
With a high degree of historical consciousness, we will forge firm historical self-confidence

author:Bright Net

Author: Hao Tong (Vice President of the Party School (School of Administration) of the Party Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region)

The "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experiences of the Party's Centennial Struggle" deliberated and adopted by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China comprehensively reviews the historical process of the Party's century-old struggle, sums up the Party's historical achievements and historical experiences over the past century, fully embodies the Party's historical consciousness of keeping firmly in mind its original mission and mission, always maintaining its vitality, grasping the law of historical development, grasping the historical initiative and mission of the development of the Cause of the Party and the country, and paying attention to the historical self-confidence of summing up and applying historical experience. It is of great significance to the unity of the whole party and the leadership of the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to win the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The "Resolution" looks back at the past, has insight into historical laws, and grasps the historical initiative, embodying the high degree of historical consciousness of the century-old party. Taking history as a mirror is an important feature of Chinese culture, and our party has always attached great importance to summing up historical experience. Historical consciousness is an important political quality embodied in the course of the party's century-long struggle, and the history of the Communist Party of China is consciously and profoundly immersed in the party's century-long struggle. Over the past hundred years, our party has always attached importance to the study of history and the reference and application of historical experience, which is also an important reason why the party has continuously won victories and always maintained its vitality from small to large and from weak to strong.

The Resolution states that looking back at the past, we must "not forget the glory of yesterday's sufferings." In the course of the party's century-old history, we have always kept firmly in mind our original mission and forged ahead, and at every major historical juncture, we have been able to formulate major historical resolutions with a high degree of historical consciousness, a broad historical vision, and superb historical wisdom, unify the ideological understanding of the whole party, gather magnificent strength, and create a new situation in a still more magnificent history. At the juncture when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was about to usher in the final victory, in 1945, the Seventh Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the "Resolution on Several Historical Questions," which answered the general concerns within the Party, unified the ideological understanding of the whole Party, and prepared the ideological conditions for the convening of the Seventh National Congress of the Party and the victory of the revolution. In 1981, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the "Resolution on Several Historical Issues Concerning the Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China," which realistically evaluated the historical status of Comrade Mao Zedong, fully affirmed the great significance of Mao Zedong Thought as the guiding ideology that the Party has adhered to for a long time, and raised the question of what kind of socialism to build and how to build socialism in China, marking the victory of the Party in correcting the chaos in the guiding ideology. Since then, the whole party has shaken off its ideological baggage, unified its ideological understanding, and officially opened up an excellent situation of reform and opening up. At the important historical moment of the centenary of the founding of the party, the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Century-Long Struggle" issued a political declaration on Chinese communists in the new era to keep firmly in mind their original mission and uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The "Resolution" presents a new characteristic of the party's historical consciousness in the new era. Proceeding from the perspective of reality, the "Resolution" highly summarizes the historical achievements of the CPC's century-long struggle, pointing out that the party and the people's century-long struggle has written the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. The proposal of the "two establishments" reflects the common aspirations of the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all nationalities throughout the country, and is of decisive significance to the development of the cause of the party and the state in the new era and to the promotion of the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This is the political embodiment of our party's historical consciousness in the new era. Sublimated from the theoretical dimension, it puts forward the leap in the sinification of Marxism in the party's century-old struggle, that is, Mao Zedong Thought is the first historical leap in the sinification of Marxism, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics has achieved a new leap in the sinification of Marxism, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era is contemporary Chinese Marxism, Marxism in the twenty-first century, the essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, and a new leap in the sinification of Marxism has been realized. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The history of our party is a history of constantly promoting the sinification of Marxism, and it is also a history of constantly promoting theoretical innovation and theoretical creation." "In the historical trajectory of the sinification of Marxism, the historical consciousness of the ideological and theoretical level of the Communist Party of China is embodied.

Based on the present, the "Resolution" persists in reviewing history and reflecting reality with the materialist view of history and the big historical view, drawing on historical experience and guiding a new voyage, highlighting the historical responsibility of the centennial party. Shouldering the original mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese and the people, and seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China has gone all the way from the "little red boat" in Jiaxing South Lake to the "mighty giant ship" sailing toward a better future today, experiencing countless terrifying waves and creating extraordinary achievements. Our party has united and led the people to complete the new-democratic revolution and establish a new China in which the people are the masters of their own affairs; completed the socialist revolution, established the basic socialist system, advanced socialist construction, and completed the most extensive and profound social changes in the history of the Chinese nation; carried out the new great revolution of reform and opening up, opened up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and enabled China to catch up with the times in great strides. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the cause of the Party and the country has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes, writing the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and demonstrating the eternal mission awareness and strong historical responsibility of the Communist Party of China.

