
The biggest mistake in Liu Bang's life almost caused him to rebel and lose his reputation

At the end of November 207 BC, Xiang Yu's army left Xin'an and approached Hangu Pass through Shichi and Shaanxi County (in present-day Sanmenxia, Henan), and Liu Bang wanted to send people to open and close the door to meet Xiang Yu, but Xie Sheng, a Confucian in Guanzhong, advised him: "Qin is ten times richer than the world, and the terrain is strong." Wen Xiangyu was the King of Yong, and if he wanted to make him the king of Guanzhong, if he did not make a plan earlier, the Duke of Pei would not be able to do this place. It is better to hurry up and make the troops guard the Hangu Pass, and not to accept the princes' army; to recruit the soldiers in the pass a little for their own benefit, but to refuse it. (According to Lu Jia's "Chu Han Chunqiu")

Liu Bangli ordered Zhi to faint, and he did indeed send troops to Hangu Pass, insisting on closing the gate, no matter what army, he was not allowed to put it in!

These Confucians are simply afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Liu Ji had previously announced to the world in the "Three Chapters of the Covenant" on the hegemony that he would "wait for the princes to arrive and be bound." But now that he had rebelled, he had sent troops to guard Hangu Pass and prevent the princes from entering the pass, which put himself in a dangerous situation of being an enemy of the princes of the world, and suddenly became a counter-revolutionary from a hero who destroyed Qin, which gave the princes a perfect excuse to get rid of him.

The biggest mistake in Liu Bang's life almost caused him to rebel and lose his reputation

In this world, interests are strength, no strength to seek interests, is equivalent to no car and no house to chase girls, that eighty percent is to steal chickens and not to corrupt rice.

Xiang Yuwan did not expect that what awaited him at Hangu Pass was not a warm welcome of the two armies meeting the division scene, but a closed door.

The biggest mistake in Liu Bang's life almost caused him to rebel and lose his reputation

"Open the door!" Xiang Yuqiang couldn't bear the unhappiness in his heart, and he came to Guanxia and shouted at the guards above.


"Iam Prince General Xiang Yu." Ru waited for the quick switch to make me into Pei Gong. ”

"Youare Xiangyu, Iamsorry. Pei Gong has a fate, no matter what army, it is not allowed to put in, and those who trespass will die! Then only a whimper was heard, and a powerful arrow cut through the air and landed in front of Xiang Yu's horse

"Liu Bang is rude, dare to refuse me?" Xiang Yu roared angrily, and the entire Kunhan Mountains seemed to be earthquakes.

The biggest mistake in Liu Bang's life almost caused him to rebel and lose his reputation

Pictured: Statue of Xiang Yu in front of the ancient city of Xichu in the hometown of King Xiang of Suqian

Xiang Yu had no way not to be angry, Liu Bang had been separated from him for many years, and the two of them had a hard time joining forces to destroy the Violent Qin Victory Division, but they did not expect that Liu Bang would have such an attitude towards him! This couldn't help but greatly stimulate Xiang Yu's young mind.

Liu Bang could bear it if he did not join forces with him to attack Zhang Handan; If Liu Bang wanted to monopolize Guanzhong, Xiang Yu could barely tolerate it; but he alone could not tolerate Liu Bang's turning of face into a vendetta after the victory of the revolution, so was the profound friendship between the two of them when they fought side by side that they were suffering and sharing together just a joke?

So Xiang Yu was furious. When the piff is angry, the blood is splashed five steps; when the king is angry, it will be a river of blood!

"Yingbu, force me into the customs, and the resisters will not be spared!" At Xiang Yu's order, his number one little brother Yingbu suddenly rushed to Hanguguan like a stimulant with tens of thousands of soldiers.

For Yingbu, Xiang Yu was his god, and Xiang Yu asked him to kill whomever he wanted, whether it was a descendant of the Qin State, or a friendly army of Liu Bang, or even the bodhisattva King Chu Huai, who was high up in the sky, he would not hesitate for a moment.

Hangu Pass immediately became a river of blood, and thousands of defenders in the pass were slaughtered by Yingbu. (The "Records of History" says that Yingbu tackled the key problems; "Chu Han Chunqiu" said that Fan Zeng piled up firewood in front of the pass, threatened to set fire to the pass, and the Hangu Guanshou was frightened and quickly switched; I don't know which is closer to the historical facts)

The river of blood is just the beginning, the hundred and two Qin Guan, about to flow thousands of miles, because the avenger is coming, and it is the angry avenger.

After Xiang Yu's army entered the pass, it marched along the south bank of the Weishui River from Hangu Pass to the west of Xianyang, all the way to the Hongmen area on the west bank of the water. Xiang Yu ordered the army to be north of Weishui and south of Lishan to set up camp, this place, less than twenty kilometers away from Liu Ji's Bashang military camp, obviously, Xiang Yu came to find Liu Ji to settle the account, this year's grace and resentment, our two brothers can do a good calculation.

When it was, Xiang Yujun was 400,000, Liu Bangjun was 100,000, one was in Hongmen, one was on the hegemony, asking the vast earth, who should be the master of the ups and downs?

The biggest mistake in Liu Bang's life almost caused him to rebel and lose his reputation

Liu Bang was remorseful, and he sent troops to blockade Hangu Pass, originally intending to occupy favorable conditions and launch diplomatic negotiations with the princes' armies; unexpectedly, Xiang Yu did not make any negotiations at all, and actually directly attacked the pass. He did not expect that in those years, he had helped the Qin State resist the world's first Xiongguan Hangu Pass for a hundred years, and in the face of the large army of princes, it was so vulnerable, and now Xiang Yu's soldiers were in the city, why bother?

