
The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine

author:Huangxian dialect

The Son once said, "Take people by their appearance, and lose their sons and feathers." If you take seafood by appearance, there must be sea intestines that are lost.

Most people who see sea intestines for the first time will feel scary and disgusting:

The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine
The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine

Sea intestines

It is like a huge curved cockroach, the body is cylindrical, twenty or thirty centimeters long, the mouth can be retracted and closed like a fox's one-eyed, purple-red body surface is smooth and soft (so the sea intestine is also called "red sea intestine" to distinguish it from the gray-white of the sand intestine; also called "cotton intestine", to distinguish it from the stiff and elastic of the sand sausage), covered with mucus, and constantly squirming and moving. If you touch it, you'll have nightmares, let alone eat it. Only people who often live by the sea can see its essence through the appearance: like shrimp and crabs, sea intestines are also sea treasures that do not need seasoning and have their own delicious properties.

Kangxi's "Chronicle of Fushan County" records: "The sea intestine, similar to the intestine, hence the name. Its taste is comparable to that of the Min river Yaozhu and the seashore of Duyi. Some must be in the winter moon, the night is steep and the wind is crazy, and it is lost to the cave, and drifts to the coast with the waves. The natives pick it up and the goods are in the city. Non-forced also. Qing Hao Yixing's "Remembering the Sea Mistake" has a more detailed description of the sea intestine: "Shaped like an earthworm and large, long enough to be a foot, the earth color is reddish, a bundle of flesh, there is a kind of beard, cover its head also." The cave is at the bottom of the deep sea, and the hole is made in the sand, such as the dwelling of the grasshopper, about two feet into the sand. The head is at the mouth of the hole, and the worm passes by, sucking and swallowing it. The remains of the arrow are also made of fine holes, and people do not see it. The intestines are as thin as a line and can be long. At night, when they go out of the cave to forage for food, the intestinal pedicle is tied to the mouth of the cave, and it is still better than Xiao, or it is affected by wind and waves, drifting off the intestines, and perching on the shore, which is a benefit for people. Looking at his abdomen, the blood was in full bloom. The sea people are also happy. Or remove its blood and dry, its skin is eaten with warm water, finely cut off the soup, and the taste is also in the middle. "The seacrew list ringed stingrays, belonging to the family Officinalis, lives in the intertidal zone of the seashore mud and sand banks and shallow water beaches, and lives in cave dwellings, and the caves are similar to bamboo clams (known as "sea finger tendons" in Huangxian dialect), in the shape of a "U". The sea intestine feeds on benthic algae and organic detritus, and has a pair of yellow-brown hook-like bristles at the back of its mouth, and eleven or two tail bristles at the end of the body, arranged in a single ring, so it is named "single ring thorn mite". The tail bristles are used to hold the body in place in caves, and the bristles at the mouth are responsible for hooking the seabed, stretching the body as far as possible to find food, sometimes growing to more than a meter. Hao Shi did not understand this principle, thinking that it was to "tie the intestine to the hole, which is still worse than Xiao", and when encountering wind and waves, "drift off the intestines and perch on the shore". During the Kangxi Dynasty, the famous poet and Boshan zhao Zhixin wrote a poem "The Famous Sea Intestine Eaters of the Sea Eaters As a Slogan" when he traveled east to Dengzhou: "The yueguo beauty has an empty tongue, and the autumn wind prince has no intestine." If the sea is made into a defecation abdomen, the size of the waist is not easy to measure. "It is also believed that the sea intestine is left to go out alone, which shows that this concept has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The actual situation is that when encountering a big tide or a big wind and wave, the tail of the sea intestine cannot be anchored, and it is wrapped up on the shore, so experienced seaside people will run to the beach early in the morning after the big wind and waves, and may pick up a few sea intestines that rush ashore.

The best way to eat fresh sea intestines is of course to kill, use scissors to cut off the bristles on both ends of the sea intestines (some unscrupulous shopkeepers in order to save, actually cut from the outside of the bristles, chew to the hard bristles when eating, the heart is very hard, just like in the dream to kiss the eyebrows, but accidentally kissed the big man with stubble), wash the internal organs and blood, scratch it with vinegar, and then quickly pour into the water, one can remove the mucus on the surface of the body, and the second is that the taste will be crisp.

