
To prepare spicy beef jerky

author:Silent cultivation

To prepare spicy beef jerky

Ingredients: Beef with refined beef (beef leg root, no tendons and no fat)

Ingredients: cooking wine, thirteen spices, ginger, sugar, salt, white sesame seeds, chili noodles, green pepper noodles, chicken essence, sesame oil.


1: Cut the fresh beef you bought into finger-thick strips and place them in a basin.

2: Sauté the white sesame seeds and let them cool.

3: Cut ginger into strips, not too much, just to remove the fishy smell in the beef.

3: Put the chopped ginger shredded in a basin containing beef strips, add cooking wine, salt, sugar, thirteen spices and evenly marinate for 24 hours, and refrigerate in the summer.

4, the next day the rapeseed oil into the pot to boil, the amount of oil according to personal preferences, more oil to make the beef jerky color to be brighter, the marinated beef strips into the pot. Stir-fry over medium heat until the water in the beef is completely evaporated and the meat is slightly yellow, so turn off the heat.

5: Put the sautéed beef strips into the pot, add the chili noodles, green pepper noodles, sesame oil, chicken essence and mix well, let it cool and add the fried white sesame seeds and evenly, and the preparation of spicy beef jerky is completed. Next ArticleBuishing of Braised Beef Noodles.

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