
Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

Let's sit here today, don't talk about anything else, let's talk about the heart-warming Jiang Yan. Do you know? This girl, the money she earned from filming for the first time was not to think about squandering it herself, but to make a long list of her family and carefully prepare gifts one by one. Speaking of which, I have to mention the pair of boots with thick fur for her third aunt.

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

Why? Because of the third aunt, she has to run on the railway track from Dalian to Mudanjiang, and her feet are as cold as popsicles. Thinking about the days at that time, how difficult it was, everyone was gritting their teeth and persevering. Therefore, when Jiang Yan was filming "South to North", the investment and cherishment were just like the boots she bought for her third aunt, full of affection.

Having said that, Jiang Yan, this girl, has all kinds of amorous feelings, and this is not false at all. Look at her smile, it's as sweet as honey, and you can't forget it when you see it. If she becomes a mother in the future, how lucky will the child be? Not to mention being beautiful, you have to have a good personality, you have to be in the ocean of love all day long, and you are full of security, that's called a happiness!

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

But you know what? Jiang Yan's skills don't stop there, she also has good cooking skills, she is simply a beautiful chef who has been delayed by acting. She participated in the food discovery reality show Wild Kitchen Season 1, where she not only showcased her culinary talents, but also gave viewers a glimpse of a different side of her. When she was in the crew, she often cooked for the staff by herself, and that heart, that enthusiasm, just like her smile, warmed everyone's heart. Brother Wang Han praised her cooking skills, this is not just a casual talk, people really have two brushes!

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

Did you notice? In the entertainment industry, it is really rare to see someone like Jiang Yan who can both act and cook. She is not only beautiful, kind-hearted, good to her family, but also a must for her cooking skills, which is simply a must-have companion for home travel. Such a woman, if any handsome guy is not tempted, it is a strange thing!

But you know what? Jiang Yan's story is much more than that. Her life is like a series of exquisite dishes, each with its own unique flavor. She proved with her actions that as long as there is love and dreams, she can create her own wonderful life. Jiang Yan, you are already great, keep up the good work, your star journey will be dazzling. In this challenging world, you are the brightest star, illuminating every corner, bringing endless warmth and hope.

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

Let's cheer for Jiang Yan! She uses her own story to tell us that life is like cooking, we need to feel and experience it with our hearts in order to taste the real deliciousness. Jiang Yan, you are not only a star on the screen, but also a beautiful chef in life, and every dish you have is full of love. Keep up the good work, your future will definitely be more exciting!

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

So, next time you see Jiang Yan's movie or TV series, you might as well stop and savor it.

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

You will find that every time she performs, it is like a dish cooked by herself, with a full range of colors, flavors, and memories.

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

Jiang Yan, continue to warm the world with your smile, your cooking skills, and your acting skills!

Jiang Yan said, in the first film, I bought gifts for the whole family, and the most impressive thing was the gift from the third aunt

Your story is the best condiment to make life more colorful. In this fast-paced society, let's learn from Jiang Yan together, slow down, and feel every moment of life with your heart, and you will find that it turns out that happiness is around you and never far away.

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