
Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

author:A dad who works hard

Jiaodong cuisine

Jiaodong cuisine originated in Fushan, so it is also known as "Fushan cuisine", also known as "Yantai cuisine". Introduced to Qingdao, Qingdao cuisine inherits the development of Fushan cuisine and becomes a school of its own. Fukuyama is known as the "land of cooking", as the saying goes: "If you want to eat a good meal, go around Fukuyama". Fukuyama cooking industry has a long history, technology has been passed down from generation to generation, a large number of chefs in the Ming and Qing dynasties have been famous in Beijing, and since then Fushan chefs have opened in various places at home and abroad, so that the flavor of Fushan cuisine has spread all over the world. The Liaonan cuisine represented by Dalian cuisine also belongs to Jiaodong cuisine.

It is generally believed that Jiaodong cuisine is known for cooking a variety of seafood, in order to maintain the original taste of the main ingredients as a feature, but in fact, Fukuyama cuisine is extremely widely used, and its flavor is complex and subtle. The dishes are crispy and fragrant, fat but not greasy, the chicken is smooth and tender, and the egg color is amber. The development of Fukuyama cuisine flourished in the 1920s and 1930s, when the cuisine of Jishengguan, the county seat of Fukuyama, could be called typical of Fukuyama cuisine. Jisheng Hall brings together local famous chefs, cooking skills such as frying, slipping, frying, stir-frying, roasting, grilling, stewing, roasting, boiling, mixing, boiling, steaming, frying, smoking, pulling silk, honey juice and so on, and the dishes created are equally important in color, aroma, taste and shape.

One of the most representative dishes are grilled sea cucumber with green onion, braised prawns, braised lotus balls, fish pot slices, Penglai brine donkey meat, steamed gagi fish, and eight immortal feasts

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion

Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion is a special dish in Jiaodong district of Shandong Province (referring to Yantai, Qingdao and other places), which belongs to the Lu cuisine family, which is also one of the top ten characteristic dishes in Qingdao [1]; the dish is imported from Shandong, with water hair sea cucumber and green onion as the main ingredient, its sea cucumber is fresh, soft and smooth, the green onion is fragrant, and there is no juice after eating. It is one of the "Eight Treasures of Ancient and Modern", with mellow aroma and rich nutrition, nourishing the lungs and kidneys.

On September 10, 2018, "Chinese Cuisine" was officially released, and "Roasted Sea Cucumber with Green Onion" was rated as one of the top ten classic dishes in Shandong.

Yuan Ming's "Suiyuan Food List" also contains: "Sea cucumbers do nothing, the sand is more fishy, the most difficult to please, but the nature is thick, and it is impossible to simmer the soup." In view of this, Wang Shizhen, an older generation celebrity chef at Beijing Fortress Garden Restaurant, took the lead in carrying out reforms. In view of the characteristics of sea cucumbers, he adopted the practice of "attacking the thick with thick", using thick juice and strong flavor into it, and the thick color surface outside, so as to achieve the effect of color, fragrance and shape.

Braised prawns

Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

Braised prawns are shandong jiaodong style famous dishes, made of prawns, sugar, chicken soup, etc., the color is rosy and shiny, the shrimp meat is tender and delicious. It has always been a famous dish in Lu cuisine, and its beauty and taste have long been praised by people. Braised prawns, both to taste, but can not rob the original umami taste of seafood.

Jiaodong Peninsula has a long coastline and many seafood delicacies, and shrimp is one of them. According to Hao Yixing's book "Sea Mistakes", the Bohai Sea "has shrimp in the sea, long feet, as big as a child's arm, the fisherman's net, two and two, dry or pickled, the goods are called shrimp." Shrimp travels between the Bohai sea and the Yellow Sea in spring and autumn every year. Shrimp is famous for its thick meat, fresh taste, beautiful color and rich nutrition. According to the analysis, each 100 grams of shrimp contains 20. 6 g, fat 0. 7 grams, calcium 35 mg, phosphorus 150 mg, also contains vitamin A and other nutrients.

Braised lotus pills

Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

Braised lotus pills are one of the local specialties of Jiaodong, characterized by crispy outside, delicious and delicious, light and de-fire. Chinese medicine believes that lotus root is not only delicious in taste but also has medicinal value, and it is of great benefit to the human body when eaten. A dish of balls cooked with braised techniques. It is named because there is fresh lotus root in the main ingredient.

Lotus root taste sweet, flat nature, has the effect of anti-inflammatory and stasis, clearing heat and drying, cough and phlegm. Cooked lotus root has the effect of nourishing the stomach and nourishing the yin, strengthening the spleen and strengthening the qi, and is a good food supplement. Lotus root has a high iron content, so it is quite suitable for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Its sugar is not very high, and it contains a lot of vitamin C and food fiber, which is very beneficial for liver disease, constipation, diabetes and all other people with frailty. Pork is rich in high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, and provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine that promotes iron absorption, which can improve iron deficiency anemia, has the effect of tonifying kidneys and nourishing blood, nourishing yin and moisturizing.

