
2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

"Bring users the best short- and medium-distance green logistics solutions", release the "Shaanxi Light Intelligent Travel" vehicle networking platform, drive Shandong Automobile from the traditional "manufacturing enterprises" to "service-oriented enterprises", and the sales target in 2022 will sprint to 40,000 vehicles...

With the establishment of Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck's future market positioning, as well as the release of medium- and long-term strategic planning and sales targets for the next year, its 2022 annual business meeting has come to a successful conclusion, but its impact will continue to ferment. In this industry background of continuous change in order to survive and strive to break through itself to do a good job, how can Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck innovate and change and achieve a leap? Take a look at the analysis report of the First Commercial Vehicle Network.

In 2021, it is expected to sell 16,500 vehicles The product matrix is rapidly improved

The light truck market is as strong as a forest, and after years of development, it has gradually formed a relatively stable market share. Wanting to quickly break through the original market pattern, playing its own popularity, guided by market demand and technological leadership, and using products as weapons is the key to Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck to achieve a breakthrough.

After all, the competition of brand influence, or the contest of user recognition and product stickiness, in the final analysis, needs to rely on a complete set of product systems, perfect product matrix, and product performance of ladder configuration.

2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

Guo Pan, deputy general manager of Shandong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and general manager of the sales company

At the annual business meeting, Guo Pan, deputy general manager of Shandong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and general manager of the sales company, said, "In 2021, Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck launched a total of 25 new models and developed 24 urgently needed configurations in the market. At present, it has completed the product layout of 3.5 to 18 tons, forming a product spectrum of K3000 high-end + K5000 high-end + big yellow card series + N3000 series + new energy series + special vehicle series. ”

2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck K5000-K7.5H-WP3N-F6JZ45BM model

Although there are multiple factors such as the epidemic and policy changes, Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck's accurate and rapid action has made it a great success. Not only the mid-range market frequently receives orders, but the orders for AMT models are gradually increasing with the help of the listing of the K5000, which promotes the expansion of the sales proportion of high-end models of Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck, and it is expected to achieve total sales of 16,500 vehicles in 2021, an increase of 60% year-on-year.

Sprint 40,000 new energy models in 2022 to exceed 5,000

The new product camp needs more professional marketing capabilities, especially when Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck set its sales target for 2022 as: "Sprint to the 40,000 mark, fuel vehicles to quadruple in two years, new energy sales exceeded 5,000 vehicles, and steadily occupy the first echelon of the industry." ”

2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

For how to achieve the annual goal and seize the opportunity period of rapid development of the market segment, Guo Pan proposed eight major marketing measures around the product in 2022: "First, the sales volume of K3000 has steadily and continuously increased; second, K5000 has fully entered the high-end market; third, the yellow card large light truck has broken through the upper volume; fourth, the middle truck market has optimized and improved the upper volume; fifth, new energy has entered the first echelon of the industry; sixth, the special vehicle market has made a comprehensive breakthrough; seventh, the launch of K7.5H The WP2.5N small eight-speed all-round version of the model responds to the new blue brand regulations; eighth, AMT models continue to maintain a high-speed growth trend, leading the industry. ”

2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

Not only has it formulated a meticulous strategy for the product side, but also at the level of system capabilities such as channel capacity building, dealer network coverage, brand promotion and value marketing, Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck will continue to promote, and use the Internet to open digital marketing and enhance customer experience.

In addition, as a practice of the national strategic goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", Tian Qiang, general manager of Shandong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., revealed a small detail at the meeting, that is, the E5000, the next-generation new energy product of Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck, will be officially unveiled in 2022 to promote its accelerated transformation to new energy.

2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck E5000-WE22 pre-research P model

Seize the new energy opportunity period, focus on breaking through the special vehicle product segment, grasp the development boom of the cold chain industry, strive to achieve comprehensive development, and create industry benchmarks. Only three years after its listing, Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck has come to the forefront of the industry in terms of creating products and doing fine services.

Released the Internet of Vehicles platform to achieve enterprise transformation and development

"Pay attention to the whole life cycle of products" and "pay attention to the whole process of customer operation" are the important footholds for Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck to do a good job for users, and the release of the "Shaanxi Light Intelligent Travel" Vehicle Networking Platform has given it a new connotation.

2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

Based on the "car" to empower the whole vehicle intelligence, to "people" as the center to create car digitalization, Shaanxi Light Wisdom Line has established an end-to-end communication link of "people, vehicles, OEMs", and relies on intelligent interconnection systems, intelligent cockpit systems, vehicle networking big data systems, digital marketing systems, and digital aftermarket service systems to achieve the collection of human vehicle data in the whole process of customer operation and the whole life cycle of products.

2022 into the first echelon of new energy Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck transformation to do trucks "Tesla"? | headlines

For enterprises, the huge vehicle life cycle data can better achieve product optimization iteration and maintain product competitiveness; for users, the digital car experience can provide intelligent and convenient services for them in multiple application scenarios such as car viewing, car purchase, car purchase, car use, car maintenance, car replacement, etc., thus driving Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck and even Shandong Automobile from the traditional "manufacturing enterprise" to "service-oriented enterprise" transformation and realizing ecological value sharing.


As more heavyweight new products continue to be listed, 2022 will become an important node for Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck to achieve leapfrog development. In view of the past achievements, Tian Qiang, general manager of Shandong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., called it "very good", and at present, Shaanxi Automobile Light Truck is creating through a series of "valuable" efforts to achieve "can be better" in market performance. How the "Tesla" of the truck industry will be born, we all look forward to it.