
Weekly Horoscope: Chris July 2 - July 8, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: Chris July 2 - July 8, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: Chris July 2 - July 8, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

★★★ Be believing ★★★

On July 2, Neptune retrogrades, and hopes and wishes are dashed before your eyes. It's disappointing to say the least, but like all retrogrades, it's how the stars test you to see if you're truly committed to the path you're on. The dreams you have when you sleep are not the same as your dreams about the future.

Nighttime dreams tend to be disorganized – and need to be explained to understand. Your dreams for the future are Neptune's. They will motivate you to make a difference and give your all to your vision. If this week's disillusionment has shattered your fighting spirit, then perhaps your vision isn't as strong in the first place. At the end of the day, it may just be your wishful thinking.

However, if this setback sparks your brainstorming and makes you try different ways to bridge the gap between the ideas in your head and reality – then Neptune's retrograde is playing its part. Visualization is the first step to achieving this, and you'll find it when Neptune returns direct on December 7.

★★★★ Aries ★★★★

People born under the sign of Aries are often accused of being impatient, but no one can argue with the way you bend over and bow in order to make a situation work. Whether it's holding the hand of a hesitant boss, accommodating a last-minute reschedule, or giving someone "space," it's time to move on. Obviously, you'll give them another chance to commit, but if they can't, then the Mars/Saturn sextile on July 5 is the perfect time to shut down. Don't worry about not having a chance. When Mercury sextile Jupiter on July 8, you'll find a lot of people or buyers.

★★★ Taurus ★★★

You won't make your own decisions unless you have to. Taurus tends to support those in power and will go to great lengths to avoid wavering. You prefer things to run smoothly. However, it seems that what began as benign neglect has deteriorated into a situation that needs to be salvaged urgently. Thankfully, Mars' sextile to Saturn on July 5 gives you the time and permission to do what needs to be done to rectify the situation. You may not get the credit you deserve for saving the situation, but as long as things get back to normal, that's fine.


Are you making too many trade-offs when it comes to climbing the ladder of success? On July 2, Neptune is retrograde at the top of your solar chart, and you'll ask this question. Sometimes, in our quest to be the best version of ourselves, we get too focused on the end and forget the means. It's not too late to go back and compensate those who helped you. All it takes is a phone call or a text message, and they'll show up. They'll be happy to hear from you.

★★★ Cancer ★★★★

Neptune retrograde on July 2 is best understood by imagining a wave crashing onto the shore with lightning speed and then retracting into its embrace. You may feel like you've pulled back from all the progress you've made in recent weeks, but you're actually building up strength to move forward for the extraordinary. Fall 2024 will be the time when you are at home and unstoppable, so don't let the evaporation of opportunity fool you. They're just bubbling foam. This is Neptune's way of wiping the slate so that you can start over and pick yourself up again.

★★★ Leo ★★★

With Mercury in Leo, you'll feel like you're back to being yourself. No more careful choice of words, no more childlike gloves to deal with people, no more gestures to communicate. You can speak straight and walk the talk. However, frankness goes both ways. If you can speak your mind, so can others. This sounds good in theory, until you have to sit there and listen to headache-inducing speeches, self-absorbed compliments, and chattering monologues with no room for commentary. In fact, it's also a good idea to relive Mercury's vows of silence when it was in Cancer. From July 2 to 25, Mercury is in Leo.

★★★ Virgo ★★★

Neptune is retrograde on July 2, which means that your romantic object will make some vanishing moves over the next 5 months. They may be on a business trip for work, asked to complete unfinished business in a previous relationship, or asked to take on family obligations that require their full attention. In any case, you have to wait for them. That's a tall demand considering you've waited for their 'no-shows' many times in the past, but rest assured, this person is different – and you'll see it for yourself when you reunite in December.

★★★ Libra ★★★★

The seeds of doubt have been planted, and it's impossible to ignore how much space they occupy in your heart. It's true that you're not an adversarial person, but you're a conversational person, which means July 2 is a good time to sit down and discuss issues. Be warned, you won't like everything you hear. There are a lot of disgraceful facts, and I hope you will take this opportunity to share some of your own opinions. At the end of the day, no matter how big the problem is, you are committed to this association, and you will find a way to make it work.

★★★ Scorpio ★★★

Scorpio's motto is "Never forgive, never forget". Your anger at life's injustices while refusing to let go of the culprits allows you to remain strong when others give in. But there will come a time in life when anger is no longer useful. Maybe it's lost its purpose and meaning, and maybe you've gained a deeper understanding of why people do things the way they do. Regardless, the Mars/Saturn sextile on July 5 shows that you're ready to let go of long-held grudges and start from scratch – or at least from a mutually agreeable starting point.

★★★ Sagittarius ★★★★

You think the family situation is over, but you're about to discover – just like Al Pacino did in The Godfather 3 – and just when you thought you were out, they pulled you back. Neptune is inherently degenerative in nature, but when it goes retrograde on July 2 and begins to move backwards in the sky, it may create an undercurrent force. When you're caught up in a countercurrent, the rule of thumb is to stop struggling or you'll sink. Go with the flow (like letting things flow from one ear to the other?)

★★★ Capricorn ★★★★

Mars and Saturn are not good planets. Mars is like a belligerent coach who yells at you to work harder, while Saturn is notorious for not giving you a prize when you're about to get it. However, their aspect on July 5 promises to inspire a better nature. Instead of putting you to shame, Mars will give you access to people who can help you help yourself. Saturn will not hinder your efforts, but will show you how to use them. The end result will be that you finally pick yourself up and overcome the obstacles that have held you back for a long time.

★★★★ Aquarius ★★★★

Never underestimate the power of grace under pressure. In this noisy world of quarrels and divisions, it is often the well-mannered people who are more trustworthy. Quietly asserting one's position, or amiably agreeing to dissenting opinions, can demonstrate a sense of authority. On July 3, when Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto in your sign, you may feel challenged in every way, but if you use the strength of your character and clear insight, then you will soon see your critics develop a favorable opinion of your views. You may not build a bridge right away, but at least you've opened the lines of communication.

★★★ Pisces ★★★

The ruling planet Neptune reverses course on July 2, and so do you. It's hard to explain why you're hesitant to move forward with those big plans. Is it your psychic antennae that captures something about the future? Or is your habit of putting things off until the last minute reaffirms its jealousy of your life? Give yourself a few weeks to sort things out. The secret gift of retrograde is to make you walk the path you just walked all over again. This may reveal pearls of wisdom that you overlooked the first time.


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