Huang in 2000

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang failed to jump out of their own pattern after all, which is also the reason why they were defeated, although Liu Bang was born low, he reused his talents and thus won the world.

The history books are written by the victors, and we should also look at Qin Shi Huang from a positive perspective.

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