Fish pot slices

Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

Fish pot slices are a characteristic traditional dish in Jiaodong region of Shandong Province. Fish pot seems to be well understood, fish stewed in the pot can be called fish pot; slices are gum oriental dialect, that is, a flat staple food processed mainly from cornmeal, and some places call it cakes.

In this way, it is not enough to call a tortilla

Big pot fillets, why be so wordy. However, slowly, this piece is not a cake, because of the word fish pot, there is a different process and flavor.

Pure corn flour products protein physiological value is not high, if in the proportion of science, add a certain amount of soybean flour, made of corn flour and soybean flour mixed products, the nutritional value of its protein will be greatly improved, almost comparable to beef. This is due to the fact that the lack of lysine in corn protein is compensated by the high lysine contained in soybeans, and the limited methionine in soybean protein is supplemented by the large amount of methionine in corn protein.

Corn is rich in nutrients, containing a lot of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, lecithin and so on. Eating more whole grains is an important means for us to obtain niacin. But in the ordinary way of eating, they can hardly be released at all. Experiments have shown that if you put some baking soda when making cornmeal nests or cooking corn porridge, niacin can release about half of it. At the same time, baking soda can also help preserve the vitamins B1 and B2 in corn and avoid nutrient loss.

Penglai brine donkey meat

Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

Penglai brine donkey meat is a traditional dish in Jiaodong cuisine. Red, transparent, fragrant, tender and refreshing, for the sake of wine and delicacy. There are many sales in urban and rural restaurants, restaurants and farmers' markets.

In the seventh year of Qing Xianfeng (1857), Huang Kaiji was first created outside the south gate of Penglai City, and three generations of specialization, opened shops in Shanghai, Yingkou, Yantai and other places, quite famous, enjoying the reputation of "Penglai brine donkey meat, the world is invincible".

Steamed gagi fish

Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

Steamed Jiaji fish is one of the traditional dishes in Shandong, and the coast of Shandong is rich in Jiaji fish. Original, tender and refreshing, not greasy for a long time, often used as a large dish for high-end feasts. When eating, take ginger and vinegar dishes to dip, the taste is particularly good. After eating, with the soup of head and tail and bone, the second time on the table, appetizing and sobering, the taste is better than the whole fish. This kind of eating method is unique, and other cuisines are very rare, which can be described as a strange flower in the garden.

Gagi fish, scientific name true seabream, is a precious edible fish, All over the coast of Shandong are produced gagi fish, but the best produced in Deng Lai Bay, regardless of quality and taste are superior. Since ancient times, it has been a treasure among fish, and the people often use this to entertain guests. The scholar Hao Yixing wrote in "Remembering the Mistakes of the Sea": "There are fish in the Deng Lai Sea, the body is plump, the scales are purple, the tail is red, the fat is fat, and its skull and eyes are more plump and tasseled, and it has a good taste." "Gagi fish mainly eat shellfish and crustaceans in the sea, and their flesh is solid and delicate, white and tender, fat, and pure in taste, especially its head is mellow because of its gumy content. Therefore, in Jiaodong, Jiaji fish has the habit of "eating one fish and two eating". The gargi fish is served with the whole tail, and the meat is about to be stabbed into the pot soup with the head and bones, which is the most delicious and is a good taste for decanting after the feast. Folk legend has it that "Gagi head, mackerel tail, knife fish belly sturgeon mouth", saying that fish in the sea, so that the four things are the most beautiful.

Feast of the Eight Immortals

Jiaodong cuisine of the three major cuisines of Lu cuisine

Eight immortals across the sea

Penglai Eight Immortals Feast, also known as Eight Immortals Cuisine, is a local traditional dish in Shandong Province, belonging to the Lu cuisine family.

Platter production imitation of the eight immortals across the sea used treasures to spell the pattern, vivid and chic, exquisite craftsmanship, plates and plates have mythological allusions, not only delicious taste, but also ornamental fun; hot dishes cooking is more exquisite, presenting Penglai many scenic spots, ingenious; hot soup is made of eight kinds of seafood and chicken soup, the taste is delicious and peculiar.

Penglai has the legend of "eight immortals crossing the sea", based on this, in 1989, the chef of Penglai Hotel created a new "Eight Immortals Feast": with prawns, sea cucumbers, scallops, sea crabs, red snails, real silk and other sea treasures as the main raw materials, it is composed of 8 platters, 8 hot dishes and 1 hot soup. Platter production imitation of the eight immortals across the sea used treasures to spell the pattern, vivid and chic, exquisite craftsmanship, plates and plates have mythological allusions, not only delicious taste, but also ornamental fun; hot dishes cooking is more exquisite, presenting Penglai many scenic spots, ingenious; hot soup is made of eight kinds of seafood and chicken soup, the taste is delicious and peculiar. "Eight Immortals Banquet" is a reserved full table for the wine banquet category of Penglai High-end Hotel.

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