
"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

Heydrich's death is indeed a bit strange, this was blown off the lumbar spine on the street on May 27, 1941, and then urgently sent to the hospital, after high-standard surgery and treatment, the injury had improved, and even for a time he could eat. As a result, seven days later, on June 3, the injury suddenly worsened, and less than 24 hours later, on June 4, the Nazis carried out a frenzied retaliation, and the killing will not be repeated.

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

What happened in those seven days? Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries during World War II, there are three popular theories about the cause of Heydrich's death: the first is the physical cause of an accident, which comes from the doctor responsible for dissecting the corpse; the second is that the bomb is poisonous, and the claim comes from the "truth" released by Britain after World War II; and the third is a conspiracy theory, that is, Heydrich's immediate boss Himmler took the opportunity to eliminate his competitors.

First, after he died at the age of 38, the doctors were instructed to perform an autopsy because the cause of death had to be found and reported to Himmler and Hitler. After the dissection, the doctor claimed that Heydrich died of "pleurisy", that is, after the removal of the broken spleen during the operation, Heydrich could not withstand the injection of drugs in large doses and high frequencies, resulting in organ failure and died.

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

We are not medical students, but according to our feelings, this "blonde beast" who is young and energetic should not fail so easily. Although it was rescued on the spot in the hospital in Prague, but a group of medical experts came from Germany, under the best doctors and drugs, Heydrich should not die so unclear, if there are doctors in the reader, may wish to give some advice, anyway, the author is not quite convinced.

The second theory is that the British stated after the war that they had installed "botulinum toxin" on the bomb, because the assassins were airdropped to the Czech Republic from the British mainland, had undergone professional training before performing Operation Apes, and the assassination plan also included the use of submachine guns and anti-tank grenades. Since Heydrich not only massacred a large number of rebels after his arrival in the Czech Republic, but also incidentally cracked a number of British spy organizations, the British side hated it to the bone, and in order to ensure that it would hit a blow, it specially asked Dr. Falz, a biochemical expert, to use poison on the bomb.

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

Therefore, after the more powerful anti-tank grenade exploded, highly toxic shrapnel embedded in Heydrich's body, eventually leading to his death. Checked, botulinum toxin is one of the most toxic natural substances, but also one of the most toxic proteins in the world, purified crystallized botulinum toxin 1mg can kill 200 million mice, the amount of semi-lethality to humans is 40 IU / Kg, toxicity is equivalent to the same amount of potassium cyanide 10,000 times, it is indeed quite terrible.

As the earliest biological and chemical weapon, it can destroy the human nervous system, make people appear dizzy, breathless, muscle weakness and other symptoms, and eventually die due to respiratory muscle paralysis leading to respiratory failure, heart failure or secondary pneumonia. However, further research and research, this "botulinum toxin" is generally poisoned by absorption of the digestive tract, and the incubation period is 12 to 72 hours, that is, three days will inevitably appear systemic poisoning, which is seriously inconsistent with Heydrich's serious injury method, treatment process and death time.

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

According to historical records, Heydrich's situation has improved three to five days after the operation, and the situation has suddenly deteriorated on the seventh day, so the "confession" of the British people cannot help but deliberate, and it is not uncommon for the intelligence agencies of various countries to boast of their special operations capabilities, and the biggest question is that the United States and Britain did not have the habit of assassinating Nazi dignitaries during World War II, so even if they wanted to deal with Heydrich, they should not be so troublesome, and personally did not agree with the second theory.

The third theory is the most interesting, after the arrival of the Berlin medical experts in Prague, Heydrich's treatment has been fully taken over by the Germans and the SS, and Himmler has directly intervened in Heydrich's rescue work, and he has two major reasons to take the opportunity to get rid of his deputy: one is that Heydrich is capable, gradually getting too close to Hitler and Goering, and has threatened his position; the other is that the SS intelligence agencies and the Gestapo have completed the structure and power expansion, and Heydrich is of little use.

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

Fast forward to 1931, when Hitler approved the formation of an intelligence agency for the SS, which had grown to more than 10,000 men, but the "chicken professionals" did not know anything about it, so they personally interviewed Heydrich on recommendation and decided to hire him within 20 minutes (the latter had served in the naval intelligence service and had a certain military quality). Heydrich, with his fanatical spirit and superior abilities, quickly rose within the SS, and Himmler's confidant Kirsten admitted: "Heydrich's brain is a living index of cards, a brain capable of collecting all the fine threads and weaving them together".

Heydrich led the formation of the infamous SS security service, which quickly completed the surveillance network throughout Germany (it is difficult to say that Himmler was also within its surveillance), and Himmler soon found that he was surrounded by his own assistants: every proposal Heydrich made had a whole set of factual arguments: "After one of these proposals has been demonstrated, Himmler is completely dizzy, and can only agree, and sometimes even completely disagrees with and does not want to implement, and finally submits."

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

Himmler also felt his authority being offended, and often lashed out at Heydrich: "I have heard nothing but your logic, everything I propose, you have broken it with your logic, I have had enough of you and your cold, rational criticism", and then Heydrich coaxed this boss. However, during this period, Himmler could not do without Heydrich, because the latter helped him expand his power and power step by step, so the two Nazi maniacs had a dirty relationship between them in the early days that was both cooperative and exploitative.

Heydrich was the first to "remind Himmler of what he was doing with the SS position", and it was his idea to combine the SS and national police powers into one, and when Himmler seized the post of Inspector General of Police in Germany in 1936, Heydrich Brigade Commander was naturally promoted to Superintendent of Security Police, leading the secret police (Gestapo) and the criminal police, at the age of 32. Other words. He helped Himmler to come to power, and he himself became the number two man in the SS, beginning to report directly to Hitler and Goering, and soon attracted the attention and reuse of these two guys.

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

Hitler was intent on grooming Heydrich as his successor, so he was also known as the "Black Prince", and Goering directly entrusted heydrich with the "final solution" to the Jews, and he was presided over by Heydrich at the infamous "Ten Thousand Lakes Conference" in January 1942, when he was already deputy commander-in-chief of the SS, director of the Reich Security Service, acting governor of the Bohemian-Moravian Protectorate, and Himmler did not attend! So from the outbreak of World War II. Himmler was already very jealous of Heydrich's talents and power, as the latter threatened his position and was highly likely to replace him.

The result was that less than five months later, Heydrich was finally assassinated and died in the hospital in Prague, and Himmler was "relieved", so in the process of treating the Gestapo leader, It was very easy for Himmler to make small moves, and a hint was enough. Therefore, the author's personal opinion is that Heydrich's assassination is true, but the final death of the assassination is false, and it is Himmler who took advantage of this opportunity to kill competitors who have lost their use value.

Of course, what is the truth of history, we still need to rely on the continuous excavation of historical materials to review, by the way, friends who like to study the history of World War II, which one do you support?

"Blonde Beast" Heydrich Death Mystery Case: Assassinated and seriously injured, but there are three theories about the fatal cause

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