Do you really want to meet with his grumpy old brother Xiang? How did things get to this point? That's it.

Hegemony and Hongmen, the tense atmosphere almost made everyone breathless, the anger in Xiang Yu's heart had not yet subsided, and soon it was once again ruthlessly ignited.

This person's name was Cao Wuxian, and he was Liu Bang's Zuo Sima (左司馬), and when he found out that Liu Bang's affairs were not good, he immediately decided to stage an infernal affairs to inform Xiang Yu in order to find another way out and turn to Xiang Yu, a bigger patron. He sent someone to say to Xiang Yu: "Pei Gong wants Wang Guanzhong, so that the baby is the face, and the treasures are all there." ”

This Cao Wuxian was not a small person, this person was the first elder-level figure who followed Liu Bang out of Pei County to fight the world. When Liu Bang first rose up, it was he who led his army to defeat the Qin army that had come to encircle and suppress it, and captured and killed shouzhuang of Surabaya County. It should be known that Xiang Yu Liu Bang joined forces to kill Li You of Sanchuan County, so Cao Wu's capture of Shouzhuang of Surabaya County was a great merit, and the position of Sima Zuo that he appointed was second only to Sima Da in the military system of the Chu State, which was also a very high military position.

The rebellion of Cao Wu, a senior general of Liu Bangpei County, also shows that Liu Bang's 100,000-strong army is not a monolith, and I believe that as long as Xiang Yu's army attacks, I am afraid that many people will turn against each other.

This incident also shows that Liu Bang's Peixian concubines (except for Fan Duo, Xiahou Bao, and Ji Xin, who were friends of life and death) were not as loyal as we thought, and when the stakes of life and death were at stake, I doubted their loyalty, and if Han Xin rose up to compete with Liu Bang for the world after becoming king of Qi, the positions of Cao Shan, Zhou Bo, Fu Kuan, Qi Fu, Chen Juan, Ding Fu, Chen Wu, Kong Ju, Chen He, and others would probably be worrying.

The biggest mistake in Liu Bang's life almost caused him to rebel and lose his reputation

And it was precisely because Cao Wu's status was extraordinary, so the accuracy of his intelligence should be very high, Xiang Yu listened, only to feel that his careful liver was once again stabbed by a small dark arrow, he was furious, and he rose up and ran wild in the tent.

-- Good you Liu Ji, the two of us went into Guanzhong together to destroy the violent Qin, avenge the thousands of Chu people, the oath is still in your ears, but you reuse the remnants of the Qin, monopolize the treasures of the violent Qin, resist the entry of the princes, take advantage of the merits of others, and take it for yourself, and vainly try to collude with the old forces of the Yingqin reactionaries, engage in splittism, engage in dictatorship, engage in restoration, and drive back the wheel of history.

The generals in the tent were also indignant and asked Xiang Yu to attack Liu Bang immediately and arrest this current counter-revolutionary and punish him.

Ying Bu said: "Pei Gong recruited the king to surrender the baby, Sui'er released, but he knew that he was alone, but did not know the king's order, this crime is also one; inviting people to buy people's hearts, changing the qin law, this crime is also the second crime; refusing to send generals, obstructing the soldiers of the princes, this crime is three of them." Liu Ji had these three major sins, and King Xiang could punish him on behalf of King Huai. ”

Fan Zeng also advised Xiang Yu: "When Pei Gong lived in Shandong, he was greedy for money and lustful. The townspeople are the most despicable. Now that we have entered the customs, we have nothing to gain, and women have no luck, and this ambition is not small. I let people look at the sky at night, and see the clouds become multicolored, and this heavenly son is also angry. Don't lose it! ”

The biggest mistake in Liu Bang's life almost caused him to rebel and lose his reputation

From this sentence, we can see that Fan Zeng is actually a Yin and Yang family, and the biggest knowledge of the Yin and Yang family is Wangqi, they can see the will of heaven from the Qi of Xuanzhi and Xuan, which seems to us to be a little foolish and ridiculous in the eyes of materialism, but in the distant Medieval Times, people were convinced of this, and even the famous atheist Eastern Han scholar Wang Chong believed: "Xiang Yu used soldiers too high ancestors, high ancestors, there is a destiny." The fate of the nation is tied to the stars, the fortunes of the nations, the blessings of the nation; the stars pass, and the people prosper and decline. It can be seen how deeply rooted such an idea is.

Therefore, all the successful great men in Chinese history have been consciously or unconsciously cloaked in a mysterious cloak called "Providence".

Liu Bang was no exception, and his success was largely due to the blessing of these so-called providence (in fact, good luck), and he and his courtiers had also spared no effort to publicize it, and the power of such a public opinion was difficult for millions of soldiers to resist. Fan Zeng was knocked down by such public opinion, so he ended up desperate; and Xiang Yu didn't believe it at first, and then he couldn't believe it or not--Providence was a thing that didn't matter, it didn't matter if there was nothing, there were more people who believed, and it really became like that.

However, at this moment, Fan Zeng decided to go against the sky and help Xiang Yu fight against Providence's choice, success and failure, in one fell swoop.

Xiang Yu did not believe in Providence, he only wanted to quickly resolve his grievances with Liu Bang, so he resolutely ordered: Tonight, the big soldiers, tomorrow morning, the army will go out to clean up Liu Bang's small samples.

Resisting the entry of Xiang Yu's army of princes was probably the biggest mistake Liu Bang made in his life, if it were not for the so-called providential blessing, it just so happened that Xiang Yu's uncle Xiang Bo and Zhang Liang had an iron relationship, and Liu Bang would probably have finished playing it a long time ago.

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