
The feelings that come out of the chat, if you don't talk, it's gone

"Online dating" is probably the way most people fall in love now. In this era when you have to work when you are open, tired from work and do not want to move, and late at night and unable to solve insomnia, long-distance love has become an expectation that comforts the soul. These include long-distance relationships, spiritual loves that have never met, and realistic loves that I think will be successful.

The feelings that come out of the chat, if you don't talk, it's gone

Long-distance love, there are not too many stumbles, who takes who seriously, who will believe that the network has true love, but it is unintentional to plant willows into flowers. From every good morning, daily trivia sharing, and every night chat, I gradually found that the other party has still become an indispensable half of my life, even if the other party only accompanies you across the mobile phone screen.

Sure enough, it was long-lasting and finally ruthless. You think you have met true love, spiritually, spiritually, you share everything with someone who has never even seen a face across the screen, and even, a trace of expectation in your heart, gradually magnified, magnified.

The feelings that come out of the chat, if you don't talk, it's gone

You begin to calculate, holiday gifts, festive greetings, daily companionship, everything is reported... Ask each other like a couple. The other party still dodges, from the enthusiasm at the beginning, to the gradual coldness, you question, you are uncomfortable, you can not accept such coldness. In the past, you ignored his love, and now you build a bridge, and he doesn't take a step on his feet.

I can't put it down, I can't take it. The person who often chats with you, makes you happy, reports you all the trivialities of life, and presents a partner in language, suddenly quits so coldly.

The feelings that come out of the chat, if you don't talk, it's gone

You are not willing, can not put down, you say you think of him, he did not reply for a long time, every two or three days, or even a week, suddenly replied a sentence or two "busy", "recently busier". Over and over again, you always feel that there is still hope, can't help but take the initiative to contact the other party, in the response that can not be obtained, wild thoughts, send messages, no response, cold response, re-sending, may not respond..... Just when you wanted to give up, he suddenly reappeared, as if nothing had happened, continuing to tease your emotions, and after a while, he disappeared again, and so on.

This mood of rapid heating up and then suddenly cooling down, like the weather, is difficult to adapt to. But ah, you know better than anyone that you are just the one who soothes his heart when he is bored, you just want to pretend to be confused, no why, you can drag on for a day. If one day, you stop taking the initiative, the relationship is gone.

The feelings that come out of the chat, if you don't talk, it's gone

Feelings, all by chatting out, do not talk, it is gone. All relationships, which have no connection, are all up to you. The two one-way lines that have not crossed have to be forced to intersect. In the era of only WeChat and telephone contact, the number is blocked and deleted, who has come to whose atrium, who has moved whose heart, who has not forgotten in the past, can not put down?

Those who once felt that they would be able to enter the palace of marriage were scattered. Those who once envied the relationship between others, grouped visible, changed the avatar, deleted friends, and disappeared to say goodbye. So, how far do you expect to go in a relationship that is sustained by just chatting?

If one person dies, there is no need to hold on again! Let yourself go.~

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