
The terrible boss, Schulenburg and Heydrich's blind date

author:Smoke and rain are not stained

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After a period of simple tasks and business training, in November 1935 Schulenburg officially entered the headquarters of the SS Security Service, before that, he had visited the head of the second security department, Müller, (at this time the Gestapo belonged to the second security department, and the Imperial Security Directorate became the fourth place) Schulenburg's feelings for Müller were calm, indifferent, and cold, and Muller said to Schulenburg: "I would very much like to be able to arrange a good position for you here, but I am very sorry, Heydrich appreciates you and he will transfer you to the headquarters of the Security Service. But Müller did not expect that the slightly immature young man in front of him would be ready to sit on an equal footing with him or even surpass him in just a few years.

The terrible boss, Schulenburg and Heydrich's blind date

Schulenburg was so nervous when he first walked into Heydrich's office, the terrible boss sitting behind a huge desk, Heydrich tall, a pair of small, flexible, sharp-eyed eyes full of mysterious power, an eagle hook nose and thick lips, giving people a sinister and terrible feeling. His arms were thin and long, reminding Schulenburg of the long feet of a spider, a very apt association, wasn't Heydrich the big spider who woven webs in the dark?

Heydrich first inquired about Schulenburg's family situation, then about music, and finally about Schulenburg's views on the law. Heydrich was dissatisfied with Schulenburg's answer to the legal professionalism, criticizing Schulenburg for being conservative in his thinking and being too rigid in the legal process, and he warned Schulenburg that in the SS security service, unusual thinking and methods must be used against all forces opposing the Nazis.

The terrible boss, Schulenburg and Heydrich's blind date

The meeting lasted more than an hour, and Schulenburg saw Heydrich's for the first time, and the other time he was alone with Heydrich, which was an unusually depressing dinner. In February 1938, Heydrich prepared to get rid of Fritch, the commander-in-chief of the army, and he accused Fritzsche of being gay on the basis of a report provided by Messinger, and reported it to Hitler, and when the report was handed in, Heydrich immediately realized that the evidence provided by Messinger was grossly wrong, and he confused Fritch with another Surprise officer of the same name. At this time, it is too late to withdraw the report, heydrich can only be wrong, as long as the case is not exposed, then let Friach continue to carry the black cauldron.

The problem was that many senior officers in the German Army were so angry that Fritch was so angry that they were determined to get justice for Fritch, and Heydrich received information that on the day Fritzsche was tried in the Court of Honor, there was even a possibility of a military rebellion in the Army.

On the day of the court's hearing, Schulenburg received an order from Heydrich to take a pistol and rush to Heydrich's office to report, and his task was to accompany Heydrich to dinner. As soon as they met, Heydrich asked, "I heard you're a sharpshooter?" Schulenburg replied, "It used to be." Heydrich nodded and invited Schulenburg to finish their meal with him, schulenburg noticed Heydrich's nervous look, he was a little confused, not knowing why Heydrich, who had always been domineering, behaved like this. The meal was dull and depressing, making Schulenburg chew wax, but he did not dare to ask more, and after the meal, Heydrich ate a large handful of aspirin and suddenly said to himself: "If they had not set out of Potsdam in half an hour, there would not have been much danger."

Slowly, Heydrich regained his composure, and he explained the whole thing to Schulenburg, who was afraid of a Revolt by the Wehrmacht, so he transferred Schulenburg to serve as his personal guard. After one o'clock in the morning, sure that there would be no riot, Heydrich asked Schulenburg to leave, and Heydrich's aide-de-camp accompanied Schulenburg out of the building, and he breathed a sigh of relief and humorously said to Schulenburg: There will be no more great heroic deeds tonight.