The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine

Kill sea intestines

Horseradish plus vinegar and flavor is very fresh, dipped and eaten, delicious taste with spicy filled in the mouth, once eaten can never forget.

The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine

Stir-fried sea sausages with leeks

Spring head knife leeks, is the freshest of the vegetables, take to fry the sea intestines, the two fresh, fresh do not want. When frying, you should stir-fry quickly, otherwise the sea intestines will become rubber bands when they are fried.

The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine

Leek sea sausage dumplings

Sea intestine leek stuffed dumplings wrap all the delicious inside, which is called the leader of seafood dumplings.

The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine

Grilled sea sausages

The grilled sea sausage in the barbecue shop is the most seaside seafood barbecue, the sea sausage is crisp and tender, and a bite and a bag of soup are the best heat.

In the past, the largest restaurant in old Beijing was the big restaurant zhuangzi named "XX Hall" that hosted the red and white celebrations, as well as the eight residences and the eight buildings, most of which were Shandong restaurants. In addition, there are not the name of the church, building, residence of The Fortress Garden, Zhi Mei Zhai, Cheap Fang, Quanjude, etc., are also opened by Shandong people, it can be said that Shandong restaurants occupy an overwhelming advantage in Beijing famous restaurants. Shandong cuisine is divided into two schools, Jiaodong and Jiaoxi, also known as "Dongpai" and "Xipai". Dongpai is mainly based on seafood, and is good at frying, frying, grilling, slipping, and steaming, highlighting the original flavor and preferring lightness. Xipai takes soup as the freshness of the taste, frying, stir-frying, burning, steaming, frying, is its strength, in addition to clear, fresh, crisp, tender at the same time has a strong taste. Before Cantonese cuisine entered Beijing, when old Beijingers mentioned eating seafood, they meant eating Jiaodong cuisine. I heard an old man say that Jiaodong cuisine is so popular, and there is a little secret hidden here: in the past, Fushan was a place where chefs came out, and many Jiaodong restaurants in Beijing were in charge of Fushan people. Jiaodong area is the largest production area of sea intestines, the northern coast of Fushan is rich in sea intestines, these masters before going to Beijing, will use tiles to dry the sea intestines, grind into powder in small bottles, sprinkle them when cooking, improve fresh and flavor. There is a scientific principle here, the sea intestine is rich in a variety of flavored amino acids, which in turn to the content of glutamic acid as the highest, cooking, free glutamic acid molecules and sodium chloride react to produce sodium glutamate, which is also the main component of monosodium glutamate, so the sea intestine can be called "natural monosodium glutamate". In the past, when condiments were not yet popular, sea intestine powder stirred people's still pure taste buds with its extremely delicious taste, and it was difficult for Jiaodong cuisine to be popular.

In the Huangxian dialect, the sea intestine has a not-so-elegant name "sea chicken", which is said to have the effect of warming the liver and kidneys, aphrodisiac and solid essence, especially suitable for men to eat. Over the years, people pay attention to health, and the sea intestines have also changed from frightening ugly monsters to new favorites on the table, and the price has doubled several times, and now it is more than a hundred pounds, and there is no price.

The sea intestines that look ugly in the sky are the secrets of Jiaodong cuisine

Sea intestines pumped

In the past, people mainly caught sea intestines by using special small shovels at low tide (narrow and long, which can be quickly inserted into the sand to prevent the sea intestines from retracting back into the depths of the sand cave), and now a kind of pump has been invented, which is particularly easy to use on the tidal flats and shallow waters at low tide, most of them are made of stainless steel, about a meter long, find the opening of the sea intestines, insert and smoke, and the sea intestines are sucked out before they understand what is going on. There is also a characteristic of the sea intestine, that is, after settlement, it rarely moves the position, because it is full of protein, without a little protection, out of the hole has become a moving sausage, these years of seawater pollution, land reclamation on the sea intestine has a great impact, coupled with wild fishing, the number of wild sea intestines fell sharply. Jiaodong Peninsula, as the main production area of sea intestines, has the responsibility and obligation to vigorously carry out artificial breeding of sea intestines, after all, this is the most suitable place for sea intestines to live.

Some of the pictures are quoted from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author