
The Mystery of the Death of the Shunzhi Emperor: Smallpox? Zheng Successfully shelled and died? Monk?

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in China. At the beginning of its establishment, it was filled with many mysteries due to the different ruling customs of ethnic minorities, the language barrier, and the lack of necessary historical records. Just like what is the "Seven Great Hates" issued by Nurhaci, whether Empress Xiaozhuang married Dolgun, whether the Yongzheng Emperor was right, and so on.

In the nearly 300 years of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Shunzhi Emperor, as the first king of the Qing Dynasty to enter the Central Plains, although he was alive, but the cause of his death has always been controversial. There are smallpox, there are also monasticisms, and there are also theories that Zheng Chenggong shelled and died, and in the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty", the cause of his death is only a simple few strokes, which inevitably makes people suspicious.

The Mystery of the Death of the Shunzhi Emperor: Smallpox? Zheng Successfully shelled and died? Monk?

The Shunzhi Emperor was the ninth son of Emperor Taiji. However, he had no reason to inherit the throne, but he became the beneficiary of the dispute between Hauge and Dorgon's heirs.

After the death of Emperor Taiji in 1643, due to the suddenness of the incident, Emperor Taiji did not leave a designated successor. Dorgon, who held the white flag and the white flag, was supported by his brothers Dordor and Azig due to his bravery, resourcefulness and prestige; and Hauge, as the eldest son of the Emperor Taiji, also received the support of two yellow flags and blue flags; the two sides fought for the throne.

In the end, the weakness of Hauge's personality also made him completely away from the throne; Dorgon was also coerced by the two yellow flag generals such as Aobai and Sonny, and had to agree to be succeeded by the 6-year-old Fu Lin.

The Mystery of the Death of the Shunzhi Emperor: Smallpox? Zheng Successfully shelled and died? Monk?

After Fu Lin succeeded to the throne as the Shunzhi Emperor, dorgon took advantage of the opportunity of holding great power to constantly exclude dissidents, and Zilharang, Hauge and others were suppressed by him, and he was gradually promoted to the regent of his father. At the height of Dorgon's power, the Shunzhi Emperor chose to be patient until Dorgon fell off his horse and died. The Shunzhi Emperor was able to make his own decisions and was able to govern himself.

After pro-government, he also ruled martial arts, killed decisively, further commanded the Manchu Qing Eight Banner Soldiers to bravely conquer the north and south, and politically tried to rectify the rule of officials. Compared with the image of the holy king above the court, he was a different look above the private life of the harem. First, the Shunzhi Emperor in Pingsu was a firm believer in Buddhism and liked to preach the scriptures and ask questions. For the Buddhist monk Huan Pu, he kept summoning, and also summoned the famous monk Yulin Xuan, who also called himself a "foolish Daoist"; another, although he had countless concubines in the harem, he especially loved Dong Efei. Concubine Dong, who was promoted to imperial concubine after only one month of entering the palace, can be seen to be favored. However, she was weak and depressed because of the early death of the dragon heir, which also led to her early death at the age of 22. And it was also after this that the Shunzhi Emperor was depressed in his heart, almost unable to help himself, and even more often cried the grave, and decided to become a monk, but under the persuasion did not succeed, but soon after, Shunzhi Emperor died of illness in the eighteenth year of Shunzhi, only twenty-four years old.

The Mystery of the Death of the Shunzhi Emperor: Smallpox? Zheng Successfully shelled and died? Monk?

In this regard, the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty" records: "Eighteen years of spring and the first moon of the nonzi, the upper hesitation. Chengchen, the great gradual. Forgive the following sins of death. Ding Wei, collapsed in the Yangxin Hall, twenty-four years old. ”

In the "Collection of Wang Wenjing", it is recorded that when the Shunzhi Emperor summoned Wang Wenjing, he had the words "If you are suffering from pox, you will not be able to afford it, but you can listen to the words of the Emperor in detail and quickly write the edict, that is, write it before the bed". It can be seen that the Shunzhi Emperor was suffering from smallpox, and although smallpox is now extinct, under the medical conditions at that time, and the Shunzhi Emperor was depressed because of Dong Efei, it seems that the theory of smallpox is quite reasonable.

As for the idea of monasticism, it stems from the many actions and aftermath of the Shunzhi Emperor's life. Just when Fu Lin decided to become a monk and was stopped by Yulin Xuan, he had no choice but to arrange for Wu Liangfu to become a monk on his behalf, and on the day of his renunciation, he had the disease of "smallpox", and then he died in less than 5 days.

The Mystery of the Death of the Shunzhi Emperor: Smallpox? Zheng Successfully shelled and died? Monk?

The supporting evidence for this theory is that as the successor of the Shunzhi Emperor, the Kangxi Emperor went to Shanxi many times to worship the Buddha after succeeding to the throne, and buried the Qing Xiaoling Tomb of the Shunzhi Emperor, but under the repeated theft of the Qianlong Tomb and the Cixi Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty, none of them were excavated, and it is inevitable to wonder whether the Shunzhi Emperor was not buried in the Qing XiaoLing Because of his renunciation, and the Qing XiaoLing Tomb was only an empty mausoleum. The death of the Shunzhi Emperor may only be because of the excuse that the royal family has found because of Shunzhi's renunciation.

The theory of death by shelling comes from a book from the early Qing Dynasty", "Records of the Uprising of the King of Yanping". It is recorded: "Someone secretly revealed the lord of the domain: In the Battle of Takasaki, the puppet Shunji was actually shelled in Siming Harbor. After the Shunzhi Emperor gradually swept away the Southern Ming, in the Records of the First Kings and other Qing historical records, the Qing army suppressed Zheng Chenggong, who was entrenched in Fujian. According to this book, some people believe that the Shunzhi Emperor at that time also participated in this war, but in fact, as far as the general situation of the world at that time was concerned, it seemed that the Shunzhi Emperor did not have the need to personally conquest.

And because it was subject to the background of the times at that time, manchus and Han were blended, and the world was undecided, it seems that these three statements also have their own basis, but there is no solid evidence, which can only be commented on by future generations. What do you think the Shunzhi Emperor died for?

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Records of the Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty, etc

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