Schulenburg's relationship with Heydrich grew increasingly close, Schulenburg was a witty and good at paying attention to the mentality of his superiors, he could always figure out Heydrich's intentions very well, according to his own words, the subordinates of the security service and Heydrich were actually cats and mice, Heydrich the cat always had the mouse firmly in his hands, he never stopped catching rats, if he found that the rats showed signs of escape, he would immediately put the rats to death. But Heydrich seems to look at Schulenburg differently, treating Schulenburg as a confidant or friend, and when he and his wife Nina Mathilde attend social parties or concerts, he often invites Schulenburg to be a light bulb, and the three of them attend various social occasions together, Schulenburg and Nina get along very well, Schulenburg in the clouds does not know, Heydrich is using his relationship with Nina, the designer of a terrible trap.

The terrible boss, Schulenburg and Heydrich's blind date

Once, after a meeting on the baltic island of Vermanyin, Heydrich flew a private jet back to Berlin ahead of schedule, and the bored Nina invited Schulenburg to accompany her to Lake Parronu on a sightseeing tour, and they drank coffee, walked, and chatted together, and the two swimming men in the lake also let them talk about it, but they did not know that these two people were Gestapo agents, and all their activities did not escape Müller's eyes. Four days later, Schulenburg received a call from Müller, and Heydrich informed them to go out happily together, and this was not the first time, the Heydrich often invited them to sneak out and have a wild hi, schulenburg did not have any suspicions. After dinner, the three men came to a more remote bar, and Müller handed Schulenburg a glass of wine, and they drank and talked about some insignificant topic. Suddenly, Müller asked Schulenburg, "How are you doing on Lake Parronu?" Are you having a good time? Schulenburg was astonished, and then he looked at Heydrich, his face was miserable, his eyes were cold, and he said to Schulenburg coldly: "You have drunk poisonous wine, if you do not tell me the truth, you will die in six hours."

Schulenburg's soul was suddenly scattered, he never expected that Heydrich would actually use his wife to set up a beauty plan to test his loyalty, he could only suppress the trepidation in his heart, 1510 honestly confessed everything that happened with Nina that day, Müller from time to time on the side of the side knocked, fell into the well, so that Schulenburg hated it to the bone.

The terrible boss, Schulenburg and Heydrich's blind date

Finally, Heydrich, believing that Schulenburg and Nina were innocent, nodded and handed Schulenburg a piece of dry absinthe alcohol (what?). Shulenburg shoved this into his mouth, bitter and spicy, is this really the antidote? I had just drunk poisoned wine, and probably only Heydrich knew that Schulenburg had never figured it out all his life, and what the relationship between Schulenburg and Nina was, Heydrich probably hadn't figured it out for the rest of his life.

For a man as intelligent and capable as Schulenburg, Heydrich certainly would not give up the method of completely controlling him, but in the end, it was Schulenburg himself who took the initiative to send the pigtails to Heydrich. In 1940, Schulenburg was preparing to remarry, as an intelligence officer, the marriage had to be reviewed by the SS Racial Genetics Department, but his fiancée's mother was Polish, which was troublesome and mostly could not pass the censorship, so he privately asked Heydrich to help smooth the relationship, and Heydrich actually promised him to intercede with Himmler. A few days later Schulenburg's marriage was approved, leaving him unsatisfactory to Heydrich, but it was half a year later that Schulenburg understood Heydrich's "good intentions".

One day the secretary gave Schulenburg a folder marked "Top Secret", which was actually Schulenburg's daily routine, and every day he would deal with many of these documents, and today was not excluded, and while he was reviewing the documents, a report from the secret police of The Province of Posen to the Gestapo Müller caught his attention, which detailed the surveillance of Schulenburg's wife's family, highlighting that his mother-in-law's sister had once married a Jew.

At this point, Schulenburg suddenly realized that now his wife's family had a connection with the Jews, which was a major stain in Nazi Germany, and Heydrich had mastered his fatal weakness, had grasped his pigtails, and firmly controlled him in his own hands, becoming a loyal pawn on Heydrich's chessboard.

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