
Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

Entering the 50-year-old Wu Qili has some different changes from her previous life, and now she has a stable job and participates in some friends' promotional activities when she is in a good mood.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

But most of her time is reserved for herself to sort out her mood, after all, her daughter's rebellion has always been a kind of pain in her heart.

It has been more than 2 years since her daughter Wu Zhuolin left her, to be precise, her daughter's rebellious and out-of-control life has been destined to take shape, and her mother Wu Qili really can't control it.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

She said that the child will grow up to be independent, and her daughter over 20 years old will understand the good intentions of adults, but her daughter's situation is actually very clear to her, and the out-of-control life with ANDI is actually not good, and the so-called freedom is a kind of irresponsibility for herself.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

What can I do, I can only live my own life and find my own happy side.

Although she is in a very good situation for the time being, she can only look forward to the return of her daughter while living her life well. Today's Wu Qili has undergone very big changes, and it is good to be able to deal with the public opinion of the outside world and her own positive energy life.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

At the beginning of December, Wu Qili, who was not very busy, praised a relatively good emotional quote. The content is written like this: When no one helps, learn to be independent. When no one hurts, learn to be strong. When tired, a person carries it. Gradually, I understood that the sense of security can only be given to myself.

From the above quotations, we can clearly see Wu Qili's current position and mentality, she is still a person, in fact, the more she talks about this, it means that she is more afraid of loneliness.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

They are all 50 years old, and in a few years she will have to face her own more lonely life, so Wu Qili is actually very clear about this.

But what can be done? What's the most painful thing right now? It is this year's New Year, if the daughter Wu Zhuolin does not return to Hong Kong, she will be alone again for the New Year, I don't know if Wu Zhuolin, who will soon arrive in the New Year, has any plans to return to Hong Kong to live with her mother.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

As early as half a month ago, Wu Qili recorded a video on a video account, and then described it like this: It is about to be the New Year again, and there is a little fear, which may have something to do with her own experience. The more the New Year, the more anxious I am, and I am afraid of the New Year.

Wu Qili: We Chinese pay attention to reunion, so we hope that young people can also be safe and healthy when they are fighting, and they can also be reunited with their families.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

When Wu Qili recorded the video, the words inside and outside were full of meanings of dialogue with her daughter, but there seemed to be a sense of distance. Because she herself knows that the sense of distance and strangeness from her daughter is really difficult to convince herself.

If the daughter does not go home for the New Year, then Wu Qili will have to survive alone, who does not want her children to live happily with themselves? But the daughter's runaway life does not allow this kind of happiness to exist.

Wu Qili praised the emotional quotes, her daughter has not returned to her side, and she will be alone in the New Year

Indeed, as she described it: it is the New Year again, and I hope that young people will go home to see more after a year of hard work.

At the same time, I hope that Wu Qili and Wu Zhuolin can reunite mother and daughter, and truly realize the unity between mother and daughter.

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