
Susan Miller_ Horoscope of December 29, 2021


Today you may be in the mood to travel with friends. As you discuss plans to go abroad to see friends or visit relatives, you may be excited about the coming months. The passionate Mars is propelled today by the ambitious Saturn, which can make you feel uneasy and eager to change the landscape. Education can also be an important moment, so if you're eager to expand your knowledge, you may receive some good news today or tomorrow.


The ambitious plan could be approved today. You have solid, reliable Saturn fighting in your corners, reminding you that the world is yours, and the enthusiasm of Mars in your eighth treasury can also give you a welcome push in the right direction. If you are waiting for news of a loan or investment, you should have a surprise. Teachers, siblings, or older relatives can offer invaluable advice, even if at first you disagree with what they say.


Your relationship with your partner today may be very passionate, or if you want to meet someone who is interesting, the signs are very positive. A passionate, active Mars is passing through your partnership zone, and if you get stuck, it will give you a glimmer of hope. You may need to move quickly to seize any fleeting opportunities, but your efforts will pay off. Since your energy levels may be higher than normal, you may benefit from going to bed early.


Today you should have the passion and perseverance to break through any obstacles in your life path. Impatient Mars, blinking at the ambitious Saturn, is passing through your habits and work palace. At this point, you may see a broader perspective and appreciate a well-designed action plan. You should be brave enough to defend yourself, but also relax a bit.


It's a wonderful day with friends or partners on a project. Straightforward, fast-moving Mars is in the creative zone of your astrolabe, where he pays homage to the ambitious Saturn in your buddy house. Teamwork will help you achieve your goals, and you may get excitement from working so closely with the people you care about. Clear communication is the key to success, so make sure you both agree.


Today, you may want to advance plans for your family and family. Mars at the bottom of your astrolabe, ignite your passion to build a safe home base or reconnect with people you've lost touch with. Since enthusiastic Mars is now meeting responsible Saturn, you may enjoy a useful mix of powerful and enduring energies that will take you quickly to your goal. Your family and friends will also be excited about your plans and will be very inspiring.


This is the perfect time to tell someone how you feel. To achieve maximum success, it's best to focus on the message you want to convey. The determined Saturn is traveling in a romantic and creative area of your astrolabe and is now beckoning to the passionate Mars that he is in your communication area. Just be honest and direct, as this refreshing approach can have unexpected uplifting effects on people you really like.


Today, creative ways to make your money spend more may come to mind. As the active Mars passes through your second financial house, you may feel a rush of energy that helps you rethink how to make money and spend it. Practical Saturn will also play a role today, possibly offering some useful advice, some interesting information or help in the form of a boss, older relative, or teacher.


This should be an inspiring day when you find that your goals are closer than you realize. Since Mars is in Sagittarius, a little push in the right direction may be all you need to create a positive action snowball. In your communication house, a wise Saturn can get things on track and help you find the right persuasive tone to get others to notice. You may find yourself in the right place at the right time today.


Your dreams, fantasies and imagination will be greatly enhanced today. Passion Mars is in a creative and emotional region on your astrolabe and can be difficult to express your feelings in words. Today it's best to draw, watch a movie, or listen to music, which is soothing and helps you come up with some wonderful ideas. Discreet Saturn is now also in sync with Mars, which may help you develop financially sound ideas because they are beautiful.


During this time, you can join a group or club, or form a group of your own. Mars turns his happy energy into your social life, with the help of the ambitious Saturn in Aquarius. This could be the perfect combination of planetary energies that encourage you to participate in what you believe in. Today, it's likely that you'll be easy to convince someone to help you succeed, so accept the invitation and be willing to meet new faces – they could change your life.


You may have ambitious plans today. Your hopes and desires for the future are very clear, as the driven Mars synchronizes with the hard-working Saturn in your career area. A little encouragement can boost your self-confidence and remind you to have skills and talents that others don't have. Focus on what you love to do, rather than being satisfied with things you don't. Maybe there are fewer opportunities, but you now have the perseverance to achieve any noble goal.

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