
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

author:It's a big mouth

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After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

Text: Heaven is a big mouth

Edit|Tiansuan big mouth

On June 27, a jaw-dropping incident occurred in Baoding, Hebei Province.

On that day, the sun didn't seem to have anticipated the impending sin. A man dressed in black rode home on a tram as usual. Who would have thought that the scythe of death would quietly approach at this time.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

A black car, like a beast rushing out of hell, let out a hideous roar of the engine, accelerating towards the innocent figure.

Fortunately, God doesn't seem to have completely closed his eyes of mercy. The old tree in front of the house, as well as the weather-beaten telephone pole, are like guardian angels, stubbornly blocking the crazy attack of the car.

With a difference of half a meter, the Grim Reaper passed by the man, and the tram was shattered in an instant, while the man fell to his knees, embarrassed.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

And that's not all! The sedan lost control and crashed into the big tree on the side, so shocked that the uncle who was riding an electric tricycle next to him was in his throat, and he was only a little more than a meter away from the uncle, which was really a veneer dance with death.

And the frenzied driver, who seemed to have King Kong's incorruptible body, was uninjured under such a violent impact. Even more creepy is yet to come.

The driver, as if possessed by a demon, actually held a kitchen knife, rushed out of the car viciously, and chased after the injured man in black. That posture, to get out alive is to put the other party to death.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

The man in black was so frightened that he ran home and hurriedly closed the door. But in this hurry, how can I lock the door! The crazy driver kicked the door open and rushed into the house brandishing a kitchen knife.

Fortunately, the man in black was clever and hid in the house without being discovered, so he escaped. Now, the injured man in black is lying on the hospital bed, his knees wrapped in thick gauze, and his eyes are full of horror and helplessness for the rest of his life.

He couldn't figure out how he could have caused such a catastrophe just by saying a few fair words. And to talk about the cause of this is really ridiculous. Just because of a trash can!

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

The driver of the black car kicked down the trash can, and the man in black just said a few words to him out of justice, and he was hated by this crazy guy, and even wanted his life.

According to the fellows, this is not the first time that the driver has made a mistake. He just came out of the mental hospital, and he was chasing the pancake seller on the street before, and he was a "demon king of the mixed world", and his behavior was disorderly.

His family had to be careful in front of him, and if he was not careful, it would be a violent beating. It's chilling! A garbage can, a few words of justice, can cause such a bloody catastrophe.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

This black car driver is undoubtedly a "time bomb", which may detonate again at any time and harm innocents. Shouldn't his family be responsible?

Knowing that he has mental problems, he should be sent to a more professional place for treatment, rather than allowing him to behave in society. We ordinary people live our lives, and what we ask for is peace. But when you meet such a master, who can feel at ease?

This also reminds us that for those who have mental problems, their families and society must pay attention to them, and they can't wait for something to happen before they regret it. Otherwise, we don't know who will suffer next!

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

Thinking about it, I can't get angry. What age is this, and this kind of absurdity is happening. Who did the man in black provoke? suffered such a catastrophe for no reason.

Netizens are also discussing this matter. Some people speak fiercely, thinking that this is due to the poor supervision of the family. Isn't it, if only the problem could be found early and the conflict resolved in time.

Or if you take care of this person when he is found to be dangerous, why did he get into such a field? Isn't it too late to wait until someone dies?

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too outrageous, and the victim's current situation is exposed

After the news spread in the village, everyone was panicked. Walking on the road is scared, for fear that one day I will be unlucky to meet such a "madman". How are you going to live this day?

Now, I hope to handle this matter well, give justice to the injured man in black, and let us people sleep peacefully.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or personal infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.