The closer we get to the goal, the more arduous the task becomes, and the more we need historical responsibility. Today's historical responsibility is to shoulder the mission of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, constantly creating new great causes, and forging new glory. The "Resolution" pointed out: "The whole party must keep firmly in mind the fundamental question of what the Communist Party of China is and what it wants to do, and grasp the general trend of historical development... Strive to achieve the set goals with the persistence of not relaxing the green mountains, and unremittingly promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the soberness of those who walk a hundred miles and half ninety. "This is a great historical responsibility shouldered by the Communist Party of China in the new era." Worthy of today's mission," we need to use the party's major achievements and historical experience to boost our fighting spirit, clarify the direction, gather strength, strengthen confidence, continue to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics with an indomitable fighting attitude, and strive to win new victories in comprehensively building a modern socialist country. Such a historical responsibility requires us to uphold and carry forward the historical experience of safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralizing and unifying leadership, especially the experience since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, and under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, unite and condense our party into "a hard piece of steel" and unite to move forward; such a historical responsibility requires us to deeply absorb the historical experience of the party in strengthening its own construction, maintaining its advanced nature and purity, improving its leadership level and ruling level, and continuously improving the ability of the whole party to cope with various risks and challenges We will always maintain the vitality of the party and unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to continue to struggle for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Looking forward to the future, the "Resolution" strengthens the confidence in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is not afraid of risks, is not confused by interference, and contains the historical self-confidence of the new era of the centennial party. The resolution states that looking to the future, we must "live up to the great dream of tomorrow." We must use history to reflect the reality and look at the future from a distance, so as to be more firm and more conscious in keeping in mind the original mission and creating a better future on the new journey. At present, the global pandemic of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has a wide impact, the external environment is becoming more complex and severe, the tasks of domestic epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development are arduous and arduous, and the risks and challenges are unprecedented. "Those who are confident do not doubt people, and people believe in them." Those who doubt themselves do not believe in others, and neither do they doubt them. "We must adhere to the materialist view of history, establish a correct view of history, abandon historical nihilism, strengthen historical self-confidence, and write a new chapter in the epic of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

The confidence of historical self-confidence comes from "the Heroic and tenacious struggle of the Communist Party of China and the people of the Chinese solemnly declared to the world that the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong." In the new era, the party has led the people and achieved historic achievements and historic changes in thirteen aspects, including economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization and party building, with heroic and tenacious struggle. The reason for historical self-confidence comes from the historical significance of the CPC's century-long struggle. The struggle of the past one hundred years has fundamentally changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people, opened up the correct road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, demonstrated the strong vitality of Marxism, profoundly affected the course of world history, and forged the Communist Party of China, which is at the forefront of the times. Historical self-confidence comes from the historical experience accumulated by the party in its hundred years of great struggle. Adhere to the party's leadership, adhere to the supremacy of the people, adhere to theoretical innovation, adhere to independence and self-determination, adhere to the Chinese road, persist in having the world in mind, persist in pioneering and innovating, persist in daring to struggle, persist in the united front, and persist in self-revolution. The experience of these ten aspects is a clear background for the CPC's historical self-confidence, and it is also a solid foundation for creating the future.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "In today's world, if we want to say which political party, which country, and which nation can be confident, then the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China, and the Chinese nation have the most reason to be confident." This self-confidence is forged by this century-old party to keep firmly in mind its original mission and adhere to historical consciousness; it is rooted in the great miracle jointly created by our party in leading the sons and daughters of all ethnic groups in China, and it is integrated with the magnificent strength of our party that has always practiced the people-centered development thinking, is always linked to the people's blood, and has always been linked to the people's blood, and has always lived and died; this self-confidence is shaped by this century-old party that has always taken history as a mirror, created the future, and undertaken historical responsibilities, and it stems from the fact that our party has always maintained unity and unity, always adhered to self-revolution, and always adhered to self-revolution. The sober consciousness of always keeping firmly in mind the spirit of struggle is cast in the powerful ability of the Communist Party of China to grasp the laws of history and grasp the initiative of history.

The times are the people who publish the papers, we are the people who answer the papers, and the people are the people who read the papers. General Secretary Xi Jinping earnestly warned us: "Looking back on history is not to seek comfort from success, let alone to lie in the book of merit and find excuses to avoid the difficulties and problems facing us today, but to sum up historical experience, grasp the laws of history, and enhance the courage and strength to forge ahead." "Looking back on the past hundred years, the party has handed over an excellent answer sheet to the people and history. Looking forward to the new journey, the party has united and led all the people to embark on a new road of catching up with the examination. We must keep firmly in mind the fundamental question of what the CPC is and what it should do, always maintain historical consciousness, bravely shoulder historical responsibilities, enhance historical self-confidence, immerse ourselves in hard work, move forward with courage, and make unremitting efforts to achieve the second centenary goal and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Source: Learning Times

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