
The German SS stirred up dissension and succeeded in getting rid of the Meritorious Marshal of the Soviet Union, and Stalin was kept in the dark

On Christmas Eve 1936, dark skies hung over the German capital Berlin. Heydrich, head of the SS security service and gestapo chief, was ordered to Hitler's Chancellery. In this secret conversation about how to deal with Stalin, Heydrich introduced Hitler in detail to Stalin's marshal Tukhachevsky, who was the chief of the general staff of the Red Army, a field marshal, and a brilliant and talented military scientist. Heydrich, with Hitler's support, set out to plan a shocking "divisive" operation.

The German SS stirred up dissension and succeeded in getting rid of the Meritorious Marshal of the Soviet Union, and Stalin was kept in the dark

After some intense preparations, Heydrich began to implement his plan. He knew very well in his heart that all this was risk-taking, and that the struggle against Stalin would have to be extraordinary. To this end, he summoned Noyox, the leader of the SS commando brigade. Heydrich informed Noyokus of the mission and told him: "We are going to create the illusion that the Soviet side has organized an opposition at the top of the Soviet Union that is trying to overthrow Stalin by force, headed by Tukhachevsky." ”

Hitler chose Tukhachevsky because the German Wehrmacht had a "honeymoon" with the Red Army, the generals of the two countries had very close contacts, and Tukhachevsky's strategic foresight disturbed Hitler. Therefore, he wanted to get rid of this man at any cost by the hand of Stalin.

The German SS stirred up dissension and succeeded in getting rid of the Meritorious Marshal of the Soviet Union, and Stalin was kept in the dark

The first step in the plan was to obtain the handwriting of Marshal Tukhachevsky and the relevant materials. This information is stored in the German Defense Military Intelligence Service. Unfortunately, there was a feud between Heydrich and the spy bureau chief, Canaris, who rejected Heydrich's request on the grounds that the place where the data was sealed contained containing chemical materials that were prone to explosions. Because the "divisive" plan was highly classified, it could not be fully disclosed to the spy chief, let alone let him know that Hitler was in it.

If you can't get it, you can grab it, and the SS is not soft on its own people. Heydrich arranged for the commandos to infiltrate the Spy Office building and steal a large number of important documents, including, of course, those of the Soviet marshal.

The German SS stirred up dissension and succeeded in getting rid of the Meritorious Marshal of the Soviet Union, and Stalin was kept in the dark

A few days later, on The Prinz Albert straße in Berlin, Heydrich set up a laboratory with all the technical tools, and more than a dozen experts in linguistics, logic, psychology and seals, as well as experts in copying notes, intensively concocted the so-called "special volumes" of rebellion.

In the hands of the conspirators, what Tukhachevsky had not done in vain was turned into reality, and the marshal's rebellion had been ironclad. Soon, the "special volumes" were manufactured, and every page of the documents and letters was meticulously stamped with the steel seal of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the German High Command and the seal of the word "top secret". Then, through the intelligence system, the elaborate dossier was "accidentally" leaked to Soviet spies.

The German SS stirred up dissension and succeeded in getting rid of the Meritorious Marshal of the Soviet Union, and Stalin was kept in the dark

Information about Tukhachevsky's rebellion reached Stalin's ears. On 20 May 1937, Tukhachevsky was dismissed from his post as Deputy People's Commissar of Defense and appointed Commander of the Volga Military District. This extremely abnormal derogatory remark made the outside world talk a lot, and also made Tukhachevsky have a premonition that a catastrophe is coming. One cannot imagine how the Marshal of the Red Army, who was still wearing a military uniform and accompanied Stalin on May Day, lost Stalin's trust so quickly.

A few days later, Tukhachevsky came to the Kazan railway station in Moscow to bid farewell to his comrades. On June 4, after he finished his final report, he was immediately arrested as soon as he left the house. On June 11, 1937, Pravda published the news that Tukhachevsky and eight other military generals had been arrested and handed over to the Military Commission for trial.

The next day, they were all executed for "espionage and treason." The tragedy, directed by Hitler, caused the Red Army to suffer heavy losses and eliminated a strong military general for Hitler to attack the Soviet Union.

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